Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First World Country, Third World Freedom?

We won't be mentioning any of the animal rights stuff tonight.

Instead, I would like to direct you to this very interesting news article on Australia's proposed mandatory ban on internet sites. While the government is touting it as a plan that will PROTECT her citizens, apparently a LOT of citizens, and groups are none too happy with the thought of the state filtering information. I thought places like China and Iran do that...

Battle Rages Over Australia's Internet Filter:

It never occurred to me a while back that the government might have been looking into Google's collecting of information in Australia in an attempt to shut them up... I mean, first world countries never do this kind of stuff, right? No, of course not....

However you slice it, this is bound to be a very interesting topic as it could quite likely set a global precedent for how our governments rule our freedom of information.

One of the interesting things about globalization is that everything eventually comes  to a state of equilibrium. For example, as China's economy increases and the people get wealthier, Japan slows down, and her people here get poorer. This is happening. I guess it may also happen with rights as well... One never can tell.

For what it's worth, enjoy the article. I just happened to click on this as I was munching my dinner.

I love you!



  1. I guess I can understand your concerns. But ................

    `` The government won't reveal an official list of the URLs on the current blacklist, but Conroy's office says it includes sites containing child sexual abuse imagery, bestiality, sexual violence, detailed instruction in crime, violence or drug use and/or material that advocates the doing of a terrorist act. ``

    From your link. I`m comfortable with a ban on those.

  2. Yes, I agree how our world would be better without that stuff.

    However there seem to be a number of ordinary sites on the list as well (dog groomer, dentist, etc.) that the representative could not explain. Perhaps it was a "mistake" like Google's mistake in collecting freely available information through their scanning efforts? If so, interesting that they would clamp down on Google for that kind of thing and then condone it in their own actions.

    This kind of thing can get really grey, as we never really know what is going on. Ordinary citizens are never privvy to 100% of the information that governs the decisions of government-related actions. (Eg. Why did the USA start a war in Iraq? Well, there is likely a lot more going on than just that which we public people are privvy to, you know?) So, it can be difficult, I imagine, walking that tightrope.

    Thanks for taking a look, Steve. Have a great day in Dimland. I hear it's a loverly place.

  3. You`ve probably got it confused with Jersey, Cam ;~}

  4. I hear they are a dangerous, wild and rowdy people over on Jersey, Steve. At least you are safe in Dimland.

  5. Absolutely, Cam. It`s all peace `n love, hippies, candles and joss sticks here in Dimland.

  6. Unfortunately, it's not all VW Lovemobiles anymore.... :-(

  7. No, but it IS VW Nicemobiles!

  8. I'm glad you were able to share the Nice! How is that new Nicemobile of yours operating, by the way? Does it meet most of your needs? I enjoyed going through used vehicles through my 20 years on the other side of this island, always looking for the PerfectMobile. I kept getting closer and closer and enjoyed finding what I would and would not like in my next vehicle. Now I have no XxMobile at all, here in Tokyo, and it feels strange. Very strange indeed.

  9. She`s brilliant dude! I`ve yet to take her off the rock; I feel a few days in la Belle France coming up. Any idea what you`re looking for, vehicularly wise?

  10. I've got really long legs. Every vehicle I have owned I have always had to rip out the driver's seat, add runners underneath and extend the seat back another 10-20cm. Without that, I can't drive comfortably. I like high vehicles. I like lots of legroom. I like adjusting steering columns, I like manual 5 speed transmission (extremely hard to come by in japan these past 20 years), I like jeep-style rugged things. I like to be able to throw my bike or dog in the back with relative ease. I like a roofrack on top so I can lock on a snowboard box and fill it with things to help people who are in distress (extra oil, water, radiator coolant, chains, pulling cables, jumpers, shampoo, batteries, beach chairs, etc.). Four door (5 door) is better than two. Also, taking naps in the car on trips is great so the seat needs to be comfortable enough to recline in and sleep well without waking up with a killer neck ache, and yet firm enough that you don't sink into the seat while driving and get a backache. I like big sideview mirrors. I like large engines that have enough power to take a vehicle up into the mountains without screaming at 5000rpms. I love the ones that don't guzzle gas. I can't say anything about electric as I have no experience with them, but I imagine that in the future they will be helpful as well, when refill stations are as plentiful as petrol stations are. I like big tires. I like being able to go into the bush and not worry about the trees and branches that scratch the sides of the vehicle (i.e. used). I do find car navigation (Japanese style) is extremely convenient and very very helpful when you boldly go where no Cam has gone before. Sunroofs I do not need. Windows and aerodynamic streamlining designed such that I can open the windows on the highway, get fresh air, and not hear a screaming mimi in my ears. And the bucket list goes on...

    Glad you are enjoying yours! I hope you get over to France.

    Time to go and crowd myself into the smooshed trains. Have a great night.

  11. Funny... it never occurred to me to ask what make the Nicemobile is. I so easily adapted to Nicemobile as its name i forgot it had a REAL make and model.
    So it's a VW, Steve?

  12. OMG, Cameron.
    Dare any of us ask what you're looking for, womanly wise? hehehe....

  13. Jen - A woman who causes me to think twice about whether to have steak or not...

  14. Serves you right for being a lanky streak, Cam. Us short arses don`t have that problem.

    Sounds like you need a NiceMobile. Just not THE NiceMobile. That`s MINE.

  15. Aren`t you glad, I purposely qualified the `vehiculalry` bit? ;~}

  16. Lanky streak!

    hahahaha... love it!

    I call him the SkinnyWhiteBoy, but i like to think the Japanese see him as the Gawky Gaigin! ;-P

  17. Actually, Jen, they don't see me as "gawky" or "lanky" or even "thin" at all, here. They see me as very tall, and very muscular. It is a completely different culture.

  18. More and more I'm convinced that someone was feeding George Orwell information from the future.....

  19. Well, Rob, HG Wells did invent the Time Machine...
