Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wow... as I eat, I am just checking the World Cup scores, and I see that Japan trounced Denmark's with a 3:1 win! I guess everyone will be talking about the game at work today... funny thing is NOBODY knows anything about the Dalai Lama...


  1. AAACCCKKK!!! I forgot to watch!

    Been in the garden most of the day! Dang!

    Well... thanks for the update, Mou.
    I'll watch the wrap up tonight.

    Nice goin, Japan!!!

  2. The Dali Who?


    Aren't there many Bhuddists there?
    Or if they are i'm sure they're like the average Christians here... not all that devout.

    My brother Jim was surprised that the spa was really busy on Sunday. He figured it would be slow, it being the Sabbath an all.
    Til i reminded him... "who do YOU know who goes to church???"

  3. Hey, if you gotta choose between a boring "sabbath", or being rubbed by a gorgeous man or woman... who ya gonna call?

    Buddhism is not a "devout" religion over here. It's just mingled into everyday life. Kinda. Sorta. Between the raamen, the cigarettes and beer, the rice, and the crush of the trains during rushour.

    I'd guess that more people know who Salvador DALI is, than His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

    In the garden?!?!?!? What?!?!?!? You should be doing something of value like watching soccer!!!!! *spank! spank!*

    You'll watch an England game, but not a Japan one? Cheater!!!!

  4. Ain't a cheater...

    The other games are on in the morning...kwoffee hour. And i've missed it on the morning's i wake up at Sue's. I stay at her house after our all-nighters for Project Graduation. That's all done, thankfully.
    Love the kids.. and the MONEY (cha-ching!) but it gets to you after a while, yanno?

    Once i get goin outside, you know me... i've neglected to feed my kids on days like that ;-)

    What day is it you get to see His Holiness?
    I know i don't need to tell you, but make sure you take lots o pictures!

    Love you, Mou... and the Japan team too!

  5. I saw that game at work. I thought the official calling all those penalties was blind as a bat! Free kicks my patootie.

  6. Sheila - Were the free kicks in favour of Japan or Denmark? I didnt see the game...

    Jen - No photos, no video allowed. Cell phones must be put away because all have cameras these days.

  7. Japan. There were so many fouls made by the Japanese team that were not called. Blind...blind I say. LOL

  8. Dolly Llama?
    I thought Dolly was a cloned sheep?

  9. You kill me Rob!
    I'm giggling in spite of myself here...

    That was SOOO bad!

    How are you, Sweety! Whatcha been up to?

  10. Rob - Dolly is the blonde singer with the massive hooters!
