Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Digitize / Analogize Me

Lying in bed and drifting off... I kind of prefer sharing my thoughts through my keitai these days...

Tonight I decided to buy the Kindle. An electronic book reader from Amazon. They now have the V2 out which is an international model that works in Japan. I decided to make this purchase in spite of being a hardcore paperback reader for two reasons: I love being on the cutting edge of technology. And I read to and from work every day so having an electronic book that can store 1500 books really appeals to me.Im looking forward to using it while commuting.

I also decided to buy the Swatch Irony black&Red watch that I saw while windowshopping on Monday.I got it from Amazon also as it is much less expensive than in shops.It is black aluminum and looks quite professional and unique.

I will let you know how it rates in my books when I have time.

I'm going to bed.Starting to have empty gaps in my conscious.

(This didnt make it to Multiply last night...)
I love you!!



  1. OMG!
    Another toy?


    Let's hear it from Da Gurlz....

    What's the last not-for-nuthin-just-wanted-it kind of thing YOU bought?

  2. Sweet dreams....

    I am enjoying the new "fangled" idea of downloading books to my IPOD and listen while I walk my Dog, drive in the car, etc... as I never have time to sit still and read a book. Or I am too tired, but this way I am "reading" while doing other things. I just got done vacuuming, and listening to Dan Browns new book. Its a modern marvel.... and although not the same as turning the pages and smelling the paper smell of an old library book. Its better than nothing!

  3. I can't not have a book. How can you smell a book if it isn't there?

  4. I have TONS of books. So many in fact that I had to give boxes and boxes away when I moved, and store boxes and boxes in my storage. I still have unread a couple boxes here. So I have plenty of books to smell whenever I want.

  5. Me too I have bags and bags in here of books that is . I go to the SPCA store where they sell books cheap and I can't resist I always go crazy and buy so many, but I never run out of things to read. I hope you enjoy your kindle !!!

  6. I hope you continue to post her now and then.
    Don't much like that Wordpress site.

  7. Hi Jen. I do usually cross post all of my blogs to there and here at the same time. Every once in a while though (like yesterday's), I just wrote there.

  8. Hi.

    That's good to know.

    Have a good day wheeling around with your new GPS thingy.

  9. If I ever get out. I have a ton of things I need to do first. When there is ZERO time to do anything during the week, the weekends get pretty damn busy.

  10. Ok.
    Well then you better get to it then. Good luck!
