Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Link Between Cancer & Heart Disease: An Afternoon with Brian Peskin

OK OK OK... I KNOW I'm supposed to be working on that newsletter... but I am so damn excited about this event I just have to share it with you!!!
For anyone living in California, northern to be more specific, like right out of Fairfax... you absoluely MUST take the time to go and see my mentor Brian Peskin speak! He is so unbelievably compelling, and his live talks put his amazing books to shame!
Brian will be having a FREE talk at the Pine Street Foundation on Saturday Sep 20th from 4-6pm and if you can get your tush there, please do!
The following information comes from the Pine Street Foundation Events Page
I soooooo wish I could attend this!!!
Get informed, get REALLY healthy, and STAY REALLY HEALTHY!
I love you!
P.S. Be sure to scroll down the list of people at the end. You will see that it's not just ME who says that Brian's knowledge on this topic is revolutionary and mind blowing. I am telling you... you HAVE to get his books... yesterday!  (get them at - you won't find them in the library (you have to pay for life-altering value folks, and you won't find them on Amazon, or in other major bookstores. I'm telling you this now so you don't take months "looking around" for a better deal. You simply WILL NOT FIND a better deal on your LIFE than reading his two books, "The Hidden Story of Cancer", as well as "The 24 Hour Diet". I SHIT YOU NOT.)
* * * * * * * * * * *
The Link Between Cancer & Heart Disease:
An Afternoon with Brian Peskin, B.Sc.,
author of The Hidden Story of Cancer

Saturday, September 20th, 2008 - 4pm to 6pm - San Rafael, California


The Pine Street Foundation is pleased to welcome Brian Peskin, BSc, to Marin County to present his discoveries and new book, The Hidden Story of Cancer.

In this engaging talk, Peskin will challenge conventional wisdom about cancer and heart disease prevention, arguing that the last half-century of research has, unfortunately, been misguided and has yielded few positives as a consequence.

With a background in engineering from MIT and a passion for the sciences, Peskin has meticulously studied the work of Nobel Prize-winner Otto Warburg, MD, PhD, on the metabolism of cancer. Peskin will explain Warburg's discovery of cancer's prime cause in understandable, practical terms. Particularly compelling is Brian's discovery of the connection between cancer and heart disease.

Through a thorough understanding of Warburg's research and by “connecting the dots” in a unique way, Peskin will persuasively defend Warburg's findings, describe how normal cells become cancerous, and will make recommendations for how people can successfully defend against this process. Peskin's approach is now being utilized by physicians around the world.

If more cancer researchers, clinicians, and patients would put this theory into practice, Peskin argues the usefulness of future research would be vastly improved and patients would experience better treatment outcomes.


“The Hidden Story of Cancer is an important work for those who are unfamiliar with Warburg’s theories. Its program deserves serious study by doctors and patients contemplating alternative cancer therapies.” 
— Jonathan Collin, MD, for Townsend Letter (August/September 2007)

“One of the most significant health discoveries of the 21st century. It is extraordinary.”
— S. Cavallino, M.D. (Emergency Physician), Reggio, Emilia, Italy

“Earth-Shattering and Historically Significant.”
— D Sim, M.D. (Interventional Cardiologist), Boise, Idaho

“Everyone should read this book and follow the recommendations.”
— F. Hajar, M.D. (Pediatric Cancer Specialist), Orlando, Florida
“Impeccable research and novel insights of sheer genius. Brian’s accomplishment is singular—elegant science showing how proper use of EFAs is the missing link for practical application of Otto Warburg’s discovery. This knowledge is priceless for your future health.”
— B. Vonk, M.D. (Board certified: Radiologist, Internist, and Cardiologist), Norfolk, Nebraska
“Physicians and their patients around-the-world owe you a big ‘thank you.’ As a family and integrative physician, I carefully read your information and articles paying close attention to your references. I am an enthusiastic supporter of your program. Dr. Atkins’ first book started me on this path and you provide the missing information—the missing links and scientific support—that eluded Dr. Atkins. I am strongly recommending this book to all my patients.”
— Angelo A. Della Pietra, M.D., D.O. Family and Integrative Medicine Poughkeepsie, NY

“An amazing insight into EFAs that everyone needs to know.”
— Robert Jay Rowen, M.D. Editor-in-Chief: Second Opinion Newsletter International

“Impeccable research and novel insights of sheer genius. Brian’s accomplishment is singular—no groups, no public money, only elegant science showing how proper use of EFAs is the missing link for practical application of Otto Warburg’s discovery. This knowledge is priceless for your future health.”
— Brian N. Vonk, MD Board certified: Internist, Cardiologist, Radiology Norfolk, NB
“We are honored to have Brian Peskin as a member of the faculty. His nutritional discoveries and practical applications through Life-Systems Engineering [Science] are unprecedented.”
— James Douglas, President Texas Southern University (1998-1999) Houston, TX
“The most insightful quantum nutritionist of our age brings us the most insightful nutritional discovery of the 21st century! No one else is even close to matching his deep insight and understanding.”
— Robert Nemer, D.O. Cosmetic Laser Physician Columbia, MO
“To save your health and your life you must read this information. This information has transformed me, my practice and my patients. I have followed the information on essential fats for the past 25 years, but my patients did not see the results that the researchers reported. This discovery makes sense and finally patients are reporting improvements. I hope other physicians will become aware of this ground-breaking information.”
— Abram Ber, M.D. Homeopathic Physician/Preventive Medicine Scottsdale, AZ
“This information could prove to be one of the most significant health discoveries of the 21st century. It is extraordinary. Finally, an effective and practical program of cancer prevention. Brian Peskin has put together a programthat must be called ‘brilliant.’ It is a must... for all.”
— Stephen Cavallino, M.D. Emergency Physician Reggio Emilia, Italy
“Earth-shattering and historically significant.”
— David Sim, M.D. Interventional Cardiologist Boise, ID
“The most brilliant and exhilarating portrayal of researched truths ever published that is necessary for health and survival. This information is a MUST for everyone who wants to live disease-free.”
— Dawn “Medicine” Wolf, M.D., Ph.D. Homeopathic Physician/Preventative Medicine Sedona, AZ
“I refused to endorse any specific nutritional supplements until reading this information. Peskin’s discovery has completely changed my view on supplement recommendations; especially as it pertains to what the human body demands and requires....”
— Richard Thompson, D.C. Family Practice Omaha, NE
“In the last ninety-three years, there have been only two monumental works that have succeeded in explaining the actual cause and treatment of cancer: No. 1 is The Metabolism of Tumours, written by Nobel Prize-winning German physician and scientist, Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph. D., and published in Germany in 1910. No. 2 is Brian Scott Peskin’s The Hidden Story of Cancer, which details a scientific breakthrough that explains Dr. Warburg’s research and introduces new science that will prevent cancer. This is undoubtedly a breakthrough of biblical proportions.”
— Bernardo C. Majalca, N.D. Stage Four Cancer Researcher & Consultant San Diego, CA

“This eye-opening book [The Hidden Story of Cancer] presents the most thoroughly researched anticancer program that I have ever seen. My patients have also noticed how their energy levels have skyrocketed by following the book’s simple-to-follow program.”
— Clive Fields, M.D. Family Practice Houston, TX

“I’ve been studying health and nutrition for over 25 years. Your book is knocking my socks off! It is indeed the greatest book on health and nutrition I have ever read. People don’t believe me when I tell them that even something as complicated as cancer—and other degenerative diseases— have such a simple solution. ‘Well, just read Brian Peskin’s book, The Hidden Story of Cancer, and find out for yourself,’ is what I tell them. I can’t put it down, it is that interesting and informative!”
— Gary Shimabukuro Honolulu, HI
“This book [The Hidden Story of Cancer] is invaluable; a blessing to those who want the scientific facts surrounding cancer along with insight that won’t be found anywhere else. Phenomenal research and top-notch writing.”
— Shane Ellison, M.Sc. Drug Chemist, Author Santa Fe, NM
“Peskin follows the Nobel Prize-winner Otto Meyerhof by brilliantly bringing engineering into the fields of physiology and biochemistry. His anticancer discovery is worthy of a Nobel Prize.”
— Charles Jannuzi Articulatory Phonology University of Fukui, Japan

“[The Hidden Story of Cancer is] very well researched with complete list of references. Wording is very simple and easily understood, yet thorough. Everyone should read this book and follow the recommendations.”
— F. Hajjar, M.D. Pediatric Cancer Specialist Orlando, FL

“[The Hidden Story of Cancer] is a must-read for cancer patients and their physicians.... But the important message… is that cancer is a disorder of metabolism, not a genetically produced disease....”
— Caduceus Magazine (UK)
“[The Hidden Story of Cancer] is one of the most important books you could ever read if you want to understand and prevent cancer. This advice has benefits not just in protection but combating ill effects of radiotherapy and improving cancer remission…. This is a ground-breaking thesis that deserves worldwide recognition.”
— Nexus Magazine (International)
"The Hidden Story of Cancer is superb–it is a superbook!”
— Morton Walker, D.P.M. (Author of 81 health and other consumer- related books: “The World’s Leading Medical Journalist Specializing in Holistic Medicine” by the American Cancer Control Society) Boynton Beach, FL
“Thank you for your brilliant paper [in Middle East Health magazine]. Your idea about why low LDL causes cancer is most interesting and may possibly be true as well.”
—  Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., PhD., World Renowned Cholesterol Authority http:// Sweden

“I bought your magnificent book a few weeks ago and I couldn’t stop reading it! It is well written and easy to read. As a scientist in the heart regeneration field in Boston, Massachusetts, I really believe you have done a great job encapsulating, integrating and advancing the huge amount of data in the field of cancer and related topics. It was almost impossible to do, but you did it!”
— Serge Gregoire, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard), Boston, MA
“Brian Peskin has done a marvelous job of elucidating Dr. Otto Warburg’s discovery in easy understandable terms. In all my medical reading pertaining to cancer, this is the first time I have understood the ultimate cause of cancer. A ‘must read for doctors.’”
— Joseph J. Formica, M.D. General Surgery Mystic, CT

“There is no doubt that The Hidden Story of Cancer has Pulitzer Prize qualities. I read the whole book in one night because I couldn’t put it down.”
— Sheldon Zerden Health book author/award-winning author New York


  1. Damn!

    That's one of my favourite parts of California.
    would love to be there for the talk AND to jus BE there.


  2. I google mapped it.....10 hrs from our place....RATS!

  3. Hey that's very close to where I used to live... but perhaps SOON I can just hop a flight up, and back... and then some! It would be great to hear his lecture sometime, since I have been on the PEO now for over a year and have become a firm believer in their benefits...

  4. Hi Fuzzy,

    Thanks for letting me know about Brian being in the area. I've yet to mapquest the location. But I did mention it to a few friends that I was talking to earlier. They may go with me, if i can get that day off from work.

    Jen, to bad you are not coming out this way. It would be sooo awesome to meet you!!!!!

    I love you!
    I miss you!

    I love you!
    I miss you!


  5. Outstanding Cam. Will pass this information along to my Relay for Life Chairperson -and I'll probably buy Peskin's book. Even though I lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, I am always hungry for new information. Thanks for posting this!

  6. I got this information in my email from his website. I wish I was closer so I could attend! I am ordering the 24hr Diet on Friday. I have extra cash-ola to do it finally!

  7. good thank in uk but usefull to pass on to my friends statesidex

  8. Day - No excuse! I love you! The orange links on San Rafael, California ARE the MapQuest Links!!!! Just click! I made it nice and easy for YOU because you are soooooo close. I would hate for you to miss this opportunity... like... we missed our... umm... five...

