Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama did the right thing

Here is an article focusing on Obama's deep bow of respect and reverence to Emperor Akihito: "How low will he go?"

He did the right thing; rather than show the typical "might is right" response that many of the former presidents and secretaries of state in the USA have done, Barack Obama paid respect to the emperor of the country that is funding a huge number of US military bases on their own land, and working toward continuing developing good relationships, in spite of the changing of the guard.

President Obama is AWARE.

I'm glad he did bow deeply. The fact that the newsmongrels are focusing on this kind of thing just goes to show, exactly as Jen's blog regarding "a skinny Obama" also shows, that people just. don't. get. it.

Obama gets it.



  1. It also points to Deb's blog about stupid people.
    By that i mean people who are not just ignorant (which is forgivable) but willfully ignorant. Those who know nothing of other cultures or history (something Obama is WELL aware of)yet stick to the xenophobic belief that the US is the best so we needn't show deference and respect the way Obama did.

    In that culture a deep bow is a sign of sincere respect.
    I am PROUD that he knows enough about other cultures to have done so.

    I wasn't aware the the right wing fringe and their minions in the media was already making a big deal out of it...

    They're hopelessly STUPID!!!
    Unforgivably so.

  2. At least we won't have another president with shoes thrown at him. lol

  3. Or one who thinks it's OK to walk up behind ANY woman, much less the chancellor of Germany, and start massaging her shoulders... OMG!

    What an embarrassment Bush was!

  4. I was proud of his appearances in Asia too. He made me proud how he conducted himself on behalf of the USofA. My impression was that he highlighted commonalities as dwellers and keepers of the earth, respect for cultural differences and economic partnerships rather than adversarial relationships to promote effective trade between all countries. Yep, that was a good show no matter how the pudnits want to twist and skew it!

  5. My mind is still reeling over the photo of Obama dressed as a witch doctor.

    Some idiot thought it was funny to diss Papua New Guinea just for the sake of a few laughs.
