Monday, April 25, 2011

TEPCO Update: 50% executive cut, 25% management cut, 20% employee cut... Well, it's a start. And the 50% exec cut is good to hear, but that will only make their "luxury living" more difficult. It won't affect REAL living, whereas a 20% cut to rank-and-file workers will be a basic, fundamental life-altering reduction in pay. Here's the article:


  1. i would expect the rank and file pay cut to last Only Until their brothers and sister are back in homes
    the exec cut should last until the expense of the cleanup is fully depreciated.

  2. btw...budge a couple of aftershocks lose over the next couple of days
    the fault is almost settled

  3. 'loose' if you'd prefer that to 'lose'

  4. pull up the local geological website and look ;)

  5. There was one tonight at the gym. The overhead AC units were swaying...

  6. Wow,... American companies wouldn't have done the same thing. The few I've known all too well, would have started playing survivor island and started booting senior execs and managers like crazy, but not once considered pay cuts for themselves.

    In fact, once all the head cutting and layoffs were done, they'd turn around and give themselves bonuses for theoretically making the tough calls and doing a really hard job.... aka. entitlement at work again.

    And then, if anyone objected to receiving a bonus or pay raise after the job cuts,... the same management would look at them like the objector grew a 2nd head or stepped out of alien space ship.

    Tepco's move is a step forward. Not what it really needs to be, but at least it's a step.

    The best of outcomes to you and yours with those last few quakes.


  7. *hands jf a very old sword*
    we don't need any suicides here :(
    This is Not the usa
    the price of pain is different *grim faced*
    they will shoulder the burden if they can possibly bear it

  8. sometimes even one's best is not enough

  9. Aye, I forgot about that old custom, based on a rather severe expression of sincerity, but also regrettably used as a form of escape by those of weaker constitutions.

    Shouldering the burden to the best of one's ability is the correct direction.


  10. True, but one must try.


    PS. Quit reading my mind or I'll start working through some quantum physics problems!!! (Grin)

  11. Interdimensional particle flavor changes and the sort!!

  12. Hmmmm... I wonder what interdimensional particls taste like?

  13. couldn't tell you if i tried cam.
    one must just experience it
    it's an acquired taste involving huge data sets that must be harvested and winnowed through.
    most of the time i don't find it worth the effort myself...but every now and then a new flavor comes up that'll blow your mind ;)
