Friday, April 29, 2011

Down By the River Side

I'm out along the Edogawa river practicing my skating. The blacktop here is much smoother and it makes a huge difference! Wow. I can stop. Sort of.

A Philippina just walked past and chatted my ear off. She will be 38 this July, is getting divorced from her Japanese husband due to his domestic violence, does massage work in the Nihonbashi hotel, makes 1000yen an hour... and... and... and.

The guy who lives above me has been transferred to Sendai to help get the business going again. He was there twice already and he said it looks like a war zone. And it stinks like mud mixed with sewage. And death. He was shocked when he went because he had no idea how to help. It all looks like a huge garbage dump, giant piles of trash. All you can do is pick up one thing at a time and move it fromk the heap to some ordered sense of things. 

They are worried about the staff and the people there because many of the survivors are beginning to show signs of PTSD: can't sleep, nightmares, continually loose bowels, stomach aches, total body breakdown when aftershocks hit (and they keep hitting), and more...

The best I can do now is to be productive in society and continue with my life...

And so I skate.

I love you.