Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture?

This poster is in my train station. It has been designed to teach Japanese "proper" social manners. There are many varieties of "manner posters" in the trains and stations, all designed to lead the general populace toward a "kinder, gentler race". In many cases these kinds of reminders are necessary here because a large percent of people really don't consider others. They used to... but not any more. It's sad, really...


There is something wrong about this poster and the image that was drawn to depict a happy, peaceful escalator life.

Can you guess what it is?


I love you!



  1. Some of them are riding two abreast, blocking those who might want to walk ahead.
    That's my guess anyway... Am I right?

  2. they are both going in the same direction... yet the people are facing as if they are going up and down.

  3. Does this have something to do with the whole "wait on the left, walk on the right" thing?

  4. Jen - Right!

    Jaime - Yes!

    Now the interesting thing is that if I had seen this poster in Fukui, it would have been perfectly OK. But because in Kanto region standers keep left so walkers can pass on the right, and in Kansai or Osaka, they stand on the right and pass on the left, filling the escalator up like this is not natural. It almost never happens and that is why it doesn't look right!


  5. Why perfectly OK in Fukui? Because they use escalators just like this and do not leave a "passing lane" open for anyone (From Tokyo or Osaka?) who may want to walk. In fact, they don't walk on escalators in Fukui! Everyone just stands there.

  6. Well when you really think about it, isn't it how they are supposed to be used?
    It's supposed to save you from walking!

    But when you're in a hurry they are actually a lot slower.

  7. Yeah...
    The REAL fun is walking DOWN the UP escalator...
    Or vice versa.. hehehe...

    I'm so mature!

  8. And I bet you do that every day, eh? (walk down up escalators)...

  9. To my credit, it has been SOME time since i've indulged in such frolic.

    Must mean it's time again... to the mall!!!


  10. that will teach me to be all technical....I am looking at perspective and you are looking at manners....

  11. Well, you know how it is... you women are all technical, scientific, results based, while we men are social, human, heart-oriented.
