Friday, April 22, 2011

Yes! Finally Some Balls! Go Fukushima Gov!

This is GOOD news, gang.
It actually brought tears to my eyes:

"Tepco won't be allowed to resume reactor operations: Fukushima Government"


  1. link worked for me(opened in new tab using chrome)

    serious ass kicking going on there

  2. Hermit - Yes. Even if it ends up that the 20km zone is only good for nothing but more reactors (robot manned? ha!) at least they are getting in their two yen's worth while they can. Once Tepco starts handing out shares, everyone will suddenly clam up and jump on board: the newclear energy!

  3. i was just reading the latest issue of scientific american
    the cover story was '7 radical energy solutions'
    one of the 7 was fusion triggered fission...according to calculations could possibly manage a 90% burn of the fissile material...reducing waste product from 2,500 Kg to 100 Kg

    i'll be watching for more on That!

  4. Thanks Cam,

    This is a step in the right direction.

    Hopefully more of the Tepco senior management and ownership will step forward and step a proper honorable example for the planet,... instead of throwing a sacrificial lamb under the bus to save their hides.

