Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcome to my summer

This morning I headed out in my flip flops about 6am to just walk around the rice paddies where I live. Joolz had asked if I could take some photos of the rice paddies, so I did!

You can see those images for now in my Summer in the country, Japan 2008 Set on Flickr.

The morning sun had not turned the entire area into a raging fireball yet, and the breeze was still pleasant, and not yet a hair dryer set to high in a sauna.

And then I took a very little video. Of me. On my digital camera. This is where my video-whoring origins come from... imagine ME taking maximum 80 second videos!?! Hahahahahaha... Well this is it.


  1. bless that was sat in net cafe its rainey urban outside and for some beautiful minutes i was in i feel tearful lol..nice tears...thank you it made my day with love juliex

  2. *sigh* I love living vicariously through you & your videos. It's beautiful there.
