Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer in the Country, Japan 2008

This is the first photo I took in the morning (about 6am) while the mist was still heavy on the mountains, and the dew on the rice.

I love my inaka "roots" out here in the countryside of Japan. It is soooo different from what everyone in the rest of the world "thinks" Japan is like through watching TV and reading about Tokyo, Osaka, and other big, crowded, concrete, smoggy cities. Don't believe me? Then take a look at where I live! I love you!


  1. Those look like what we call "Elephant Ears." Hhmmm...

  2. This looks like what we call Elephant ear plant.

  3. Does "irst" come before first? ;) You know I love you!!

  4. There. Now nobody will have any idea what you were talking about! (whew!) But do let me know my other typoes. I set this up at Flickr, then imported it here without checking for such typographical errors. I love you, Tornado! Get the Vornado and you'll love me more!

  5. I prefer it as typoe, because it is rather POEtic, POEsque, as in Edgar Allan.

  6. ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Cam had a typo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yes, Carrie. But he always likes to go and correct them when he discovers them, or when they are discovered for him.

  9. Besides... typoe, is much nicer than typae (Taipei).

  10. cept fer one you made me fix cause it was b.a.d.

  11. Oh, that was when you meant to write I LOVE YOU but you accidentally wrote I FUCK YOU?

  12. yep. I remember that. I remember PR, too.... coming up on a year, isn't it! So, in a nutshell, are you enjoying Oregon?

  13. lets have reuinion in PR
    you set the date

  14. whazamadder
    me spellin reuinion not good enuf fer ya

  15. I'd love to, but I must find another destination to head off to next, and other people to visit, hug, snog and clean their kitchen floors! Time waits for no Globalized Kitchen Elf.

  16. mexico right???????????
    lisa and ben are there

  17. That's a Girls Only Venue this time around, and I'm not invited (I'm not a girl, not in this life anyway). That's OK, though as it allows everyone who goes to hang out without having to worry about anything related to men in their midsts. (Then they can go and flirt with all the local boys they want!)

  18. You can dance naked over Pedro too if you so desire...

  19. And as I am sure someone will say, "What goes on in CanCum stays in CanCum."

  20. Man, sometimes it's funny sitting back and being a little fly on the wall! Y'all are FUUUUUUUNNNNY!

  21. i just LUV LUV LUV that mami baby pic of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. gracias él es mi favorito y mi mejor!

  23. You two carry on up the charts. I have some stuff I need to do around the house. Like drink. Water. Lest I evaporate and shrivel up like a retiree in Florida. I luvs you.

  24. LOL Love You Too!

    And Carrie, Yo no hablo español, estoy usando "Traducir Google" para hacer esto.

  25. QUE BUENO!
    no precupe
    yo no sabe mucho en espanol

  26. intiendo cervesa?
    intiendo banos?
    bueno, tu eres bilingue

    without the accent marks i can not make on my laptop

  27. LOL Like I said, I'm having to use "Google Translate" to talk!! HAHA

  28. my mother says if you can order a beer and ask for the bathrooms in any language that makes you bilingual

  29. LMAO Smart!

    I can speak a FEW words in Spanish, and know some sign language...with American English being my main language...does that make me trilingual?? ;)

  30. and ya know da language of LUV right??

  31. I can say "I LOVE YOU" in several languages

  32. Hello!

    Question: when watching the Olympic opening ceremony, were you more excited to see the Japanese delegation or the Canadian???

    Just curiosity......'cause I thought of you @ both moments

    : )

  33. Inesta - Actually, neither excited me but I can tell you that I know the faces of a lot of the Japanese delegation because I've grown up with them and they do tons of marketing and commercials with them when Mayu plays the TV every morning at breakfast.

    When I saw the Canadians, I thought... "that's a lot of white people." And that's about it.

    I love you.

  34. The Canadian uniform was cute. I loved the little red caps!

    I don't think i caught the Japanese delegation.

    The opening scene with those (what seemed like) billion drummers was awesome!

    And the kids...OMG is there anything cuter than an Asian kid???

    It's not PC... but it's true.

  35. You realize you almost made me spit out my coffee!!!!!

  36. I'm sorry, Tornado. I guess I did not live up to my coffee-spitting standard. I apologize.

  37. Beautiful country... it actually–with the exception of the rice paddies–reminds me a lot of the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains just west of me.

  38. such vast open dont ned an au pair do you lol

  39. lovely how long have you lived over there?

  40. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww it looks absoloutley wonderful..saving my pennies!!

  41. hard work but well worth his efforts huhxx

  42. lovely..i feel like a little mouse looking up through the rice!!!

  43. well this answered my question how long you lived there lol...sorry numpty can you refesh me...

  44. bet that is lovely celebration reminds me as a child of the hay harvesting...and teh gathering afterwards with the farmer to eat and restxx

  45. yes its lovely..your so part of nature..the homes are interesting shapes toox

  46. Jools, what is the "x" and "xx" that you put at the end of all of your comments?

  47. nice lovely fried in olive oil in slices with a chilli tomato sauce turkish stylex

  48. nice are there many differnet nationalities in the community?

  49. well captured as the bee goes to the flower

  50. nice..two stable e,
    lement i should guess in the diet?

  51. very true you have villiage life with the city folk running through it..excellent picturexx

  52. NO! I almost spit b/c I was LAUGHING! It was FUNNY! (I don't spit or almost spit very often so it's a compliment!)

  53. x xx is with love dont you do that in japan lol...means comment and thoughts sent with lovexx

  54. Tornado - I know. I was apologizing that I didn't do a good enough job. You should have spit out your coffee all over your monitor, but I only took you to "almost" which, in my eyes, is like getting 58% on a test. Sigh... I'll try better next time.

  55. I like this picture. It is a beautiful color.

  56. Really like this sunflowers.

  57. my landlord has plants with huge leaves that look just like these. I wonder if they are potatos now. wonder if they even know.

  58. i found the name Taro root in reading about the Elephant Ear... i've heard ot Taro, but never realized it was the same thing!
    do they refer to it in this term, Cam?

    learn something new everyday.

    glad i came back here... i forgot about looking it up before.

  59. They are pretty close, Jen. The taro root is what they use to make poi in Polynesia.
