Monday, November 23, 2009

Talk About Housewife Bargains!

I took the morning off to use up some overtime in October. I wanted to get a few things done to catch up after being gone all weekend. What I found was shocking!

It seems that during the mornings is when they put all the meat on sale. It must be to entice the housewives into the stores. The steak was all 50% off... so I bought 12. Lucky me!! Other meat was on discount so I filled up my freezer. I ended up spending $150 for two shopping baskets worth (not two american-sized carts but the hand-held baskets).

I also found a place to try and trim up my Eddie Bauer tents that used to be sportscoats to fit my arms and bodylength... but not much else. Dropped one off and will pick it up and see how it looks. If good Ill take in the rest later.

Trains here. Gotta run. Love you!


  1. If that's REAL meat, when's the barbecue!!! =D

  2. Unfortunately, Deb, it's not.

    It's Aussie beef.


    Much love,

  4. Deb - You don't need to "tone it down" with the "love" bullshit. I know deep down you really hate my fucking guts and hope one day I choke on a diseased koala... you can't fool me.

    Jen - I'll even eat shit beef like Aussie beef, so I guess I don't really qualify for the "snob" status.

  5. Guess Cam's a PS. Pseudo Snob. He'll eat shit beef, but complain about it.

    I love you Cam.....

  6. I would NEVER subject anyone to koala meat!!!!! OH MY GOD YUK!!!

  7. Yeah.... she prefers you choke on something better...

  8. =O not true!!!!

    For the record, Australian beef is some of the best beef in the world, so maybe Cam is just used to shit beef and doesn't recognise good beef when he sees it.

  9. Aussie beef is too lean and therefore the taste is dramatically reduced. US beef tastes better and Japanese Kobe beef although extremely expensive has the most marbling and therefore is the most tender and succulent of all. The leaner it is the less taste it has. And Australia learned this for export to Japan so they have even tried to increase the fat content. But its still too lean. Its like low fat foods... cut out the natural fats and you cut out the flavour and a lot of the goodness. Meat provides almost all of what we need in both the combination of protein and fat.

  10. De gustibus non est disputandum.

    And yet, I like my meat lean. I find the US stuff is too greasy, and the Kobe stuff is like eating a block of suet.

    Not that it matters because Junko and I went to the open house at the local agricultural high school the other day, and she got to pet a Wagyu calf. I don't think there's going to be much beef at my place for a while....

  11. I had to tell my kids that bacon came from Coles, after they saw Babe.

  12. I like my beef lean. There is nothing worse than biting into a piece of cow fat.

  13. But so much flavour is in the fat... mmmm....

    Beef Fat is how you make gravy. Damn... now i'm hungry!

    Prime rib..... mmmmmmm

    End cut... all brown and fatty and seasoned... ohhh mannn!!!
    Gotta go to sleep... hope my pillow's still here in the morning...hee...

  14. I think I threw up in my mouth a bit!!!

  15. This is an excellent example of our individual cultural JBOPPs. I love my meat marbled, tender, juicy, and full of flavour. I don't mean the hunk of gristly fat on the outside edge, either. Jen likes the fat as well. Deb, coming from the Lean downunder likes hers a different way, and Rob is just weird. See?

  16. Nope.

    That's what I say about him ;)

  17. Touche!

    (there's that sword imagery popping up again)

  18. We know Cam is easy...

    That's why we love him so!
