Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Monster Complex!

I'm @ LaLaport...

I'm finally sitting down to have some food...

I've been walking two levels only and I'm STILL not done...

I've been walking for over three hours...

This has to be the most ginormous shopping complex I have EVER experienced! "seen" does not do this place justice... You don't SEE LaLaport; you experience it. Wow...

I bought a black tight-fitting stretch dress shirt and an awesome purple tie from Zara. I intend to push the limit at work in terms of real fashion... NOW fashion. I almost got a really awesome shimmering purple dress shirt as well and a diagonal striped black/grey/white tie to go with it. It looked awesome. Slim around the waist... not boxy. Not cheap either but definitely awesomely sooo not conservative. They had a really cool bowtie there too in an excellent black with deep purple designs in it. Just think of me pushing their limit at work in a tailored black double breaste suit with a crisp white shirt and a bowtie... Future considerations.

I also went into a suit shop and got them to explain to me, measure me, and show me styles that would best fit my body. I want a tapered jacket this time. I am too hot at work so need summer material (about 225g wool as opposed to the 375g that they have lots of material in for winter). For a jacket and pants it would cost about USD $650 but would actually FIT me. I'll think about that for another day.Or month. Maybe just before spring.

Today's highlight though (not including this 230g grilled hambaagu - not a burger but on a plate and not with any buns) is the JPY 950 black rubber soapdish that will stick to the sink back by suction. I have been looking for something just like this since I moved here.

I'm not at all happy about the food stain I just got on my sweater, though... not happy at all. Those of you who are habitual "splickers" like me will know exactly what I mean when I write, *sigh*...

The meal is done so it's time to head out in search of the entrance in which I came. That in itself will be an adventure.


P.S. Oh! I found THE most awesome gotch shop! They put BodyWild to shame! I'll load up the two photos I took at the shop when I get home. You HAVE to zoom in on this gotch and read it to really understand how frikkin' awesome it is!

... amazing this place... stores and shops everywhere... Over 200 shops I think... (too engrossed in the shops to notice all the high boots and short skirts... I must be getting old...)


  1. Pics of new clothes, modeled by yourself, please.

    I laughed at you dropping food on your sweater. Both my mum and sister are notorious for doing that, and every Friday night, the race is on to see who will drop shit first - usually my sister.

    I'm the small breasted one in the family, so I assume I can sit closer to the table and NOT have boobs almost in my plate and this is why I manage not to be a food dropper.

    I can't explain why YOU do, though...

  2. Wow!
    That's awesome... But... two photos?
    That's it???
    Thanks a lot.

    Well... like Deb says, i hope we get to see you in your new duds soon.
    Bow tie huh?
    Well Hope you get home safe. I'm relaxing a bit as i don't have to leave for work ti 11this morning.

    aaahhhh... Kwoffee time.

  3. Was it childish to click on the penis in those gotch's in order to enlarge the pic?

    and LMFAO @ them. Do you think it's time to WHATTY????

  4. Well, As it says in Ecclesiastes there is a time to pitch a tent, and a time not to pitch a tent...

  5. OMG! They're allowed to display stuff with FUCK on it???

    Holy shit!

    Well i guess since most of the people there don't read english... still.....

    Holy crap!!!

  6. Nice... since you seem to sport the yellow bike shorts with style you could pull these off I am sure...LOL

    Jen, in most of the places I have been in the world they are way less "stiff" about stuff... boobies, nudity, sex, and the F-word...were all still very tight and closed minded here in the states... its only a word, we give it more power than we should...LOL And sometimes that word is down right FUN...!

  7. Fuck yeah, P!

    I barely get through a day without it, hehehe...

    But i thought those sneaky Japanesies were so very modest.
    Guess not, huh!

  8. Not just display it Jen, they play it over the audio.

    I remember being at a rather high end shoe shoppe in Umeda and being treated to the dulcets tones of, "Fatboy Slim is fucking in heaven, fucking in heaven, fucking in heaven." And being a dance track it seemed to repeat that lyric forever. It was still better than Muzak, though....

  9. Oh yeah... Muzak...UGH!

    Right you are, Robert!

  10. so i was thinkin...

    do the jchickcs get sexy undie shops right out there in the mall?

    If so....

    Where da pics, yo????
