Thursday, November 19, 2009

That's One Hungry Puppy

One of the things I miss about living in Kamishii-mura is all the guys selling stuff in their little lorries. There would be fruit trucks, laundry pole trucks, guys offering to yake away your old electronics and white goods. I miss the yaki-imo man especially because those guys are linked to the chilly late autumn/early winter days...

So imagine my delight upon arriving at and exiting my subway station last night when I came upon a singing food truck!

Singing away was one of thos ubiquitous "singing food trucks". However this truck was different from what I have seen to date. It was the first time in my twenty years to hear the recording belting out a lonely mournful song about delicious, hot, juicy "hotto doggu".

I went home with a smile and cooked a delicious dinner!

Have a great weekend; it's a long one for me. Im going to visit Max & Co. I haven't seen my closest male friend in Japan for almost three months and I miss him fiercely!

I love you!


  1. Have fun Cam, and please tell Max hello from me.

    You should bring Max to Tokyo....LOL that would make a great blog oneday.

  2. Give Max a big sloppy kiss for me :-)
    Give yerself two

  3. Ive been trying; he wont come. Hes absolutely not interested.

  4. It's been 28 years and I still miss the sweet potato man!

  5. Sally - once his song gets in there it is never coming out.

  6. Could you please explain?

    Sheesh... do I have to ask for EVERYTHING????

  7. He is such a monumental B-R-A-T!!!!!!

    So glad YOU'RE getting taste of it for a change, Deb. LOL!

  8. I'm guessing it's what you probably have in mind. That is a truck that sells laundry RACKS... or maybe the poles between which you string a line to hang laundry from.

    Normally he's a man of many words...SO many... more than is usually necessary.. you know.. how he can and DOES tend to go on and on and......

    He musta been tired this time... ;-)

  9. Gotta laugh at the Camster! He's talking about actual poles that you hang laundry on. People who live in high rises or upstairs apartments have these pole contraptions that stick out the window or the balcony. People with yards have racks with poles -- not usually clotheslines like we do.

  10. Hey, Jeanette!
    Yeah ... i know he uses the racks so the pole comment through me off.

    I have a drying rack i sort of rigged up out of the old expandable baby(or puppy, in my case)gate.

    So many sweaters and tops have to be dried flat.

    Wonder if he's got anything for me on his truck;-)

  11. I love the gate trick! I've just got a few new sweaters that need to be dried flat. Gonna find me a baby gate.

    Never know what you'll find on a truck! It's the same here -- people show up with produce all the time, or pumpkins, or watermelons. Sometimes it's grapevine wreaths/trees/etc. Sometimes it's molasses or other home-canned stuff, sometimes toys. Every once in a while some enterprising soul will have a load of shoes (makes you wonder if they robbed a shoe store). I LOVE trucks with things to buy.

  12. WOW... Really, Jeanette?!?
    We don't have trucks with stuff here... i'd LOVE to have trucks drive around with stuff... ANY stuff!

    It took me so long to figure out what to have for supper. I was too tired to cook anything, even if i had something. But i was also to tired to get up and drive out to the supermarket.

    Finally, once i was starving i went shopping and went crazy buying junk i have no business eating.
    Now i'm stuffed to the gills woith rice and asian chicken stirfry... from the freezer/microwave... see.. junk... sigh...

    I want a Yaki Imo man... *pout*


  13. That is utterly amazing.

    I don't even think you can buy that sort of thing in a shop here, let alone off a truck!

  14. Yep. I used to get the yaki imo man the fruit guy the laundry pole guy the traveling ramen guy fresh fish in a truck bread in a truck and more. Then there are the guys who drive around and ask for your old TVs your old car tires motorcycles and refrigerators that you dont wand and so forth. Its pretty cool...

    But of course we eat whale and dolphin so we are damned all to hell and all of our good recycling habits go with us to hell (as seen thru the whiteman's JBOPPs...)

  15. Speak englishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    whats a jbopp? I can't keep up, otherwise!

  16. Jen, we have the odd trucks, but have to drive 25 miles for the closest Chinese restaurant. And at least 25 for the closest hospital. And over 50 for a shopping mall. BUT, turkeys, deer, foxes, rabbits and other wildlife come right into my yard and I can look at my mountains every day.

    Cam, I'm with Deb on this one. What's a jbopp?

  17. Oy, don't get him started, Guys ...

    Basically it's your set of beliefs which colour your opinions, etc.
    I'm sure he'll be glad to elaborate if andf when he's not pedaling his skinny white ass up and down the mountains.

  18. Hey if he wants to eat Flipper and Shamoo then eh... I just won't be kissing him ;)

  19. damn. and i was so looking forward to running my flipper-flavoured tongue over your bovine-coated teeth.

    Judgements Beliefs Opinions Positions Prejudices. Everyone has them regarding everything and therefore there is absolutely no one single way to see things because they all change per person. Take eating whale. Take eating cow. Take nuclear reactors. Take fucking Greenpeace eco-terrorism take 911 take wallabies take pharmaceutical companies take US healthcare take Fukui life take my body please.

  20. My cup is running over with deciding my JBOPP on everything.

    I'll just take the body please.

  21. roo-coated, but okay ;)

    I think I'm going to be a fan of jbopp...

  22. Roo coated???

    You people EAT roos???

    OMG... JBOPPs cranking ... mile a minute!

  23. Not only do I eat them, but at one stage I used to go out and shoot them.

    They're vermin here, Jen.

  24. And what's this "you people" shit, eh? =P

  25. ew ew ewwwww...

    Well it's just my JBOPPs at work,Deb.

    "You people" have to remember that... hehehehe.....

  26. What's roocon?

    I usually barbecue it or fry it or put it in a casserole.

  27. Betcha he means roocon like bacon, he he.

  28. Actually... this proves how often cam and jen read my blog, as I've mentioned roo shooting a few times.

    This saddens me =(

  29. Aww... Deb...

    I do read you ... Maybe i forgot.... (or blocked it... eww..)
    But i'm usually more interested in your family goings on... hope you don't mind.

    And as my eyes are making me crazy online lately i'm avoiding it except in short spurts of time.

    Back to laundry.... sigh...

  30. Oh way to wreck my pity party, Jen!!!!!!!!

  31. Hehehe... just throwin one of my own, Deb.

    My eyes are driving me batty!

  32. What?!? You actually expect me to read your blogs?!?

    Sally - kangaroo bacon is exactly right.

    And I may be alone in this but when I saw kangaroos up close for the first time whilst visiting Australia, I distinctly recall thinking how they were one of the less attractive" of the animal kingdom.

    OK OK godforsaken butt ugly was what really ran thru my mind...

    Sleepy after today's ride... sitting by the fire passing the last hour before it is time to once again leave Shangri-la for the big ricebowl...

    Max wants my phone now so he can have one last look at the net before I leave as he has no net connection.

    See you in Tokyo.

    Jen - if you are still up... Max says, "get to bed!"

  33. See? I was doing you all a service. Dolphins, on the other hand, are cute and fluffy (in a wet sea faring animal kinda way)

  34. I read yours, poo head.

    Much love,


  35. Tell Max thanks for thinking of me...

    Was already gone.

    What Deb said...

  36. Isn't that word: r.e.a.d. a wonderful word? One might think you were refering to reading in the past tense.

  37. Read, read, both.

    What are you trying to say?

  38. He's not trying to say anything, Deb...

    Just trying to get out of being a poo head... hehehehe...

    I like that better than poopiehead...

    Which he also is.

  39. I'm trying to say I love your white Aussie ass. That's what I'm trying to say!

  40. P.S. I did watch the video of Geoff trying to flatten his forehead on one of those pre-broken karate testing boards... and you laughing your face off.
