Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I only had 140 characters in the last/first post on this topic so...

After the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, Our Man in Abiko (nom de plume) started to collect stories of the earthquake survivors and the experiences of people all over Japan. He compiled them on his www.quakebook.org site for people to see. They came as stories, photos, tweets and more. He collected for 11 days and then compiled and published this book: 2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake.

You can purchase and download it from Amazon for $9.99. 100% of the proceeds will go to the quake victims through the Red Cross.

I read only the first entry and my eyes filled with tears. I know these stories because I'm living them daily, even though it is from the safety of Tokyo.

Please consider getting this book. You can make a donation and receive something in return that will stay with you forever. There is nothing more powerful than real life.

Thank you. I appreciate you all. My heart is filled with gratitude.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. that's about what it will cost to send you some maple syrup (can you forward some to those nuclear plant workers who've put their lives on the line? )
