Friday, June 25, 2010

HH Dalai Lama & Yokohama Chinatown

Something just occurred to me...

We (outside China) know how the Chinese government is (mis) leading her citizens into believing how "bad" the Dalai Lama is...

We also know how the Chinese government controls the news about what is REALLY going on in the outside world, or in places like Tibet ("ethnic cleansing" by the Han Chinese Race)...

We also know how the government tends to set up rallies and protests wherever the Dalai Lama goes...

Now take all of the above, and combine it with the knowledge that Yokohama, where HH the Dalai Lama will be speaking tomorrow, June 26th has the largest China Town in Japan right in the vicinity where the venue will be...

And you have a recipe for something very interesting tomorrow outside the venue!

We are not allowed to take photos or video of HH, but I plan to make a before and after video to capture our thoughts for the world regarding this event, and what we "feel". I also wonder if I will be capturing anything else on film tomorrow...

Better charge my video camera batter! This could be an exciting, unexpected addendum to tomorrow's adventure.

I love you!



  1. Could be interesting indeed!

    Well the entire experience will be wonderful in itself, but whatever "other" occurrences you happen to capture will make for a fantastic video i'm sure.
    Hopw you have enough charge in the camera battery for lots of images.

    Have a great time with Jaime and ST and Jase or whoever all is going.

    Say hi from me.

    I love you, Mou!

  2. I'll be back to see the video later. Have to do some weeding while it's still relatively cool this morning.

    Later, Sweety!

  3. It's a long video, Jen. Twenty four minutes. It's something you should just run and listen to as you move about doing your inner chores. HH just sits there and talks, (with his legs crossed on the chesterfield), so there really is nothing at all exciting to watch.

    And I really have no idea who Jaime is bringing!

    Enjoy the weed! I love you!

  4. Now THAT would be enjoyable!

    Love you too, Mou!

  5. Jess is coming with me (she went with us to Tokyo all those months ago) and Jase 'n' ST are hangin at the house, making cactii from foil and playdoh and spaghetti.

  6. Great! Be prepared tomorrow (and Jess too) to be on my video.
