Saturday, August 30, 2008

EarthQuake: Matt @ the Harmaceutical is OK

Just in case you wanted the details.....

We just had an earthquake about 30 minutes ago. I felt the house shake, and rumble and it had this deep set sound that the earth makes when it moves.

I went onto yahoo to find out where it was, and low and behold the seat of this earthquake was right here in Fukui!

It wasn't big at all, only 3.7 magnitude, and the epicenter was 10km underground (6miles) but enough to feel it shake.

Normally when it feels like that it has occurred somewhere else and we get the dregs of the quake, but I was surprised when I refreshed it to see it was here.

So, for those of you worrying about Matt over in Tokyo, he is OK!

I love you!


Meet the Kingbird

Allison Strine Designs has a store on Etsy that you can reach by visiting her at Allison Strine Designs.

When I saw her amazing pendants that my friends were purchasing, I realized that I wanted one. The only problem was that they were all for girls! As if guys don't wear pendants?? Come on! We can be metrosexual you know! Some of us like more than just baseball caps and beer cans as accessories!

So I wrote Allison and ordered my own custom pendant from the LadyBird collection with one or two little modifications. I wanted it to be for a boy, so she made me a KingBird!

I love you Allison!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Link Between Cancer & Heart Disease: An Afternoon with Brian Peskin

OK OK OK... I KNOW I'm supposed to be working on that newsletter... but I am so damn excited about this event I just have to share it with you!!!
For anyone living in California, northern to be more specific, like right out of Fairfax... you absoluely MUST take the time to go and see my mentor Brian Peskin speak! He is so unbelievably compelling, and his live talks put his amazing books to shame!
Brian will be having a FREE talk at the Pine Street Foundation on Saturday Sep 20th from 4-6pm and if you can get your tush there, please do!
The following information comes from the Pine Street Foundation Events Page
I soooooo wish I could attend this!!!
Get informed, get REALLY healthy, and STAY REALLY HEALTHY!
I love you!
P.S. Be sure to scroll down the list of people at the end. You will see that it's not just ME who says that Brian's knowledge on this topic is revolutionary and mind blowing. I am telling you... you HAVE to get his books... yesterday!  (get them at - you won't find them in the library (you have to pay for life-altering value folks, and you won't find them on Amazon, or in other major bookstores. I'm telling you this now so you don't take months "looking around" for a better deal. You simply WILL NOT FIND a better deal on your LIFE than reading his two books, "The Hidden Story of Cancer", as well as "The 24 Hour Diet". I SHIT YOU NOT.)
* * * * * * * * * * *
The Link Between Cancer & Heart Disease:
An Afternoon with Brian Peskin, B.Sc.,
author of The Hidden Story of Cancer

Saturday, September 20th, 2008 - 4pm to 6pm - San Rafael, California


The Pine Street Foundation is pleased to welcome Brian Peskin, BSc, to Marin County to present his discoveries and new book, The Hidden Story of Cancer.

In this engaging talk, Peskin will challenge conventional wisdom about cancer and heart disease prevention, arguing that the last half-century of research has, unfortunately, been misguided and has yielded few positives as a consequence.

With a background in engineering from MIT and a passion for the sciences, Peskin has meticulously studied the work of Nobel Prize-winner Otto Warburg, MD, PhD, on the metabolism of cancer. Peskin will explain Warburg's discovery of cancer's prime cause in understandable, practical terms. Particularly compelling is Brian's discovery of the connection between cancer and heart disease.

Through a thorough understanding of Warburg's research and by “connecting the dots” in a unique way, Peskin will persuasively defend Warburg's findings, describe how normal cells become cancerous, and will make recommendations for how people can successfully defend against this process. Peskin's approach is now being utilized by physicians around the world.

If more cancer researchers, clinicians, and patients would put this theory into practice, Peskin argues the usefulness of future research would be vastly improved and patients would experience better treatment outcomes.


“The Hidden Story of Cancer is an important work for those who are unfamiliar with Warburg’s theories. Its program deserves serious study by doctors and patients contemplating alternative cancer therapies.” 
— Jonathan Collin, MD, for Townsend Letter (August/September 2007)

“One of the most significant health discoveries of the 21st century. It is extraordinary.”
— S. Cavallino, M.D. (Emergency Physician), Reggio, Emilia, Italy

“Earth-Shattering and Historically Significant.”
— D Sim, M.D. (Interventional Cardiologist), Boise, Idaho

“Everyone should read this book and follow the recommendations.”
— F. Hajar, M.D. (Pediatric Cancer Specialist), Orlando, Florida
“Impeccable research and novel insights of sheer genius. Brian’s accomplishment is singular—elegant science showing how proper use of EFAs is the missing link for practical application of Otto Warburg’s discovery. This knowledge is priceless for your future health.”
— B. Vonk, M.D. (Board certified: Radiologist, Internist, and Cardiologist), Norfolk, Nebraska
“Physicians and their patients around-the-world owe you a big ‘thank you.’ As a family and integrative physician, I carefully read your information and articles paying close attention to your references. I am an enthusiastic supporter of your program. Dr. Atkins’ first book started me on this path and you provide the missing information—the missing links and scientific support—that eluded Dr. Atkins. I am strongly recommending this book to all my patients.”
— Angelo A. Della Pietra, M.D., D.O. Family and Integrative Medicine Poughkeepsie, NY

“An amazing insight into EFAs that everyone needs to know.”
— Robert Jay Rowen, M.D. Editor-in-Chief: Second Opinion Newsletter International

“Impeccable research and novel insights of sheer genius. Brian’s accomplishment is singular—no groups, no public money, only elegant science showing how proper use of EFAs is the missing link for practical application of Otto Warburg’s discovery. This knowledge is priceless for your future health.”
— Brian N. Vonk, MD Board certified: Internist, Cardiologist, Radiology Norfolk, NB
“We are honored to have Brian Peskin as a member of the faculty. His nutritional discoveries and practical applications through Life-Systems Engineering [Science] are unprecedented.”
— James Douglas, President Texas Southern University (1998-1999) Houston, TX
“The most insightful quantum nutritionist of our age brings us the most insightful nutritional discovery of the 21st century! No one else is even close to matching his deep insight and understanding.”
— Robert Nemer, D.O. Cosmetic Laser Physician Columbia, MO
“To save your health and your life you must read this information. This information has transformed me, my practice and my patients. I have followed the information on essential fats for the past 25 years, but my patients did not see the results that the researchers reported. This discovery makes sense and finally patients are reporting improvements. I hope other physicians will become aware of this ground-breaking information.”
— Abram Ber, M.D. Homeopathic Physician/Preventive Medicine Scottsdale, AZ
“This information could prove to be one of the most significant health discoveries of the 21st century. It is extraordinary. Finally, an effective and practical program of cancer prevention. Brian Peskin has put together a programthat must be called ‘brilliant.’ It is a must... for all.”
— Stephen Cavallino, M.D. Emergency Physician Reggio Emilia, Italy
“Earth-shattering and historically significant.”
— David Sim, M.D. Interventional Cardiologist Boise, ID
“The most brilliant and exhilarating portrayal of researched truths ever published that is necessary for health and survival. This information is a MUST for everyone who wants to live disease-free.”
— Dawn “Medicine” Wolf, M.D., Ph.D. Homeopathic Physician/Preventative Medicine Sedona, AZ
“I refused to endorse any specific nutritional supplements until reading this information. Peskin’s discovery has completely changed my view on supplement recommendations; especially as it pertains to what the human body demands and requires....”
— Richard Thompson, D.C. Family Practice Omaha, NE
“In the last ninety-three years, there have been only two monumental works that have succeeded in explaining the actual cause and treatment of cancer: No. 1 is The Metabolism of Tumours, written by Nobel Prize-winning German physician and scientist, Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph. D., and published in Germany in 1910. No. 2 is Brian Scott Peskin’s The Hidden Story of Cancer, which details a scientific breakthrough that explains Dr. Warburg’s research and introduces new science that will prevent cancer. This is undoubtedly a breakthrough of biblical proportions.”
— Bernardo C. Majalca, N.D. Stage Four Cancer Researcher & Consultant San Diego, CA

“This eye-opening book [The Hidden Story of Cancer] presents the most thoroughly researched anticancer program that I have ever seen. My patients have also noticed how their energy levels have skyrocketed by following the book’s simple-to-follow program.”
— Clive Fields, M.D. Family Practice Houston, TX

“I’ve been studying health and nutrition for over 25 years. Your book is knocking my socks off! It is indeed the greatest book on health and nutrition I have ever read. People don’t believe me when I tell them that even something as complicated as cancer—and other degenerative diseases— have such a simple solution. ‘Well, just read Brian Peskin’s book, The Hidden Story of Cancer, and find out for yourself,’ is what I tell them. I can’t put it down, it is that interesting and informative!”
— Gary Shimabukuro Honolulu, HI
“This book [The Hidden Story of Cancer] is invaluable; a blessing to those who want the scientific facts surrounding cancer along with insight that won’t be found anywhere else. Phenomenal research and top-notch writing.”
— Shane Ellison, M.Sc. Drug Chemist, Author Santa Fe, NM
“Peskin follows the Nobel Prize-winner Otto Meyerhof by brilliantly bringing engineering into the fields of physiology and biochemistry. His anticancer discovery is worthy of a Nobel Prize.”
— Charles Jannuzi Articulatory Phonology University of Fukui, Japan

“[The Hidden Story of Cancer is] very well researched with complete list of references. Wording is very simple and easily understood, yet thorough. Everyone should read this book and follow the recommendations.”
— F. Hajjar, M.D. Pediatric Cancer Specialist Orlando, FL

“[The Hidden Story of Cancer] is a must-read for cancer patients and their physicians.... But the important message… is that cancer is a disorder of metabolism, not a genetically produced disease....”
— Caduceus Magazine (UK)
“[The Hidden Story of Cancer] is one of the most important books you could ever read if you want to understand and prevent cancer. This advice has benefits not just in protection but combating ill effects of radiotherapy and improving cancer remission…. This is a ground-breaking thesis that deserves worldwide recognition.”
— Nexus Magazine (International)
"The Hidden Story of Cancer is superb–it is a superbook!”
— Morton Walker, D.P.M. (Author of 81 health and other consumer- related books: “The World’s Leading Medical Journalist Specializing in Holistic Medicine” by the American Cancer Control Society) Boynton Beach, FL
“Thank you for your brilliant paper [in Middle East Health magazine]. Your idea about why low LDL causes cancer is most interesting and may possibly be true as well.”
—  Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., PhD., World Renowned Cholesterol Authority http:// Sweden

“I bought your magnificent book a few weeks ago and I couldn’t stop reading it! It is well written and easy to read. As a scientist in the heart regeneration field in Boston, Massachusetts, I really believe you have done a great job encapsulating, integrating and advancing the huge amount of data in the field of cancer and related topics. It was almost impossible to do, but you did it!”
— Serge Gregoire, Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard), Boston, MA
“Brian Peskin has done a marvelous job of elucidating Dr. Otto Warburg’s discovery in easy understandable terms. In all my medical reading pertaining to cancer, this is the first time I have understood the ultimate cause of cancer. A ‘must read for doctors.’”
— Joseph J. Formica, M.D. General Surgery Mystic, CT

“There is no doubt that The Hidden Story of Cancer has Pulitzer Prize qualities. I read the whole book in one night because I couldn’t put it down.”
— Sheldon Zerden Health book author/award-winning author New York

Can the World Ever Get Enough of .. ME?

I am working on "slapping together" (I'm a hack, so I can't be "creating"...) the latest Newsletter for YES Supplements. I am gathering info on .. stuff... Don't worry. You'll see when it comes out and I hope you subscribe to it and start getting it regularly!


I just came across "My Magazine"! And boy am I pumped!!!

Look at what they say about "cam magazine"

(this is soooo coool!!!)

CAM Magazine 

CAM Mag cover (large) CAM magazine is the UK's premier magazine for practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine providing unrivalled coverage of the latest news, research and political developments.

Only available to fully-trained practitioners trained in 3 year full-time courses of degree standard and students who are at present completing a relevant practitioner’s course CAM encourages evidence-based practice and sharing of clinical expertise.

The diversity of the CAM industry is reflected in CAM Magazine’s content covering nutrition, diet, herbal medicine, bodywork, homeopathy, acupuncture and therapeutic applications of mind-body research. CAM ensures our readers are fully informed about the issues affecting their industry.

To find out what is in the latest issue click here or to subscribe click here

No matter where you go... there I am!

I love you!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Madness from the Meat Guy

I love this guy!!! He has my sense of humour! And he's got just the kind of meat I need!

Meat News Volume 11.5 – Let it Snow (repeat) 

Standard disclaimer and un-subscribe info:

This is a newsletter that is being sent to you because I thought you might be interested or because you requested a subscription. If you are not interested, please let me know and I will take you off this list. If you are not interested, have told me so but are still receiving this letter it is because we ignore all requests to unsubscribe, I apologize for that and for next time as well. Also, if you are offended in any way, rest assured we’ve already been placed on the “naughty” list.   -Jason 


Merry Christmas!  It’s that time of year once more when we make up a holiday in the hopes that you will celebrate it, and buy stuff from us to aid in your celebration.  A little early for Christmas you ask?  That’s just because this year we’re throwing a surprise birthday party for Jesus and we’ve got all the fixin’s: turkeys, dressing, hams, cranberry sauce, everything you might need.  We’ve got it, year ‘round – you add the manger and confetti.  Sorry, we tried to move Hanukkah forward this year as well but it seems that someone up there doesn’t like surprises. 

In celebration of this grand holiday tradition why not buy a little present for yourself?  Maybe a new gas grill – order this month and we’ll throw in 5000 yen worth of meat!  You’ll feel like a bona fide magi.  Remember, rabbit legs make great stocking stuffers!  Or how about some baby back ribs for that baby in your life. If you’re having trouble picking out a gift for that special someone just ask yourself, WWTMGD?

Just to show that we feel the Christmas spirit like nobody’s bizness, we are offering a free bottle of our not yet award winning barbecue sauce for free, no charge, gratis, until the end of the month, free.  Just type in the secret code “free bbq sauce please” when you check out.  And now for the small print: type in “free bbbq sauce” and get a free bottle of barbecue sauce, interpret that however you wish.  In fact, you could even go online, order nothing at all, and just ask for a free bottle of barbecue sauce and we would send it to you.  It’s like you giving The Meat Guy the finger for Christmas, very merry, enjoy your sauce.  But remember, someday we might open a snow cone stand, and on a hot summer day you just might purchase one of those snow cones from us because you will have temporarily forgotten the old saying “Revenge is a dish best served icy, slushy, yellowy, snowy cold – in a cone.   Merry Christmas!! 


TMG International YK
4-1-1 Hamada-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457-0822
Tel: 81-52-618-3705  
Fax: 81-52-618-3706

Ootnaboot for the Fabric Goddess

Yesterday I headed out to find some more kimono material for Stefnee as she said she is looking for more. She has a slight fabric addiction, you see.....

I went over to the recycle shop across Fukui (toward Sabae) where I collected most of the kimono that people purchased for the Cam2PR Fund. I was looking for some summery yukata (light cotton colourful kimono worn during the summers) but did not find the colourful ones at this store. I did go to another store and found them for sale there, but they were a higher price and were in such a condition that people would purchase them, and wear them, not cut them up into fabric.

If you would like to take a look at all of the eight kimono I found for Stefnee, please visit my Flickr page. You can access a slide show of the kimono here.

In addition to kimono, Stefnee and others have told me that they love my little garden tanuki and that they want one. I have been searching high and low for a plastic one in stores, recycle shops, home and garden centers, even on Yahoo Auction but I can only seem to find tanuki made of pottery. These are beautiful, but generally too heavy to ship overseas (unless people are OK with the freight and then I'm happy to get one off of the auctions for you!) and thus I have been searching for a plastic one. The strangest thing is that nobody believes I actually own one; they have never heard of a plastic garden tanuki! 

Yesterday when I visited the recycle shop where I usually get kimono and other gifts for people for Christmas, etc., I was searching the things for a plastic tanuki. But in its stead what did I happen to lay my eyes upon? A REAL Live Stuffed Tanuki for sale!!!

Holy Moly! I just had to take a photo of this because I've never seen a stuffed one before! I just had to share this photo with you because, to me, this kind of "find" really shows you some things about traditional Japan. For any of you who want to come and visit, I will be sure to give you many more exciting jaw-dropping experiences while you are here! You will not leave Japan disappointed, and that is my guarantee to you!

If you would like to learn a lot more on the folklore of the tanuki, please look to Wikipedia. The images, and the descriptions are quite enjoyable. Also, I think (not 100% sure) that there is a tale of the tanuki in the "Japanese Fairy Tales" book that I left with Stefnee to read to her children. If there is one in there, and if you ask her, I am sure she will give you a video reading!


I love you!


P.S. You will notice that real tanuki do not have the monstrous testicles that the mythical ones seem to possess... I get the feeling that the mythical tanuki was invented by men with "insecurity issues"... wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Ochre Letter

The novel, "The Scarlet Letter", begins in 17th-century Boston, Massachusetts, then a Puritan settlement. A young woman, Hester Prynne, is led from the town prison with her infant daughter, Pearl, in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” on her bosom. The scarlet letter "A" represents the act of adultery that she has committed and it is to be a symbol of her sin – a badge of shame – for all to see....

Dear Multiply Folks,

I am shocked and outraged that you have branded the Premium members with that horrible Ochre Letter, "P". Not only does it infringe our profile images, but it is an embarrassment to have to parade through the blogs, "classed as an elite member".

I don't mind having "Premium" under my home page picture, but to have that ochre P show up on our icon is an unfair way to mark-et the fact that some people are paying for your services, while anyone without a "P", obviously is not.

What happened to respecting our privacy? I never bother to check whether or not others are Premium, because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Premium use is something we choose for our own reasons, and absolutely NOT to show off to others, because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Communication, and connection is what matters. It is also absolutely of no benefit to us to have that hideous P obscure our icons. All it does is put us in a seemingly cliquish group in an attempt to try to make us look like we are "better or different" from those who are not Premium Users. This is absolutely not the case. This is a very bad marketing tactic.

I request that you remove the Ochre Letter P from our icons immediately and return it to the previous system, for branding us with an ochre P is just as bad as branding a woman with a Scarlet Letter.

Oh, and I love you!

Cameron Switzer

(Letter sent to Customer Service)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

GLC Community Swag: Get Yours Today!

Stefnee & Scooter designed some fabulous Globalized Love Community Swag for anyone and everyone who has the opportunity to meet other blogger friends somewhere in the real world. You already know that!

Today my order of swag arrived and I was very excited! Here is a video showing you what I ordered and how it looks. I think they will have to do a bit of tweaking to the buttons (which was supposed to be a magnet), but other than that it all looks great!

So pick up one or two items and show your support of the Globalized Love Community, and the Internet Axe Murderer's Club, PLEASE!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

TheFabricGoddess on Etsy!!!
Stefnee has created the most amazing line of bags that you could ever set your eyes on!

For those of you who already have one of her products, you know what I am talking about.

For those of you who don't, ... well, what are you waiting for? Remember we support our Globalized Love Community Members?

Head over to Etsy and take a look at the amazing collection that Stefnee has completed.

I love my HippyDippy bag, and I take it everywhere. I even use it exclusively on my bike to the bank, and even to the river to swim, sun, and snooze and stuff it full of lots of water, books, pens, IC recorder, towels, sunglasses, bronzing lotion, and so much more!

It has a reflector built into it to keep me safe, not to mention three external pockets, an internal divider, and three other internal pockets (one of which is articulated to hold a water bottle!)

Each pocket is lined with vintage kimono material to give it that really exotic, sexy look. And I asked Stefnee to put a couple of belt loops onto the over the shoulder strap so that it could become, as Scooter branded it, my "utility belt"! Now I can hang my sunglasses, my keitai, or a pen there for easy access to my "stuff". I love my utility belt!

The denim is designed to be ultra strong, and yet the edges are pre-worn so they will gently fray with age and become even more specialized as I continue to break it in. I plan on living until I'm 202 years of age, and I'm betting this baby outlives me!

And so it is. This baby rocks!

Really, the craftsmanship (I'm not going to say "worksmanship" because it is above and beyond that) is phenomenal. It really is.

The prices are really fabulous. I tried to convince her to sell them for more because I truly understand the value of these bags, but humble Stefnee, Little Miss "I'm just me", would hear nothing of it! She wanted to keep them affordable for the entire world, not just us white collar bank robber criminal types who people seem to think have infinite amounts of money to toss around. Well, for a project like this, for usable art (i.e. industrial art), and to support my best friends, I would certainly pay above and beyond these prices. Because I know the true value.

Enough of my blabbing; I'm wasting your precious time. Go see for your self, but be prepared to be "verily impressed" by The Fabric Goddess!

Congratulations, Stefnee! I hope that as time goes by, your shop gets more hits, then a few purchases, then a few more, and then you can turn what you love into an at-home business while looking after your family as well! I am so proud of you for getting this going!

I love you!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer in the Country, Japan 2008

This is the first photo I took in the morning (about 6am) while the mist was still heavy on the mountains, and the dew on the rice.

I love my inaka "roots" out here in the countryside of Japan. It is soooo different from what everyone in the rest of the world "thinks" Japan is like through watching TV and reading about Tokyo, Osaka, and other big, crowded, concrete, smoggy cities. Don't believe me? Then take a look at where I live! I love you!

Welcome to my summer

This morning I headed out in my flip flops about 6am to just walk around the rice paddies where I live. Joolz had asked if I could take some photos of the rice paddies, so I did!

You can see those images for now in my Summer in the country, Japan 2008 Set on Flickr.

The morning sun had not turned the entire area into a raging fireball yet, and the breeze was still pleasant, and not yet a hair dryer set to high in a sauna.

And then I took a very little video. Of me. On my digital camera. This is where my video-whoring origins come from... imagine ME taking maximum 80 second videos!?! Hahahahahaha... Well this is it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Japanese Commemorative Stamps for Summer 2008

This blog has been bothering me all day because it didn't feel right to start it off with, "Does anybody want stamps?" And I have been mulling it over in my brain, so let me add the introduction to make it more of something that I would do, OK? Here we go.

Today was a hot, humid, summer day. I left the house before noon and drove into Fukui to pick up my video camera that I had stupidly used to squash a big wasp against Stefnee's house when I was there (I shattered the LCD and was making videos the entire time with only half a monitor... stupid me. Learned MY lesson, I did). Then I went next door to the recycle shop "2nd Street" but didn't find anything that interested me this time. So I headed on home as I had a few things to do back here.

I made a detour into the drug store on the way home and picked up an eyebrow trimmer for Mayu, some Seabreeze body wash for me (I like the cooling effect of the chemical menthol body wash in summer), some bug "keeper-awayer" for the cat if I can find him again, ZipLoc bags and water. Then I came home and put a package together that needed to go out today.

I hopped on my bike and rode through the rice paddies (which are looking fantabulous by the way, and probably ready to harvest by the end of this month) down to the post office where I updated my bank books (yep, the post office is also the largest bank in the world), and then shipped my parcel off.

As I was standing there waiting to have the enveloped weighed I noticed that the post office was selling their "summer collection" of commemorative stamps. I looked them over and was quite impressed by how beautiful they are this year. I immediately thought that there might be some stamp collectors out there in the world who would appreciate getting their hands on a sheet or six of these particular commemorative stamps for 2008!

Does anyone collect commemorative stamps from around the world?

If you are interested in collecting them, I would be more than happy to go to the post office and get any of the sheets that you like, and mail them to you. So contact me if you are interested and we can work out how to get you what you want!

I love you!


P.S. Ahhhh.... that's much better. Now it seems much more like a "Camblog" and not just something I tossed up there because I had nothing better to do. Now I can sleep tonight...


Hello Kitty 1 (On Sale from 7/23)

Hello Kitty 2 (On Sale from 7/23)

Patlabor (On Sale from 8/22)

Japan China Friendship (On Sale from 8/12)

Hometown Festivals Series 1 (On Sale from 8/01)

Hyaku Nin Issue Traditional Card Game Collection (On Sale from 7/23)

Hokkaido Series (On Sale from 7/01)

Edo-Era Ukiyoe Series (On Sale from 8/01)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Vornado Air Circulators

A few weeks ago my Nikkei Business Weekly newspaper was reviewing air circulators (we sometimes call them fans, but they are a bit different). I read the reviews of the various brands briefly.

A few nights ago, I was thinking how I would love for our home to have better air circulation because by the time the outside air cools down to a chilly summer 24C (74F but WET!), the house, even with the windows wide open is still sitting up at 30C (88F but WET!!). This house just doesn't cool down because the windows are not designed to allow for a better freeflow of air in the direction of the prevailing winds.

When I looked at that newspaper, one of the reviews was for the Vornado Air Circulator, and it was described as the best known brand in the USA. The price here for new ones is about $150 as opposed to other cheaper ones at $30 or so, but the reviewers said they were very different.

That got me to thinking, and I did some searching on Yahoo Japan Auctions, the premium net auction house in Japan (I like it better than EBay which is not here). I found several of the Vornados (Vortex + Tornado = Vornado) circulators up for sale (auction). The starting price was a meager 100 yen, but they all went up to about $60 in the end by the time the auctions ended.

So I bid for a few, and ended up getting this model 530.

And let me tell you that it is amazing! We use fans in the house but I have never had a fan that is this compact, that actually CIRCULATES the air in the rooms as good as this baby does!

The system focuses air into a tight, twisted beam that can travel up to 20m (60ft). The blades have a deep pitch that really scoop up the air so a lot of air is moved. It shoots out in a powerful (3 settings) vortex twisting beam that then breaks apart at a distance and starts to circulate back in upon itself, to once again be pushed back out again. You can bring hot ceiling air down to warm the lower areas in winter, move the cooler lower air (from AC, or night time open windows, up and around the room as well. So instead of having three different temperatures in your living space (hotter upper, medium mid area, cooler area around the feet) the entire room becomes more even. This allows you to lower your settings on your heater or AC, which should allow you to save on energy costs as well. And for the amount of air it moves, I must admit it is pretty darn quiet. Last night Mayu asked if it was raining outside... that's the kind of sound she heard, instead of the traditional VROOOOOOOMMMMMMM sound of fans that really only blow air, but don't offer a lot of actual circulation.

Here is how their website describes the difference between a "fan" and the Vornado:

"Unlike an ordinary household fan, a Vornado air circulator doesn't just blow air. Instead, it literally bends and twists air to produce true whole-room air circulation using Vortex Action, exclusive to Vornado. So rather than drafts and dead spots you get an even temperature and circulation through out the room. Vornado air circulators conserve energy year-round by working with heating and cooling systems. In the Summer months, place near a window or air conditioning vent to circulate the cool air. This enables you to raise your thermostat up to 5 degrees and maintain the same comfort level. In the Winter, take advantage of heat already in the room, direct the airflow upwards to circulate warm air that gravitates to the ceiling, back to floor level." (didn't I say all this already?)

Looking at their website at, I can see that my equivalent product new costs approximately $60 (Vornado 630), so you could probably get a really great price on EBay or other auction houses.

I would say that if you are looking to consider decreasing your energy costs (they are going up, thanks to oil skyrocketing), and want a modern looking circulator with a small footprint, this is something you should seriously consider looking into.

Take a look at, read through the great explanations, and see what you think. I got it yesterday, but I KNOW I'm in love with this baby already!

ADDENDUM: Matt, aka Harmaceutical has also purchased this baby and has been using it for a few days. You can see his amazing review (blog) at this link: Vornado Weather at the Harmaceutical

I love you!


P.S. For those of you wanting to give it a try... sells the exact same one I have for $39.95 and the shipping is FREE! Now THAT is even worth a small investment, dontcha think? Vornado on (scroll down to 530B to see mine)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fishing on the Kuzuryu River

Today I decided to get out of the steambath house and go down to the river. I spend time here every summer because it is a little cooler, but the running water and the constant breeze make it feel MUCH cooler.

I met some fishermen while I was there... There two Japanese guys fishing for ayu or sweetfish, a relative of smelts. There were many others, but these fellows were nearest to me. You can look "ayu" up on wikipedia and get an excellent description with wonderful photos.

I also caught a few snaps of some skinny white stringbean out by the river fishing for ... what?




Have a great day! I certainly did. And maybe I will again tomorrow if it's another steambath day in this house!

I love you!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bless My Obesity for I have Sinned

Well, I never thought I would see the day that I would have to admit that there are actually ADVANTAGES to being obese and sick!

Who would have thunk?

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he's too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs.

Read the rest of the story here.

This is ridiculous. I'm going to the river to soak my head....

*Shakes head, walking away....*

China is Ready for the Olympics

... but are YOU ready for China?

(brought to me by my dad mudpuddle...)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra - The Dalai Lama

When Mayu and I went to visit the "singing salad bowl guy", he handed out a CD with the Dalai Lama's version of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. It is about 48 minutes long, and about 44MB in size, and is repeated 108X during those 48 minutes. There are only four lines in total to this mantra, but the meaning of it, and the sound, and how it resonates in the soul... are wonderful.

If you wish to download the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra (43.8MB), please do! As it is large, it will take some time, so I suggest you "right click" and download to your hard drive rather than left-click and play in the streaming fashion. I hope you don't have trouble downloading it, but let me know if you do (after a few attempts because FileDen is not always a reliable storage facility, mostly because it is free).

I thought that it would be difficult to play the same thing over and over for 48 minutes... but time flew and before I realized it, it was ending. And I felt good.

I love you!



Introduction to the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

The great mantra dedicated to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda. It is called the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, the Great Death-conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has many names and forms.

It is called the Rudra mantra, referring to the furious aspect of Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, alluding to Shiva's three eyes; and it is sometimes known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component of the "life-restoring practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity.

The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda. Along with the Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and meditation.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Om Tryambakam yajamahe,
Sugandhim pushti vardhanam,
Urvarukamiva bandhanan,
Vrityor mukshiya Mamritat.


I meditate on, and surround myself to the divine being who embodies the power of will, the power of knowledge, and the power of action. I pray to the Divine Being who manifests in form of fragrance in the flower of life and is the eternal nourisher of the plants of life. Like a skillful gardener, may the Lord of Life disentangle me from the binding forces of my physical, psychological, and spiritual foes. May the Lord of immortality residing within me free me from death, decay, and sickness and unite me with immortality.


This is a healing and nourishing mantra and in a sense, "The Heart of the Vedas". The healing force awakened by the mantra sends forth its ripples from body to psyche and from the psyche to the soul. It strengthens our powers of will, knowledge and action, thus unblocking the flow of enthusiasm, courage and determination.

The vibration of this mantra awakens the internal healing forces while attracting nature's healing agents, creating an environment where the forces from both origins converge.

This mantra connects us to the healer within and helps us receive the full nourishment from food, herbs, or any discipline undertaken from our total well-being.

Meaning of the mantra

OM. We worship and adore you, O three-eyed one, O Shiva.
You are sweet gladness, the fragrance of life, who nourishes us, restores our health, and causes us to thrive.
As, in due time, the stem of the cucumber weakens, and the gourd if freed from the vine, so free us from attachment and death, and do not withhold immortality.

Word-to-word Meaning:

OM - Almighty God
Tryambakam - Three-eyed
Yajamahe - We worship, adore, honour, revere
Sugandhim - Sweet fragrance
Pushti - A well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, full and complete
Vardhanam - One who nourishes, strengthens, causes to increase (in health, wealth, well-being); who gladdens, exhilarates, and restores health, a good gardener
Urvarukam - Disease, attachment, obstacles in life, and resulting depression
Iva - Like, just as
Bandhanan - Stem (of the gourd); but more generally, unhealthy attachment
Mrityor - From death
Mukshiye - Free us, liberate us
Ma - Not
Amritat - Immortality, emancipation

Important Note: The CD of the Dalai Lama chanting this ancient mantra from the Rig Veda  "Maha Mrityunjaya" mantra was recorded by one of his disciples with the Dalai Lama's permission. At first he refused to release it but then he agreed, saying that it must never be sold, it can only be given.

If you share it with others, please include this note and ask that they do the same.

Download the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Globalized Love Collection
Welcome to the Globalized Love Collection of goods and paraphernalia that every Globalized Lover needs to seriously look into in order to tell the world, "IGLU!!" or "I AM" (if you are an Internet Axe Murderer!)

Stefnee & Scooter have taken our Unconditional Love one step further with this Globalized Love Shop of clothing, novelty goods and more!

Take a look at the Globalized Love Community Mascots P1 and P2! Aren't they just the cutest things? These little guys are the offspring of T1 and T2's Penguin Paradise that they have been working on and sending around the world to everyone in our community Don't you love these guys?

Remember how we joke about getting together as Internet Axe Murderers? Well now anybody can "join the club" and pick up a T-shirt or two and lay claim to being a true Internet Axe Murderer. Now you can say with pride, "YES, I AM!!" (in two different ways!)

So please go ahead and support our Globalized Love Community by sharing your love to the world, and giving others the opportunity to ask you, "What the hell are you wearing???" What a great way to "melt the globalized ice"! Global Warming ain't got nuthin on our heaps of burning love!

And at the same time you are Sharing the Love, you can also be supporting the efforts of two of my all-time FAVOURITE STARVING artists : Stefnee & Scooter ... and their perpetually growing (and equally starving) kids!

Keep up the great work, the wonderful dialogue, and OMG I think I'm going to have to buy seven or eight of these things!!!


Snoring Sounding Crystal (Salad?) Healing Bowls

Last night Mayu took me to this 40 year old NewAge Wackhead Healer guy in Fukui. His studio was an amazing array of crystals, incense, music, books on everything healing, a ton of copper bowls he uses to vibrate waves into the body for a kind of healing, aromatherapy oils, sticks, hammocks from Thailand, dancing seven headed elephants, and a few Sonic girls on roller skates delivering ice cold root beer to boot! (just kidding).
We talked to him for a bit until everyone who had planned to arrive actually did arrive. We had some cold herbal tea that was very good (slid down with ease as many cool herbals do). He laid out yoga mats for us to lie down on the floor, turned down the sea wave background music that had been playing for relaxation, turned down the lights and proceeded to play the crystal bowls.
You can see above the crystal bowls that the healer played for an hour. They are designed to emit certain frequencies that the healer then controls with his energy. The sound waves move into the listeners' bodies which are relaxed and supine on the floor. The waves are intended to awaken the chakra points (seven spiritual points of confluence of energy in our bodies) in the body and help the latent energy within, leap forward.
Here is a little more information on "Vibrational Healing" for your reference:
Quartz crystal singing bowls are one of the most powerful methods for healing on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. The use of crystal bowls take the principle of vibrational healing through sound to a new level.
Quartz is composed of silicon dioxide, a compound that is also strongly present in human chemical structure. Thus, the vibrations of crystal bowls help to "re-tune" us to our own natural and healing vibrations. Like other forms of vibrational healing, such as crystals, flower essences, and Reiki, the tones of these bowls help to dissolve energetic blockages, allowing us to return to balance.
The initial effect of playing crystal bowls is to relax the body and mind. Once calmness is restored, the sound frequencies stimulate the chakras, brain, endocrine glands, and nervous system. When we combine the playing of the bowls with focused, positive thought, the results are even more powerful.
Mayu says I snored within the first three minutes... she lies! I remember doing deep breathing and meditating and going to my safe space the entire time. I DID NOT SLEEP!
Mayu also said that she suffered "kanashibari" which is a common thing here in Japan when people say they awake at night but cannot move their bodies, and feel as if someone is sitting on their chest, pinning them there.
The woman next to me said that she felt some energy pour out of the top of her head at a chakra point (sahasrara, or the crown chakra of consciousness).
I don't know what the other three people there experienced.
When it was done, it took Mayu about another 15 minutes to move again, but as soon as it ended, I was immediately up, wide awake, my senses were activated, and I was perfectly calm and at ease. I got up and turned off my recorder which he let me leave right in front of him for the entire 55 minutes he was playing the crystal bowls. We had some tea, ate some cut grapefruit (he believes that the juice of the grapefruit is very healing), ate some little tomatoes that another person had brought as well as the fruit inside what looked like miniature yellowish Chinese lantern flowers! They were good.
We payed a small fee of JPY 1,500 (about $15) each (he discounted it to JPY 1,000 for each of us, saying that gas prices went up so he was helping our visit to him), and went out for dinner, then came home. This morning, both of us were exhausted so the sound waves definitely had some powerful effect on our bodies and minds.
Listening to the attached file may not be particular interesting to you as it is the sound of two hands playing a myriad of crystal bowls.... Feel free to stop, or fast forward at any time (I promise it won't hurt my feelings in the least).
Also, the waves were there physically, emanating from the crystal, outward into the room and into our bodies. These waves apparently physically affecting the chakra points (coinciding with major endocrine glands in the body) so that will be again, very different from what I recorded.
If you wish to hear what we experienced, feel free to download this sound file, put it on, then lie on the floor, relax, get comfortable, take off any tight jewelery, clothing (zzzziiipppp), and get ready to be at ease, to practice your breathing for 43 minutes. You may just find that it has a positive effect on your mind, on your soul, and on your chakra!
All in all it was an interesting experience. I hope I can have many more of these new experiences as I move into the next NOW moments of spirituality and growth.
Wait until you see what I have next for you!
I love you!


P.S.    Carrie, you asked me in a blog comment how I keep from wanting to rip people's heads off... This is one way that I have been working on since January of this year. Repeating my meditation over and over and over until it becomes a peaceful second nature and allows me to live in "the gap", or that space between thinking, and acting. I might also recommend creating a mantra, or affirmation that reaffirms exactly what you are (i.e. what you want to be) as opposed to all the things that drive you nuts and lead you to lose control when you allow your buttons to be pushed. At the same time you take this peaceful time you may want to practice your breathing while you do it, imagining a swinging gate moving in.... and out........ and in ..................... and out................. in the breaths you take, in harmony with your breathing (until you fall asleep and start snoring with your mouth wide open, sucking in flying Oregon cockroaches.)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Family Fund: Investing in Future Returns on Love (ROL)

This is a continuation of the comments in my latest blog, Hedge Fund: Investing in a Different Perspective. We have taken a bit of a tangent, but it is an interesting tangent, and one that I thought I would like to share with everyone because it allows me (once again) to show the world how damn proud I am of my parents, Mudpuddle and Sharon, for raising Bruce and I to be (somewhat) functional adults in a world that really seems to be going to H-E- Double Hockey Sticks in front of my very own still nearly 20/20 baby blue eyes (comment: I attribute near perfect vision to my 7 years of taking PEOs, by the way and yes, this is a gratuitous plug for my health stuff, but it's my world so like it... or like it!).

It also allows me to express my belief on the absolute importance of parents raising their children "the right way", as opposed to "the left way".

Primary Disclaimer: Of course, I have nefver had my own children so don't know shit about raising them therefore you should never take anything I say about raising children seriously...

Secondary Disclaimer: Now remember, as with every opinion that ever exists in any newspaper, or blogosphere, or that comes out of anyone's mouth, they are all based on their one-of-a-kind eyeglasses that are tinted with their very own "stuff", or JBOPPs - Judgements, Beliefs, Opinions, Positions and Prejudices. You may not see it as I do, but that's simply because your perceptions will be based upon your very own JBOPPs, which will be different from mine, for a multitude of reasons I call "culture".

Dad loved to cook when we were growing up. As he had moved his way into a government job, he got to leave the office pretty much every day around 4.30 and come home. Mom worked in the Cancer Foundation treating patients, giving them chemotherapy, giving them love. She often worked later because you can't just say, "oh, it's closing time, I guess I'll shut the book on this patient and pick it up again tomorrow" when they have been waiting all day to receive, or were in the middle of receiving their chemotherapy medication.

So, this meant that Dad would often do a lot of the dinner cooking. Mom always loved it and one of the household jokes (made by Dad) was that as long as he prepared it, she would even love a frozen turd on a plate!

This showed me as I was growing up (not the turd joke... oi you!) that yes men DO cook, and they do it well. There were no hesitations about that.. it is a simple fact (which now a days I would call a perception). And ... so I simply DO cook. And I do it well (there is no other way TO cook than "well", is there? I didn't think so!)
When I came to Japan to teach I was shocked to find out that so many of my male students, when left alone to make their own meals at home, would proudly tell me that they knew how to make.... toast. But that was about it. I even had one student tell me that every time he was hungry and wandered into the kitchen, his grandfather, or grandmother or even father would shoo him out of the kitchen and tell him that if he wanted something, he should ask mother, and that he was not supposed to be cooking. I'm guessing that to this day, his wife is silently cursing his "lazy little yellow ass" (as opposed to my skinny white ass just so you know I'm not being racist here), and kicking herself for not checking into that before they tied the noose... i mean knot. Of course the Japanese men and women (who would swoon over my ability to cook and the fact that I would bring my cooking to class for them) were equally shocked that I just naturally cooked. I am sure that Matt can attest to this from his students as well.

So, I learned from an early age that men cook. And that comes from "Dear Old Male Parental Unit".

Thank the gods that I did NOT pick up one of my dad's habits regarding cooking, though...

Dad NEVER cleaned the dishes after he was done cooking; he felt that if he did the cooking, then that was enough and it wasn't his duty to do the dishes.

Well, I LOVE doing dishes and I often have to have a battle with Mayu to get her away from the dishes because I want to enjoy doing them (I battle her because I know that the dishsoap wrecks the skin on her hands so I want her not to deal with that as the psoriasis she grew up with... it makes her knuckles crack and bleed). These days doing dishes is one of the NOW MOMENTS where I love to practice being present, midful, aware and do the dishes for the purpose of doing the dishes, and nothing else.

So where did my love of doing dishes come from, you may wonder? I wondered too, but then I took a few "gap" moments, and thought about it, the answer came to me. 
Well, let me tell you that another one of our chores growing up was to clean the dishes from the table, wash them (before the advent of the dishwasher), or to rinse them off and then put them in the dishwasher. We didn't have the rule of putting the clean dishes away.. but we just did. Mom always made sure that it was essential we know how to do this as kids and thanks to MOM here, it really paid off.

The other thing I learned from Mom was that the person doing the dishes was also responsible for cleaning off the counters, especially the stove top. This is an often neglected area that people forget and it gets left to Mom to sparkle and shine. Well, thanks to Dear Old Female Parental Unit, I always make sure the counters are glistening, there are no water spots on the top, and that the range top is wiped, along with the underside of the vent, the fans, the fridge, and other areas where oil may have vaporized during cooking.

Mom taught me how to do the laundry and I am very happy to say that I DO know how to do it right from start, to ironing and putting away, even if many women out there don't believe me! Mayu has always hated anyone else doing laundry but her way, so that has been an interesting struggle over the past 20 years as my most excellent skills at laundering (not money, in spite of what Jose Iglesias our resident "snarky (but lovable... sometimes) sockless wonder" insists) have gone mostly unrecognized. Oh well, that's life, I guess and maybe in my next "life" my laundering skills will be appreciated.

Then we have taking out the trash completely, neatly, on time, and bringing in the cans when they sit there empty after pickup (thanks Mom and Dad for training us on that), as well as lots of shoveling snow (which I think, and my Dad can confirm or deny this here) that I loved doing all my life while growing up in Winnipeg, and still love to this day.

Starting off at an early age, and giving lots of chores to the children, provides them with the tools to know how to do a lot of things right. It teaches the importance of knowing and respecting rules and boundaries that absolutely must not be crossed. While doing this with love and allowing the children the leeway to personalize these chores and take ownership of them, the children grow into capable, loving, respectful, mindful, and flexible adults (and parents, I guess, but I wouldn't know of course...)
These lessons are very important things that parents need to GIFT to their Offspring Units. Without these tools, as we grow through life, how are we to continue on the lineage and create more Offspring Units that are not dys-functional? I can't see how it can be done otherwise....
Upon writing this blog (and thinking deeply upon a few recently received emails from a very dear friend of mine) it has occured to me that another important thing is to have both a mother and father in the family to give the children a balanced way of seeing how people act, interact, and react when two different personalities/sexes/cultures come in contact. Everyone is different based upon our cultural upbringing, and having both parents as a role model for learning how to interact during conflicting situations, how to move from anger, to discussion, to resolution and then back to love and respect is critically important for children to see.
This helps the children learn how to do this later on in life when they enter into relationships, and they find themselves in similar "conflict" situations; it allows them to know that they can debate, discuss, even get angry and express their needs without fearing a loss of the people they love and respect. This is VERY important and I learned this very well by watching my Mom and Dad "do the dance" as they grew up living with each other, and eventually us.
I loved the fact that even if I did not do well on tests at school, my parents were always supportive. They never told me "you could have done better had you just studied more like I told you to do". Never. Ever. Those are terrorist tactics akin to waterboarding children as they leave very bad psychological scars on them, and actually have the opposite effect intended: they hinder early on, and later in life, a person's "challenge abilities" and their self-confidence. In Japan, this is one of the biggest problems with education (as I perceive it, and as I feel is confirmed by the bizarre stress-related murders, decapitations, suicides, etc. that seem to be skyrocketing among the 30-something generation these days, as well as the school children age), that the parents are always bullying their children into getting perfect scores.
Not my Parental Units! I often remember them telling me that all I need to do is to learn from the mistakes from the test, and try not to get them wrong again. They would also tell me that if I got a better mark on a test next time, then I have improved! This led me to the belief (one of my JBOPPs) that getting 100% on a test, or always being perfect is detrimental to a person, because it allows absolutely no leeway to grow and learn more (how can you improve when you think you are perfect?). And so I revel in making mistakes, because it is part of my ongoing attempts at improving myself, at learning life's lessons and it also allows me to get it right the next time (that doesn't mean I never kick my ass, or need my ass kicked by the way....). Thank you Mom and Dad for that lesson!
Back to the issues about being bullied in school... that was a tough one because my Mom and Dad had different beliefs. Mom would tell me to do the good christian thing and "turn the other cheek", while Dad, who was, I think a scrapper in his youth (maybe it came from banging his head too hard as he broadsided a cow on his bike on one lonely unlit country road at night...) but refuses to admit that, would tell me to "IF PROVOKED, hit hard, hit first, and make sure they learn to never bother you again". Now some of you may agree to my mom's way, and some to my dad's way, and those are YOUR JBOPPs to deal with. I could never work out a balance between these two from the people I loved and respected the most in my world, so continue to get bullied, and really be hurt by it, and feel disappointed that I couldn't do what either of my parents recommended. That was a tough lesson, I do admit.
Having said that, I have a positive lesson that my parents gave me from this as well... they both agreed that if I had to fight in school, it would be only to defend myself after being picked on. Instigating fights was absolutely not acceptable and I would have to face the music at home for that, but if I did protect myself, even though it was against school rules to fight, that although I would have to face the music at school for breaking the rules, I would not be doubly punished at home.
This was a GREAT lesson to learn as it showed me complete support by my parents, and it did let me feel that I was loved, respected and understood for making the right choices on my own. It really did help me to learn to trust my own belief systems. I commend all parents who raise their children this way, go to bat for them, and especially tell their children that they will support them even if they have made mistakes "out there".
There was never any physical abuse, mental abuse, alcohol-induced bad decisions, or anything like that in my family. None. And I have to thank my parents for that because I know it has helped me to see things differetly as I move through my life with unconditional love for the world, and everyone participating in it. I am glad I don't have to face those demons as an adult because I know how hard decades of hard-wiring can be to have to re-wire... nearly impossible unless you are very pro-active and seriously want to make huge positive changes in your life, and in the lives of those that matter to you. Stepping into your fears is terrifying, but it is necessary to make these kinds of changes... so I am very grateful to my parents for loving me unconditionally without employing any terror tactics in my youth that would most likely still be haunting me to this day and preventing me or hindering me from moving forward in my life.
I love all of you parents for raising your children like this because I KNOW it works, and builds a positive character that will come back later in life to benefit your children, and make you proud of them as they move through their adult lives. It also frees you from the feeling that they don't know what they are doing, and it allows you to let them make their own choices, make their own mistakes, and allow them to learn from them, and correct them as they see fit. This is immensely empowering, believe me.
This is a positive payback for both parents, and children that cannot be denied (from my one-of-a-kind JBOPP-tinted spectacles, of course). It's not too late, gang... if you don't do this already, you can still start doing it today... right NOW... as of this very moment... and your children will love you and respect you even more while in childhood, as well as when they grow up and become the adults that they must become. They will love you, and respect you as I love my parents unconditionally and completely.
That's a great investment, don't you think?
I love you guys, unconditionally, as I love my parents!
And now I am going to publish this (after copying it because it will have timed out and the system will lose this blog if I don't), and then I will go back and work on correcting the typographical errors that I haven't worried about as I worked through these thoughts.)
I love you!