Saturday, November 28, 2009

Veggies From The Universe

This morning at 9am, the Kuroneko courier buzzed my interphone and told me she had a parcel for me. I had no idea what it could be, but as she was quite cute, I let her in, and she came up (good thing I don't live in the basement otherwise I would have had to say, "and she went down").

I signed for the parcel. It was huge. I mean big. And H.E.A.V.Y.!

So I brought it into the kitchen, opened it up and it was full of vegetables!

From Ito-san in Kamishii-mura! (the ones to whom I gave the fridge and laundry machine)

The vegetable guy!

They are the ones who always brought us hakusai (chinese cabbage), daikon, onions (round and long), cucumbers out the wazoo, eggplant, cabbage, corn and more!

I had no idea that they would do this so I was grinning ear to ear as I counted them all out:

Eight daikon and seven hakusai!

I have no idea what the heck I am going to do with them all other than try to give most away because I won't be able to eat this much cabbage or radish even if I suddenly transmogrify into a rabbit!

So I called Ito-san up, thanked him profusely and asked him how to "store" all these veggies. He told me. And so I shall do. They are on the balcony drying out a bit, and then I will wrap the hakusai back up in the newspaper and store them upside down (base at the to, ears facing down) so they don't rot. The daikon I'll just keep in the fridge.

The more love you send out to the Universe, the more it comes back multiplied!

Want to come on by for a nabe party?

I love you!

Cambit Hasen Pfeffer

*wriggles nose in delight*


  1. Drat! I miss out on fresh veggies. I swear, I'm going to go mess up those Tokyo Gas construction guys who kept me up all night, and ruined my perfectly lovely plan to hang out with you today. Damn you, Tokyo Gas! (shakes fist petulantly).

    Thanks for being so understanding. This has truly been a horrible week.

  2. Wow what a lovely surprise for you!!!

    My address is...


  3. LOL......seeing you as a rabbit, hunched over your delectable pile of veggies....*giggling*

  4. What's nabe?

    Gotta go check on my daikon... then figure out what to make that i'd like....

    Picky eater here... especially about vegetables.

  5. "Nabe" is a "hot pot" full of vegetables that are chunked, then put into a broth, cooked with thin slices of meat, and eaten directly from the pot as it steams away sitting on the table. Mmm mmm good. It is very popular in winter, and usually not eaten any other time of the year.

    One of the many amazing things about Japan is the high awareness of all four definitely defined seasons. Clothing changes at a certain time of the year, certain foods are only eaten (only available) at a certain time of the year, and so forth. It is one of the treasures of the country. The pearls!
