Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Mt. Everest

Today on my calendar from the Universe, it says, "Don't let the dazzling heights you aspire to scare you from getting started. After all, few could climb Mt. Everest tomorrow, though virtually all could begin preparing."

I like to think that when I finally die at a ripe old age of 202 I will be abe to say that I have no regrets.

Thirty years ago my mom told me that she regretted quitting the piano and she warned me I would regret my choice to stop playing the guitar.

At that time, I was 15 and didn't enjoy the music I was playing on my guitar. I had been learning for about eight years but was never able to play by ear and none of the music I might have liked to play seemed available on sheet music. I had no interest in rock music (still don't) and all the traditional classic stuff one learns for the basics was no longer appealing to me.

So I quit.

And I have regretted it ever since.

Ten years ago I bought a DVD to relearn how to play the guitar but my heart wasn't in it and I never took the next step of getting a new guitar.

Tonight after spending about 40 minutes practicing on my skates I took a ride to the recycle shop just to see what was there. It is amazing what you can find in Japanese recycle shops.

I decided it was time to begin preparing.

I left with an old Yamaha acoustic guitar ($50) and carried it home on my bike with a big bag of skates and padding strapped to my back.

It's time to prepare for my Mt. Everest.

I love you.


  1. Woohoo!!!! Lots of new and kickass things in your life, Cam :o) *HUGS!*

  2. so exciting! Keep us updated on how you progress.
