Saturday, August 30, 2008

Meet the Kingbird

Allison Strine Designs has a store on Etsy that you can reach by visiting her at Allison Strine Designs.

When I saw her amazing pendants that my friends were purchasing, I realized that I wanted one. The only problem was that they were all for girls! As if guys don't wear pendants?? Come on! We can be metrosexual you know! Some of us like more than just baseball caps and beer cans as accessories!

So I wrote Allison and ordered my own custom pendant from the LadyBird collection with one or two little modifications. I wanted it to be for a boy, so she made me a KingBird!

I love you Allison!


  1. Kingbird...


    You are the king of your wonderful Universe.

    I'm just glad to be in it with you and all the others.

    I love you, Mou!

  2. Did you ... or Allison, name him Quantum?

    Got lots of extra work... and tios , these past two weeks.

    Think i WILL get me one....Yay!

  3. Hi Jen! I'm glad you like it! I really love it! I saw that Phoebe (the girl pendants) all had a crown and they are the LadyBirds, so when Allison sent me the boy's version with a crown, I decided to call it the KingBird. She loved it!

    Then I told her I needed a unique name, so she called him Q and put the little Q on his tunic. There are little electrons zipping around the globe as you can see. I wanted those because those are the quantum electrons I talked about in a previous blog... remember?

    I like the fact that she called him Q because Q comes after P. And you know what? Personally I think that when they say in the bible that God created Adam first, then Eve... that was his one big mistake. He should have created woman first (the superior half) and THEN man after. Isn't it obvious? Women are so superior to men in the most basic of facts that cannot be denied to anyone: they have the ability to give life. No matter how strong, or tough or powerful men THINK they are, they will never be equal to women (which is why in our society they use their power to put women down, unfortunately - it is because of their damn egos and fear of women I believe).

    Anywhoo... God screwed up by making Man first. BUT Allison fixed that by making Q AFTER P!

  4. It is so fun to see more Esty stuff that people are making. I love the pendant it seems to fit you well. I also really like your meto sexual Pink shirt. I have a few more items to finish and then I will get my esty store up as well.

  5. Rachel - Yaaay you! I love that you love my pink tank!!! (it looked better on my three months ago before I atrophied from not working out, but that's life, I guess.... )

  6. Cam... God made man first... He was the prototype... like.. when I make a practice bunny before making the better.. final.. far superior one...

  7. Cam-I think that you look fabulous in pink even if you have not worked out in three months. Guys in pink is that cool double take " is that a guy or a girl" kind of a thing. Playing with people minds.

  8. Men...

    God's First Draft!


  9. Stefnee - Well, it was a pretty crappy prototype...... I wouldn't have ordered the product if I had seen THAT prototype!

    Rachel - Damn, woman I LOVE how you think!

    Jen - Hahahahaha.

  10. You just like me cause I think that you are nice looking in pink. And I'm OK with that.

  11. No... I like you because you have an amazing lean hard gorgeous body full of shape and muscle and femininity, and your laugh is absolutely contageous, and your eyes and your smile could meelt a bazillion icebers!

    Not to mention your unforgettable snogs and hugs... whew!

  12. I'm soOo glad you got one!! Post the picture of the front so we all can see flashed so quickly in the movie. I might want to get one for Greg.


  13. I love the personal notes she sends and the added touches - isn't it perfect?

  14. Abby - Really? Drat! I thought I gave it plenty of time.

    I added the front and the back to my Globalized Love album here:

    Jaime - It IS!

  15. I heart this and you too! You and Allison did great in creating the perfect pendant!

  16. Abby, I fiddled a bit more and put the image right here in the intro to the video. Do you think that will make it easier for others to enjoy?

    Thanks for the compliment!
