Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Skin Off My Back

Yesterday I took some video that I hope to process soon (maybe this coming weekend?) I came home, did some laundry, cleaned up, vacuumed, then went out to the river for a few hours. It was nice. It feels ... nice to be a bit red and dehydrated this morning from the first sun.

Then last night I did a marathon of ironing all of those cheap half-sleeved shirts I bought on Rakuten. I may have mentioned it before, but they are 55% polyester, and 45% cotton. And they are made in China.

Well... I'll tell you... when I was ironing them, they smelled like heated plastic! Yep. As I am thinking that the material used to make the fabric is most likely that old-style polyester, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if I end up drenched in sweat in them from zero-breathability.

The smell was not particularly pleasant; it was rather ... chemical.... weird...

As I started this adventure out as an experiment, I'll give them a try, and continue the test. If I end up finding they are not suitable, I'll either throw them away or give them away to somebody and let them enjoy them.

Time to get ready for Kobuchizawa, so have a good day.

I love you!


P.S. I hope my skin doesn't fall off....


  1. Did this start out as "Plastic Shirt"... Or am i missing a blog.

    Got an email alert with the other title...

    Hope the shirts work out, Mou.
    But if not aren't there charities for poor people you can donate them to?
    Throwing them out would be a waste.

    I love you too!

  2. P.S.

    AWESOME new profile pic.
    Looking maaahvalus, Dahling!

  3. "Throw them out ... to poor people."

    Yes, it started out as Plastic Shirt.

    Having a good weekend?
    I am!
    Thanks for the compliment.
    Off to Kobuchizawa today.
    I love you!

  4. Had a GREAT weekend! Thanks, Sweety!

    Winding down now after a decent day at work.

    Hope YOU have a good day at work, Future Man!

  5. hope you have a wonderful week, Sweaty!

  6. D - Stop thinking about my sweaty testicles!

    Can't you associate me with anything else? Try: refreshing, cooling breezes... warm, summer nights... the fragrance of wisteria in full bloom... the euphoria that follows really, really good sex... a medium rare steak... bacon...

  7. Was thinking about your sweaty shirt.... I read Jen's comment and thought she called you "sweaty". Then I read it again and laughed... So I did it.

    Tell me again about this euphoria thing?

  8. I'm sure Our Matt experiences it every time some big, sweaty, brawny, brute takes him all the way to submission... well, his version of euphoria, anyway. *wink*

    I'll show you my version of euphoria the next tim I'm in your neck. of the woods.

  9. LOL...

    Whew is it WARM in here?

    *fans self*
