Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Madness from the Meat Guy

I love this guy!!! He has my sense of humour! And he's got just the kind of meat I need!

Meat News Volume 11.5 – Let it Snow (repeat) 

Standard disclaimer and un-subscribe info:

This is a newsletter that is being sent to you because I thought you might be interested or because you requested a subscription. If you are not interested, please let me know and I will take you off this list. If you are not interested, have told me so but are still receiving this letter it is because we ignore all requests to unsubscribe, I apologize for that and for next time as well. Also, if you are offended in any way, rest assured we’ve already been placed on the “naughty” list.   -Jason 


Merry Christmas!  It’s that time of year once more when we make up a holiday in the hopes that you will celebrate it, and buy stuff from us to aid in your celebration.  A little early for Christmas you ask?  That’s just because this year we’re throwing a surprise birthday party for Jesus and we’ve got all the fixin’s: turkeys, dressing, hams, cranberry sauce, everything you might need.  We’ve got it, year ‘round – you add the manger and confetti.  Sorry, we tried to move Hanukkah forward this year as well but it seems that someone up there doesn’t like surprises. 

In celebration of this grand holiday tradition why not buy a little present for yourself?  Maybe a new gas grill – order this month and we’ll throw in 5000 yen worth of meat!  You’ll feel like a bona fide magi.  Remember, rabbit legs make great stocking stuffers!  Or how about some baby back ribs for that baby in your life. If you’re having trouble picking out a gift for that special someone just ask yourself, WWTMGD?

Just to show that we feel the Christmas spirit like nobody’s bizness, we are offering a free bottle of our not yet award winning barbecue sauce for free, no charge, gratis, until the end of the month, free.  Just type in the secret code “free bbq sauce please” when you check out.  And now for the small print: type in “free bbbq sauce” and get a free bottle of barbecue sauce, interpret that however you wish.  In fact, you could even go online, order nothing at all, and just ask for a free bottle of barbecue sauce and we would send it to you.  It’s like you giving The Meat Guy the finger for Christmas, very merry, enjoy your sauce.  But remember, someday we might open a snow cone stand, and on a hot summer day you just might purchase one of those snow cones from us because you will have temporarily forgotten the old saying “Revenge is a dish best served icy, slushy, yellowy, snowy cold – in a cone.   Merry Christmas!! 


TMG International YK
4-1-1 Hamada-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457-0822
Tel: 81-52-618-3705  
Fax: 81-52-618-3706


  1. LOL....I like how when you over over the links in the second paragraph down they spit out further snitches of humor.

    Did anyone get free BBQ sauce?

  2. Morning Linda - They sent me one when I ordered my meat last year. It was pretty good, if not a little bit spicy for me. But I'm a wuss when it comes to "hot 'n spicy".

  3. I really like his sense of humor too! I don't do hot 'n spicy very well either, Cam.

  4. Hi putz We only do hot'n spicy her in TX

  5. Hee hee hee... so... are you getting anything? I mean.. other than sauced...

    OK.. so you've told me that Japanese people dont' really get your humour.... so..... is he sending this out to Japanese people?? Are YOU (and Jaime and Matt) the ONLY people over there who will understand it?

  6. Stefnee - This time? No. And I think these newsletters go out to the foreigners living in Japan who buy meat from them. I love you! I DO!!

  7. Rachel - You're pretty hot and spicy. I'd do you!

  8. You should go to work for or with this guy!

    Birds of a feather...

  9. you might get a discount. Think of it as free meat.

  10. Ooooh, Rachel..Good point!

    Maybe i'll go to work for him.

    Will work for BACON!

  11. I have a feeling ... Cam would do a lot of things for bacon....

  12. OH! Yes... Cam would do a lot of things for some of You too.

  13. You're such a BRAT!


  14. ...sigh... i do...

    I need to drink. Damn no wine .

    And my brat son stole my Malibu...

    CURSES on his skinny...ummm... tan ass!

  15. *laughing my butt off at Skinny Tan Ass*!!!

  16. Awww... Robin!

    Ya big tease!!!

    Damn... i'm thirsty.

  17. I'm fixin' to go downstairs and make myself another. I can bring you one.

  18. Hurry up!

    I'll split the air fare with you.

  19. I would be honored to make margaritas for you, Jen.

    Meanwhile, call that kid of yours and tell him to pick you up some wine.

  20. He's gone, Robin... back to Yale yesterday. He stole my Malibu for a party on Saturday with friends.

    The BRAT!

    He doesn't like beer so he brought his own libation.

  21. I'm sorry.

    I had a long day, so this mango margarita is hitting the spot.

    I could mail you one...

  22. You people are just trying to get me busted aren't you?

    Cam can hide out in greater Fukui and you can go on the lam in the heartland whilst the feds descend on my yard and home ,confiscating my cukes and Mango martinis..


    Better go nod off with your MM, Girlfriend.

    I'm going to see if there's beer stashed away in the basement fridge.

    Wish me luck!

  23. I take it the Feds frown on mailing liquor into your area. That's too bad - I have been waiting for you to say if it was possible or not because I have black raspberry liquor I am fully prepared to send you (in a plastic bottle so it doesn't break). I didn't forget our conversation about it and I am proud of the fact that my homemade liquor beat Chambord in a blind taste test.

    Are Japanese cukes like English cukes?

  24. It beat Chambourd???

    Well... can't we just call it juice?

    i think we could get away with that.

    Put one of those country cutesy canning labels on it and ship that baby off yo!

  25. PM me your mailing address, Sister.
