Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Ochre Letter

The novel, "The Scarlet Letter", begins in 17th-century Boston, Massachusetts, then a Puritan settlement. A young woman, Hester Prynne, is led from the town prison with her infant daughter, Pearl, in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” on her bosom. The scarlet letter "A" represents the act of adultery that she has committed and it is to be a symbol of her sin – a badge of shame – for all to see....

Dear Multiply Folks,

I am shocked and outraged that you have branded the Premium members with that horrible Ochre Letter, "P". Not only does it infringe our profile images, but it is an embarrassment to have to parade through the blogs, "classed as an elite member".

I don't mind having "Premium" under my home page picture, but to have that ochre P show up on our icon is an unfair way to mark-et the fact that some people are paying for your services, while anyone without a "P", obviously is not.

What happened to respecting our privacy? I never bother to check whether or not others are Premium, because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Premium use is something we choose for our own reasons, and absolutely NOT to show off to others, because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Communication, and connection is what matters. It is also absolutely of no benefit to us to have that hideous P obscure our icons. All it does is put us in a seemingly cliquish group in an attempt to try to make us look like we are "better or different" from those who are not Premium Users. This is absolutely not the case. This is a very bad marketing tactic.

I request that you remove the Ochre Letter P from our icons immediately and return it to the previous system, for branding us with an ochre P is just as bad as branding a woman with a Scarlet Letter.

Oh, and I love you!

Cameron Switzer

(Letter sent to Customer Service)


  1. THANK YOU! I've been trying all day to figure out how to make the P go away!!! Not that I mind advertising that I've paid for Premium, but I'd like the option of turning it off!!!!!!

  2. I guess it's suppose to make those of us who haven't joined feel slighted or left out of the yellowP club.

    Hmmm... would certainly make me rethink the decision if i were leaning tthat way.

  3. Oh I was soooooo very embar--assed then that "P" appeared! I bought premium to get the media locker and to support Multiply so the same thing wouldn't happen as did to 360. But it was a PRIVATE decision and I have taken some teasing since the p appeared (although I don't mind being teased by the one who was doing the teasing) But thats beside the point! I do not repeat DO NOT appreciate being BRANDED with anything for any reason. What I do privately is supposed to be private unless I decide myself to tell the whole world. Ugh, and yellow? Not one of my favorite colors unless it is the color of a daff which is my favorite flower. But yanno what I mean. Yellow clashes with my hair and it drives me mad to see any streaks of yellow there much less an ugly yellow "p" beneath my picture.

    I think I will copy and paste this comment in an email to customer service so they will get the idea that I am "p---issed"

    BTW did I tell you that I'm coming out of the closet? Yes....I am confessing that I am in love and in lust and very passionately falling madly head over hills and have been for some time now but was keeping it a secret but.... "Now I shout it from the highest hills....I even told the golden daffodils...and now my hearts an open door....cause my secret love's no secret anymore."

    But hey no names have been mentioned in the confessing of this secret to protect the innocent. Now where did I put that scarlet letter?

    Boy that felt good. *eyebrow wiggle*

  4. You should have said, "u P-ple are crazeeee....."

  5. As opposed to the green or blue P club? ;)

    It's really a rather bad tactic to put on a P...a YELLOW p at that! Since when did they think that P-ple would want that?? Just...EWW!

    Has anyone seen Stef around or did I miss something?

  6. Elitist P-ers! I bet you all have fancy P parties and everything!

  7. I PPPPPProtest!

    I don't want to be seen P-ing all over everyone's page!

  8. If "A" is for Adultery.... then maybe "P" is for Putz!

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHHA~!! Cam, I love you! Really! You crack me up!

    Take Care Of You!

  10. Thank YOU as always, Cam-Cam-the-no-P-Man, I appreciate that you speak out when you see an injustice!! Why should anyone be P-slighted?

    Just cuz I'm po and live in a 3rd world country I gotta be all P-less in a world of premium P's!!
    Hmmm you'd think I'd be used to that by now... LOL

  11. "P" is for Paula... not Premium! I was thinking about paying but was holding off to hear about all your feed back, and to see how things changed with my account. Nothing has changed, well I don't have a P... I can store stuff in a locker just as you can, upload quickly etc... but no P in the corner to cover part of my face. Hmmmm I agree, its obtrusive. I don't want to be a member of the "little P-P" club! If that's the case!

    Hmmmmm I wonder what they will do? I was wondering what that little P was all about on your icon this morning... now I know.. supposedly you all are "More Special" than we are....LOL

  12. P - I like paying for no advertising. It's worth that to me.

  13. BUT, the advertising is supposed to offset the costs of the service. If you know the right "code" suppliement, you can ghost-back the ads as they appear so as not to be overly offensive. In addition, as a "Premium" member, you're able to download vids from others' postings, no?

  14. You know the ads don't really bother me so much, already the web is so full of them that I hardly notice them anymore. So there has to be more to the premium service besides the fancy golden "P" for me to pay. I know the originals of my photos are not stored, but that's OK I pay to upload them to flicker, and also keep them backed up elsewhere.

    I have however purchased prints of some photos via Multiply and they come quick and are very cool, and great quality so I know they do a good service to their customers. I was just wondering what the other perks would be, and was watching you all to see what your reaction was (other than no ads)... and knowing what advertising costs, trust me I don't think Multiply wants to loose the sponsorship as they pay a LOT to have themselves here. And then they also pay per hit.... $$$$$ it adds up.

  15. Nothing like a "P"issed off Canadian transplant in Japan. I feel "P"ersonally slighted and will not stand for it. Just because I am "p"retty "p"oor does not mean I want to see "p"eople flingy around the yellow "p"! I await Multiply's reply...should be interesting.
    You are not the only one that is annoyed with it.

  16. Ick. I hate it.

    Mavis.. you weren't supposed to tell of our secret love affair yet!! I'm not ready!!

  17. Yea... I bet they do, NO FAIR!!! We are being enticed by the golden P club....

  18. As a fellow Canadian I can only remind you that the yellow "P" makes for yellow snow,
    So don't you go where the Huskies go....

  19. Rob - Come on man! Answer your phone!!! I want to know what kind of computer you picked up!!!

  20. Damn. I gotta go for a P... wait a minute, I already have one!

  21. I couldn't hold it any longer Stef. Every time I think of that tattoo of yours it makes me wanna shout!

  22. Mavis - when you let me play with your stick in your truck... I thought we had something serious going there! And now I find out... you and Stefnee! NOOOOO!!!!!.... well, OK.......

  23. that is so gross
    you guys are all peed on

  24. Hey, have I told you today that you rock!

  25. btw-do you have any thing you want to confess this week? Seems that is what all global friends are doing this week. Stef just confessed something 2 minutes ago.
    Yep, the booth is open.

  26. I guess if you read the blog I wrote earlier this morning you can count that if you'd like, my lovely Michelle!

  27. I just read it and consider it counted. I love you and thank you for calling me lovely. It makes me happy.

  28. And so you should be! Happy and beautiful! Good night from Japan!!

  29. Well, P.... Often I get the feeling that it is done for certain people that just don't won't to have some one on their page that is P-less.. there are those type of people in the world. Well Cam have a great weekend and take care; never know what kind of P will Pop up.....
