Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bear Naked Leather(ette)

Yesterday Mayu and I went to see the Habsburg Collection, a very rare art collection by one of the most loved (?) imperial families of Austria for six centuries (19 emperors), The Habsburgs. They were meticulous about collecting art, and portraying their family heritage through portrait paintings.

"Rudolf I (died 1291), the first of nineteen emperors from the house of Habsburg, a noble family of Swiss origin, came to power in 1273. His defeat of King Otakar II of Bohemia (r. 1253–78) five years later gained significant territorial holdings for the Habsburgs in Austria, the cornerstone of their empire. By the sixteenth century, the imperial title was long regarded as hereditary, allowing the Habsburg dominion to expand dramatically over continental Europe not only through military conquest but also through carefully chosen marriage alliances..."

The art was beautiful and spanned quite a few centuries. It was a very beautiful collection to see, and watch the centuries recorded in art. I am glad I went.

Above is a photo of the inner atrium (and Mayu) to the art gallery... pretty amazing building all in all!

After that, Mayu and I went to a bar for a drink, to chat, and then we visited Zara, and I found this "leather" jacket. It's pretty cool.

And that is that.


P.S. As I stayed at Mayu's last night, and didn't have anything to sleep in, she lent me this oversized t-shirt. It says quite a few interesting things on the front with some fun drawings. I don't know if you can enlarge this photo or not, but if you look closely, you will see that it does say, "Famous Sausage".


1 comment:

  1. That's a good look for you Cam! LOL

    Glad you had a relaxing day, tell Mayu hello when you see her again for me will ya?
