Friday, October 30, 2009

250m Up

Im up at the 250m observation deck of Tokyo Tower which is 333m tall and is the world's tallest self-supporting steel tower. The Eiffel Tower is 320m. It is much lighter than the E-Tower at 4000 tons (ET is 7000t). It opened in 1958 which is the year that Brazil won its first World Cup and the year that instant ramen was born. This observatory has a 360 degree view of Tokyo. This is my favourite shot. Here you can see the gorgeous Izumi Garden Tower. Due to the smog it may not show up all that well but the colour is a deep green that one would find in precious stones.

I'm hungry so time to go back to ground level and find some food...


  1. Thought i'd find this here..

    Have a ball!

  2. Had a delicious tuna/cheese/pizza sauce crepe. Though the crepe was a bit sweet for me...

  3. Hey you!! I remember that tower.. and being too tired to even really care to climb it... so we went back to our hotel rooms and took a nap. ahhhh

  4. tuna... and pizza sauce?

    On a crepe? A sweet one?


    What WON'T you eat?

  5. The crepes are uberthin and mostly made of egg so it's not as gross as you might think. I just have a very ubersensitivity to sweet now that I am so uberlow carb lifestyle-living. The crepe was delicious, actually. And It is now 5:33 and I'm just starting to get hungry, so it lasted the perfect amount of time! And the pizza sauce was good! They actually have a tuna salad pizza here. It's good. Haven't you ever baked tuna sandwiches with tomato sauce? Yummy!!!

    Stefnee - Yes, I remember us looking at it and thinking... "nah...." and then going back to our rooms for naps.

  6. I'll bet he ate the pus after they sliced him open.

  7. LMAO.... i'm not sure, but when he was ...oozing a bit up in W'peg during my visit, i think he wiped it away... I don't THINK he ate it...

    I could be wrong though.............. please let me be wrong.

  8. I think... I just threw up a bit in my mouth...

  9. LMAO!!!!

    YOU"RE the one who brought it up... no pun intended... OK rolling on the floor for sure now...

    Coughing fit to follow.
    Damn you, Deb! LOL!!!!!!!

  10. Deb - Better to throw up a bit in your mouth, than in your gotch.

    Actually body fluids do me in. I don't mind blood, but boogers, baby puke, bubbly noses, pussy whatevers... they kinda make me sal e vate.

  11. What is it with you and gotch?

    Oh and Mou... when you write about pus... there must be some other was to express the adjective form .

    your way may be grammatically correct, but... oy!

  12. .................... Stephanie............

    Lol! Another bratty one heard from.
    I can just hear that bratty snicker.... and a snork too i bet.

  13. heee it's funny!!!


    yep, I snorked.. hee

  14. I adore your irreverence Stephanie. Keep up the good work!

    Pussy whatevers it is! Entered into the annals of cammypedia.
