Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Pussy Chronicles: Lucky #7

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Saturday, and today, Monday. Yep, visit number five...


It's Monday morning and I am back at the hospital early waiting for them to start calling "bingo numbers". My doctor begins at 9am. I got here early so I could get an early number. I got Lucky 7 this time. That may be the second or third patient; I have noted in my few visits these past couple of weeks that the numbers do not increase by incrememnts of one.

No antibiotics nor pain killers were issued when I came on Saturday to enjoy the "fountain experience", so aside from an uncomfortable weekend I will be interested to see how this open wound is progressing.

I am NOT however looking forward to the doctor pulling the gauze out of the wound. If my skin heals as quickly as it seems to do (barring all that exciting pussy stuff), then I have a sneaky suspicion that the flesh has partially melded with the fibrous gauze and is likely attempting to incorporate it into my essence.

I will let you know in the best explanation I can muster what it feels like when he pulls it out and also what the doctor says regarding the progress...

I love Life and all the adventures She brings!

Thumbingly Yours,

Pussy Cam


  1. I cannot WAIT to hear the explanation.

    I live for that kind of stuff!!!

  2. Oh boy! waiting with baited breath for that description... NOT!!!


    It's not just that your skin might have healed, but the blood and fluids might have dried onto the gauze,,, ouchie!

    I honestly have never heard of leaving such a wound like this. Either stitches or a drainage tube are what i'm used to.
    Sounds like some sneaky Japanesy medicine, Mou.

    Take care.

  3. Stop being a candy ass, man.

    Kidding. You are certainly not having a pleasent experience with this.

  4. on one hand I'm glad you tend to heal quickly. On the other, that was a really oogey thought. I hope it's not too bad! <3 Sending love and kisses for ouchies to Tokyo!

  5. Soooo... how did it go???? Curious... what is the diameter of this gaping gauzy wound anyway??

  6. Jaime - Send George to deliver those kissies!

    Went well. I go back again for cleaning tomorrow and to have the gauze pulled out again like today and new gauze put in.

    Jen - abscesses have to be left open to drain. If they stitch them up there is nowhere for the drainage and then it incubates and grows all over again. Just like it did.

    Drainage is the key and the gauze sucks it all away.

  7. When I die, I want to come back as gauze...

  8. Ahhhhh Deb you understand the true pleasures of pussy goodness...

  9. I just laughed so hard.

    And it was a dirty laugh

  10. This is not the sort of Pussy chronicle I was expecting, Herr Blofeld.

  11. He's such the provocateur, Rob.

    Or is it the court jester?
