Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Globalized Love Collection
Welcome to the Globalized Love Collection of goods and paraphernalia that every Globalized Lover needs to seriously look into in order to tell the world, "IGLU!!" or "I AM" (if you are an Internet Axe Murderer!)

Stefnee & Scooter have taken our Unconditional Love one step further with this Globalized Love Shop of clothing, novelty goods and more!

Take a look at the Globalized Love Community Mascots P1 and P2! Aren't they just the cutest things? These little guys are the offspring of T1 and T2's Penguin Paradise that they have been working on and sending around the world to everyone in our community Don't you love these guys?

Remember how we joke about getting together as Internet Axe Murderers? Well now anybody can "join the club" and pick up a T-shirt or two and lay claim to being a true Internet Axe Murderer. Now you can say with pride, "YES, I AM!!" (in two different ways!)

So please go ahead and support our Globalized Love Community by sharing your love to the world, and giving others the opportunity to ask you, "What the hell are you wearing???" What a great way to "melt the globalized ice"! Global Warming ain't got nuthin on our heaps of burning love!

And at the same time you are Sharing the Love, you can also be supporting the efforts of two of my all-time FAVOURITE STARVING artists : Stefnee & Scooter ... and their perpetually growing (and equally starving) kids!

Keep up the great work, the wonderful dialogue, and OMG I think I'm going to have to buy seven or eight of these things!!!



  1. What a great idea... very cute. I will have to order. Its so funny how the whole axe murder thing has taken off... I remember last year just joking around about it in Tokyo, but now a year later here you two are taking it many steps further... how cool!

    I am sure the boys are excited to see their little penguins becoming celebs...LOL talk about a great show and tell!

  2. Cam
    did you copyright the IGLU
    and the logo????
    please do!

  3. i checked and the shipping is pretty reasonable!

  4. I guess Scooter should put a little circle c around the IGLU and the mascots, too.... Scooter? Can you do that? All we have to do is say

    THESE ITEMS ARE COPYRIGHT and then they are ours. We also have by right of law displayed them before anyone else as well which makes them ours by law. As far as I know...

  5. noooo
    we are all usung the term on our blogs
    get a copyright
    but either delete my comments or close this blog to the public
    cause someone else might beat you to it!

  6. WOW!!!

    When did this all come about??/

    And the penguins too??

    That was just last month... you got shirts and all tis so fast.


  7. Carrie, from what I have learned, we don't need to officially register it because once we have it in this form, it is officially ours. They can't beat us to it, because that would mean they would have to prove that they created it before we officially did with these goods. And they can't do that.

  8. Jen - The cafepress system is awesome. It's the same system that Matt uses for his goods. You create the logos, words, etc, and then choose the items you want them on. The system puts them on an image and then puts them in a store. When someone orders them, cafe press has them made, and ships them to the customer. Very verycool. You guys could even do that with your spa.

    Scott has been working very very hard on designing all these penguins and logos and stuff. And Stefnee has been working through the nights to get that page all set up, choosing what she wants to sell and getting it all looking pretty. They did a fantastic job, don't you think?

    I'm just the spell checker....

  9. Who pays for the merchandise initially? How is the transaction done? Do we have to pay for the stuff up front? Do we split a share with CafePress?

    Guess i'll go look it over.Not that i have anyTHING to sell.

    Can't telegraph a massage to people unfortunately.

  10. Jen - I'll let Stefnee explain it to you since she is now a pro of that system.

    Snuff - Maybe you could wear it as a bandana!

  11. love the axe murder t no one out in the world is weird only if your on the net lol..great merchandise love the doggy t shirt .

  12. Julie - Please participate! Order something!!!

  13. I didn't see a thong!!! I must have one!!

  14. Yep. A nice little "whitey tighty thong"

  15. i dont have pay pal..but if i can arrange somthing i will..for sure...

  16. Hey Jenny... it's really pretty simple... the site is honestly not that easy to navigate, until you get the hang of it.. but you need a design, the merchandise is a base price and you choose how much you want to mark it up. (I did a straight mark up on all shirts of $5) and then ... that's my profit. It's not a huge money making thing.. but.. I didn't make them for the money! I made them for the love!! I applied for an EIN# for my Fabric Goddess stuff and used that # to register with them.. and they'll send me a check once a month with my profits. (your spa should have it's own EIN#)

    If you do it and don't have an EIN#, you get your money at the end of the year, minus taxes.

  17. Jools, the system also takes credit cards so you can do it that way, too.

  18. Only if I've been drinking too much, and that hasn't happened for quite a long time. :o)

  19. Thanks Stef, but i don't think i want to do it for my spa.

    I don't wish to make more money for her. If i find anything i could use for my own business with Sue i would consider that.

    So it's basically all pre-made merchandise that you add YOUR logo or brand to, correct?

    Going back to check out the merchandise later... now it's Back to da Beach!

  20. What about shirts that say "Free Hugs" and/or "Free Snogs" since we are all so fond of that?

  21. OMG..awesome!! I got to get me a shirt soon since I am going out on my own axe murder conventions. my advatar here was taken from one I went on locally.
    IGLU all! *muah*

  22. cam dont have credit card either lol..poor soul all in cash....ill find a way...can give friedn cash she can purchse for mex

  23. Well dang! I was hoping to order a hoodie for my kid, but even the smallest would swallow him (he's in a 3-4T) Hhmmm...

  24. well.. the small is a size 6-8... room to grow...?

  25. LOL That's what I was thinking.

    He's about 37-38 inches and abut 30-31 lbs

  26. Tornado - Before you know it he will be "firefighter" size and you'll be struggling to keep up!

  27. LOL I KNOW!
    There are days when I wish he'd stop growing, and days where I rejoice in what he is becoming!

    The fact that I'm about to turn 30 doesn't bother me in the least! What kills me is my nephew turning 20!!! *GASP*

  28. OMG!!! This is soooooooooooooo super awesome!!! Yaaaay! Great job!!!!! Whoooo hooooo!!!

  29. Lisa - BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!!!!


  30. I'm so excited! I placed an order for an entire truckload of things! Yaaaay! .... well, maybe not a truckload, but a box, a BIG box of stuff! Oh Okok, maybe not a big box.. but ...well ok ok SIX things. I ordered SIX THINGS!

    And I'm so excited!!!

  31. I was thinking the same thing, Amb!

    I love the Canadian multiple OK thing he does.

  32. It's either CaNadian or CaMadian.. you're the only guy i know who does it to that extent...

    and yes.. it's so cute!
