Friday, October 30, 2009

Bypassing 10,000 Years...

10,000 years of accumulated wisdom are already lined up waiting for their turn at the doctor so they can be told everything they already know... things like "you are sick" or "the pain comes from age". This is also the place where the elderly gather to catch up on other geriatric gossip and find out who's alive and who didn't make it through the night. So much wisdom... so little use of it...

I got up at 5am so I could catch the 6:57 train to the Saiseikai Chuo Hospital. It is about three or four stops past the hospital that Mayu's dad was in for the past two or three weeks. That hospital is right across the street from the world famous largest fish market in the world Tsukiji. Many foreigners make this a tourist visit on their trip to Japan as there is nothing quite like it anywhere else (though as one might expect the huge influx of nosey tourists has caused a lot of problems for the market where the majority of Japan comes to buy their seafood...)

I got here to the hospital 15 minutes before they open the reception and grabbed the next available number: #36. Good thing I did because it looks like another 10,000 years of accumulated wisdom has trundled in since I finished my registration.

Lucky me I requested from the same hospital in Fukui that I had gone to several times over the years for the bumps and scratches (infections, rashes, severed fingertips etc.) of my many life's adventures a letter of introduction! It allows mke to jump forward in time... by about ... 10,000 years! Talk about a quick learning curve!!

We will see how long I have to wait now, though, even though I have already presented my documents...

It's probably a good thing I brought my 500+pp book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Dr. Weston Price D.D.S. to keep me altering my life through mind-blowing knowledge from the 1930s that should have been incorporated into our life and diet by now but has been swept under the rug just like Dr.Otto Warburg's revolutionary knowledge on the definitive cause and prevention of the primary cause of cancer was pretty much ignored for... even now it's still pretty much ignored!

This book really should be read by anyone out there who likes to challenge themselves and all the wisdom they have accumulated over their decades of life. It cannot be refuted and once again proves how wrong current knowledge is and how the ancients had an infinitely better grasp on what our bodies truly need for proper nutrition than the sugar & Wonderbread society in which we live.

Wonder Bread is an excellent name for the poison: It is a wonder we aren't all dead already from this nutrient-leaching processed non-food money-grubbing product!

Well they moved me to the newer part of the hospital where we must submit our carte. I'm sitting in front of #3: Internal Medicine / Surgery / Cardiology / Cardiovascular Surgery. It looks like I'm #5002 now and they are lining up #46 at this time...

Time to loosen my shoes to give my feet some fresh air and settle in with Dr. Price. I'll let you know how this adventure turns out. I hope they do something more than just make me wait a gazillion hours to have a doctor look at the infection and tell me to come back in two months for an operation. I figure a needle inserted into the sac to remove the accumulated fluid and pressure followed by an antibiotic aseptic wash and followed up by a course of internal and external medication should do the trick. But that may be an oversimplification of the situation. Who knows? Maybe an emergency nipplectomy is called for! Talk about another adventure.

Just got moved to the "C-Section". I hope they don't start calling from #1!

Thumbingly yours,



  1. Yikes!

    Good luck.
    Keep us apprised of your progress.


  2. Good luck !
    And thanks..I am going to check out that book.

  3. Yee-gads.

    Be well Cam!

    And lucky you have something to do while you are waiting.
