Friday, November 27, 2009


Rushing this morning I got everything done I wanted to do: get up, wash, do laundry, cook a steak and eat it, play music from, do dishes, vacuum, spruce up the place, cedar up myself. pine up the steak-scented apt, and catch the 9am train (caught the 9:10) for the hospital.

After that's done it is off to Shinjuku for an adventure (keep an eye on my youtube channel for details) . Tomorrow I'm meeting Matt for lunch @ an undecided local (he works today or I'm sure he would partake in this adventure as well).

Sooooo... I get everything done, throw my fake leather jacket (designed by H&M but slapped together in The World's Factory), bowed to the House Elves and gave them my "Itte kimasu" salutation as I do every time I part from my abode, locked the door, caught the elevator down, and on my way out of the elevator...

slipped in a puddle of very obviously bright yellow DOG PEE and nearly wiped myself out!!!!

My apt is a pet-friendly place. People lodge complaints about hearing bumps and thumps coming from other apts but then they ignore their dog pissing in the lobby of our security entrance (only residents can get into that part of the foyer)!

Talk about being pissed! Not me... the poor dog who probably felt bad about it because dogs are smart enough to "know when to hold it, and know when to fold it. Know when to walk away and know when to run..."

Well, just another example of how so many humans all around the world go through life totally unaware of their surroundings. They miss out on so much that is wonderful about life and living when they close themselves in the dark batcave of their mind.

Time to change trains so I hope your day and evening goes well and don't forget to check my YouTube channel in a day or two!


*shakes head in disbelief at puddle of insensitive dog urine in front of the elevator entrance*


  1. I would have titled the blog, "Pissed & in a Shitty Mood" in that case.

  2. Yikes!

    I slipped in poo up after my little ones. Did not go down though, thankfully. My normally clutsy self gained balance and stayed up on 2 feet.

    Yeah, I was surprised too.

  3. This reminds me of those huge dogs that were at the park in W'peg before the concert we attended with Darrell.
    They were vicious looking, but then two women with smaller dogs who thought the big ones shouldn't be there were oblivious to there dog who barfed right in the concession area.

    Then they blamed it on the big dogs!!!


    Have a fun adventure, Sweety!
