Friday, June 18, 2010

Curried Cookies

Tonight here at the gym I was working on a machine... and an Indian fellow sat down at the machine next to me and started working out...

As he heated up the smell of curried sweat became unbearable and I ha do stop my exercises and mouth breathe for a while to keep myself from gagging.

Then he finished with that machine and moved away. I was thankful and started to work out again even though his residual curry spice odour was still very strong in the air.

Wouldn't you know it, he moved to the machine on the opposite side of me! His body odour surrounded me and got so terribly strong that I had to stop and walk away for a water break.

As I walked past on the far side of the gym his curried sweat stench pervaded the entire gym. I could see others wrinkling their nose and I thought to myself, "Geez I feel sorry for the employee who is helping him with a machine he doesn't know."

He finally left, but it took a while for the sour odour of spices to fade away from the gym... I hate to say it but I hope I do not bump into him again. Oh my goddess I'd hate to be on a packed morning rainy season train when the heat is 30C and the humidity up over 90% as it is for most of the next month...

I thought I might toss my cookies!

I love you!

P.S. And I was contemplating curry for dinner tonight.... NOT!


  1. I wondered for a while there where the cookies came in.

    I've often heard this complaint about heavy curry ingesters. Thankfully i have not had the experience of having to endure that smell in heavy concentration, though i've smelled it in passing. Not the most pleasant of odors, though the AROMA of it in cooking can be pleasant.

    I guess the poor dude can't help it, but what can be done to spare others that horrible, gag inducing experience??? I mean you can't force people not to eat so much curry.. or ban them from public...

    But it sure is problematic, eh?

    so... what DID you have for dinner, Mou?

    Hope it was good... and your evening too.

    I love you!

  2. Hi Jen - Im still here at the gym. In fact I see that I must have been deeply meditating since I sent this blog in through my keitai. How much time since the blog was time stamped and my comment? That is the time I was visiting Alice in Wonderland.

    Now it'ts time to shower, comp, change and head home to cook dinner. Im wearing my new cammo workout stuff tonight. I like to mix it up, yanno wha'm sayin'?

  3. It was only about 25 minutes, Mou.

    Cammo? You didn't not show us the cammo outfit.. just the hot blue one.

    Pics please!!!

    Wouldn't it be easier to just have some dinner out rather than go home and cook so late.
    I don't like cooking much anyway and certainly not after a full day's work AND full workout after.

    I say hit a nice restaurant, then head home and relax and go to bed.
    Ahhhh now that would be a great way to end such a productive day.
    You deserve it!

    Either way... bon apetit!

  4. Trying a new menu at the restaurant I frequent next door. I just finishd all the bathing etc so you can see that I dont rush when I can enjoy the luxury of a public bath.

    Cammo will have to wait for another day. You'll understand at the time.

  5. When I worked at the hospital; there was a doctor that believed in eating garlic; the aroma of garlic when it is cooking is different than when it is simmered with sweat...... You should had to ride the elevator with him; it was more than tossing your cookies, that you felt like doing.
