Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are You Fucking Depressed?



It amazes me how drug companies will to to any lengths of "creativity" to keep their billion dollar flops alive so that they can reap profits as much as possible. I guess it makes sense, in a sick sort of way...
I guess if they did it with Viagra for men, then they should be able to do it for women, too After all, I am sure there are a lot of women out there who might like to say, "Yes tonight, honey. Even though I have a headache!"
Just imagine how lucky all those depressed women out there must feel! Now they can be more than "just depressed", they can be "fucking depressed"!
I can hardly wait to see what all the contraindications on the outside of the box say (ever seen what can happen to you on Viagra? Pretty scary...): "This drug may cause headaches, dry mouth, soreness. It can lead to an increase in stubble burn, acne, heart attack, and multiple orgasms. Women with husbands with weak hearts should have their husbands consult a physician before consumption."


Failed anti-depressant flibanserin reborn as female “Viagra”?
By Gareth Macdonald, 18-Nov-2009

Boehringer Ingelheim looks set for a significant windfall with results from Phase III trials indicating that its drug flibanserin can boost sexual desire in women, raising the prospect of a female equivalent to Pfizer’s Viagra.

The findings, reported at the appropriately named congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, showed that women on the drug experienced a statistically significant increase in “satisfying sexual events,” (SSE) versus the control group

In two of the main 24 week studies, Daisy and Violet, women treated with
100mg flibanserin per day reported 4.5 SSEs per month from a baseline of 2.8, while those in the placebo group increased to 3.7 SSEs from 2.7 at the start of the trial

Additionally, women involved in those trials, as well as the European Orchid study, reported a significant increase in sexual desire.

Boehringer plans to file flibanserin for regulatory approval in the next few months.

Change of indication

Like Pfizer’s Viagra, which was first trialled as a medication for cardiac disorders, flibanserin was originally developed with another indication in mind, namely as a treatment for depression.

And, although flibanserin failed as a depression therapy, in another echo of the
Viagra  experience, women involved in the trials reported an increase in sexual activity and satisfaction.

As a result, in 2002
Boehringer began investigating flibanserin as a libido booster in pre-menopausal women suffering from hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), culminating in the three Phase III studies reported on Monday.

Market demand

Understandably perhaps, given both the market success of Viagra and the estimate that HSDD affects up to 25 per cent of women worldwide, the flibanserin trial results attracted a considerable amount of attention.

However whereas, rightly or wrongly, Viagra has gained a reputation as an “on demand” lifestyle drug, flibanserin’s libido boosting affects depend on a gradual build up over a number of weeks, so it may not see the same levels of demand.

Nevertheless, most observers agree that there is a significant market for a HSDD treatment, with estimates ranging from Decision Resources’ $100m a year valuation to the $3.5bn figure forecast by
BioSante Pharmaceuticals’ CEO Stephen Simes.


  1. There's a drug like that here that was developed as a weight loss pill but it was discovered to have libido enhancing properties as well..

    I wonder for which property it's being purchased most?


  2. Frankly i don't know as i believe there's a significant instance of depressed (pardon the pun) libido in women.

    Unlike with men for whom physiological factors cause lowered libido or ED problems, I believe with women, it's basically psychological and has a lot to do with depression and frustration with life and or their partner.
    Therefore, i would say that the anti-depressant part IS working.... hence the increased libido.

  3. I went out and bought a years worth for Tess today.

  4. Drug companies are running the world and humanity is flocking like sheep to their slaughter. Fuck drugs. Especially fucking drugs. The day I have to have a pill to increase my libido I will blow my fucking brains out.

  5. Jen - I thought the exact same thing!

    Ken - Good luck!

    She - You fucking Rock my libidosocks off!

  6. LOL... Thanks, Erin.

    Catch a clue....

    NObody has that many headaches, LMAO!!!!!

  7. I'm sure all these sex-enhancing drugs will come in handy when I'm a little bit older and even more decrepit, but for now I'll just stick to injecting pharmaceutical grade cocaine into my scrotum like nature intended.

  8. OMG!!!!!

    Robert... you are seriously twisted!

    I thought Cam was bad!

  9. It runs in the family, Jen. Didn't you know that we Canucks are all interbred?

    And you thought we always smiled because we were happy!

  10. So THAT explains it...

    so sad.... LOL!!!!

  11. I'm off to my shrink...
    Maybe she can tell me why i'm attracted to weird guys.

    And NO, it's not because i'm weird... nope ... not ME!!!


    Night, Mou.
    I love you!

    and you too, Rob.

  12. Hope you came home ... shrunk.

    Love you too! Have a good day.

  13. We had a good talk about... what else?

    MEN.... hehehehe...
    We went into a lot of the stuff we've been talking about with Darrell, et al.

    Other issues too, but that was the fun part ;-)

    Men... so entertaining!

  14. I'm still waiting for them to cure Alzheimers and cancer.

  15. Pffffft. Might as well enjoy the sex while you can cuz alzheimers and cancer are going to be around for a long time to cummmm.

  16. I want sex when I've got alzheimers so I can be a virgin foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr
