Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chrome Needs More Polishing

A recent update in MS seems to have made the IE browser "freezy". I have noticed it both at home and at work so it can't be just my computer (Japanese XP so you may not notice if you have an English XP as the coding is different).

I thought I'd give Google Chrome a try again, but don't find it as easy to navigate as Explorer. I use the command bar (File/Edit/View/Options, etc.)  a lot but Chrome doesn't seem to have one. Also, the fonts in Chrome are very ... rough. They seem low quality and jagged while the expolorer browser has smoothed out their fonts considerably.

The Chrome browser does load, and multi-task better than the current bugged-out IE browser; however overall, the MS IE Browser is, in my opinion a more polished product (except for its current bugginess).

Google still needs to keep working on polishing their Chrome. Go Google!

I love you!



  1. I'm still a bit of a Firefox addict.... I never really enjoyed using Chrome, even though I live and die by the Google toolbar for Firefox. One would think with the gmail, google docs, etc etc etc, that I'd be a huge fan of Chrome. Alas.....

    Firefox, I still hold near and dear, though I'm more vigilant while using it than I am when using other browsers.

  2. It's funny... I have downloaded, installed and tested almost every version of Firefox... and in the end I have uninstalled every version and gone back to IE. I have never enjoyed Firefox. Who knows? Maybe the coding that is required to run on a Japanese OS does something to it because I just don't like it. I just asked Kyoko and she said the same thing... all of her friends in NA rave about Firefox but for her it does't do it.

  3. Who knows? I know several people who refuse to use Firefox and use Opera or Lunascape or Safari instead. I find that Apple products bog down my PC too much to use Safari and haven't tried the other two... but mebbe if you're looking for an IE alternative, those will work for you?

  4. Jaime - I like IE the best so anything now is only temporary until MS fixes whatever their recent updates did to it.
