Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fair Reporting

In science, one of the rules is that you are always supposed to divulge all of the bad, along with the good if you know it.

Here is some "bad" regarding Canada's Universal Healthcare System:

Nobody said it could be free, unchanged, forever. Canadians have had a fantastic system for a very long time. And now that times are changing, and costs are skyrocketing, it makes perfect sense that the government would want to start thinking about some changes. What can you do when the elderly population (i.e. the "more sick, more often" population) increases? It is difficult to make more money through taxes when the overall tax base is going to be going down, due to a shift in demographics. It may very well be time to start thinking about altering the plan. But that doesn't mean it's a failure. Not at all. It just means that it's time for growth.

This is a similar problem occuring in Japan as well, so it is not unique. Soon the elderly will outstrip the young, and that means a dramatic decrease in revenue for the government, as the total tax pool decreases.

This is not a "Look at how 'socialized medicine fails'. I told you so" issue, either. Everything changes. It HAS to change. Nothing can remain the same forever. Nothing.

The best thing anybody can do is take care of yourself. Put your health, and your well-being at the top of the list, and like investing for your own retirement is essential for your future (because pension isn't going to cut it anymore), investing in your health is also very important.



  1. It's a realistic approach to the change in the population and the economy, Cam Completely understandable.
    The thing is, here the opposition doesn't look at it logically or realistically. The Righties just have a kneejerk reaction to any public funding of social programs and will not even entertain varying approaches to making it workable... "just say NO" is their motto.
    This is a good post, Mou, but my fear is that THEY will jump on it as a reason for the US to not accept publicly funded health care.... at ALL.

  2. Thanks, Jen. That is why I added that disclaimer; for "them". But we have to be fair. Maybe the GOP could consider shaving off a teeeeeny percentage of the MASSIVE war chest you guys have to help the population at large get and stay healthier? ... Nah. It'd never happen!

  3. Yeah, Cam....

    Maybe when pigs fly!!!

  4. Exactly the same thing`s happening in the UK, Cam.
