Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meeting Strangers

As Tokyo is always too warm for me, on Kobuchizawa Mondays I carry my dress shirt in my pack and commute in the excellent UniQlo Silky Dry Under which looks like a good quality t-shirt. A tight good quality t-shirt.

Today at lunch another customer shared my table. He sneezed. That was my opening for talking about the sugi pollen to have a conversation roll in.

We had a good chat. He even commented on how good and muscular my upper body looks. I have to admit, the hard work really is paying off as my pecs, back, biceps, triceps and shoulders really are quite pronounced.

Especially in this UniQlo under that I wear during my Kobuchizawa Mondays...

Sometimes a body's gotta give himself a pat on the back for a job well done. After all if you can't love yourself then you certainly won't be able to love others.

I love me!


  1. *chuckles*
    the whole word seems to be hungry for attention cam
    but one can't take care of others if one is too frail.
    keep the mind and body fit and it will be easier to do positive things ;)

  2. Some would argue your wrong Cam... but they then would be a member of my family. Who once told me I was selfish for going to the gym instead of straight home. I laughed and told them at least my kids were not embarrassed by me going to their school functions because I was not one of the morbidly obese.

  3. Keep up the good work! I know very well how hard it is, and the commitment required to maintain good health...

  4. sounds great Cam! i. too, am on a fitness quest. Keep up the good work.
