Friday, October 16, 2009

Sticker Shock Japanese-Style

Excuse my English but Holy Cocksucking Mother Fucker did I get sticker shock today!!!

I picked up my mail on the way out to get some mout wash and get my new watch band shrunk to fit my elven-thin wrists. There was some junk a few bills and some old insurance-use notification.

After getting the mouthwash and some toothpaste I sat outside my apt and opened the keitai phonebill for Sep. This is the first bill with my new phone. As you know, this is the only net access I have had for 1.5 months and I have been using it like a PC... with a vengeance.

Let's just say that it is a damn good thing I opted for the JPY 6000/mo internet plan that limits my bill at max JPY 6000 (about $70 now) because when I looked at my actual use it had come to a whopping JPY 120,168 ($1500)!!!!!!! And that was the net alone! Holy cocksucking motherfucker is right!!!

In addition to that my email sms use was about JPY 13,000 ($150) and my calling was over JPY6500 ($75). Add to that my monthly fee of JPY 2500 ($28) for two years to pay off this baby and you get a pretty good idea why the previous expletive non-deleted showed up in this quick thought.


2ell I was wondering if I had gotten the right plan at the beginning as it is always hard to "beat the cellphone carrier system" by upping minutes or lowering plans; they have that all figured out.

I must say that my chosen plan makes me pretty darn happy right now.

Of course only a fool would buy a phone plan and not take advantage of buying into the plans. It is an amazing way for the carriers to make a heap more money rather than just on phone use. Phone use of course has costs for the carriers but "plans" are pretty much free money in the bank once you get them set up and running. Then you can raise your full retail rates sky high as an incentive to buy into the plans. And anyone stoopid enough to think they can beat the system... well all I'll say to that is "good luck trying to explain away THAT kind of bill to a significant other!"

My watches are done and my new all black aluminium Swatch Irony fits great and looks even better! And the guy got my Jacob Jensen running again. It had mysteriously stopped the other day when I tried to adjust the time, even though the battery was new. He opened the back, took the battery out, put it back in again and it's running smoothly. I guess the crystal movement inside is going funny. That's too bad because this watch is a piece of international art.

Time to get my ass off this chair down here in the bowels of my station and head back home. I really do want to go for a ride. I just have a ton of things todo that I cannot get to during the week now that I am playing the roll of "just another cog".

I love you!


P.S. Jen Ill get your birthday present in the post as soon as I can but first I need to find an accessible stationary shop to get a card! Excuse me if it is late, OK? I don't even have time to send back the Flat Simon and Flat Silas I am currently hosting. The kids are waiting and I feel terrible because it's the first time in my life that I cannot freely access private activities!!!


  1. Typed that one with my thumbs. I'm getting pretty good at that! I guess I don't need PhoEeebe after all. Hah! Typical fickle man! (Just don't call me a "typical fecal man" or I'll cry).

  2. HEY!!!

    You jut now changed your profile pic!
    that was weird!

    But cool... was gonna mention that the other one had worn out its welcome.

    looking good, Mou.
    REELY good!

    Except for your hideously deformed thumbs..... hehehehehe....

  3. Back to crunch the numbers ..

    i can't understand why people spend all that money to have all the bells and whistles on their phones, when they have a computer at home or even more so if they have a laptop.

    Not you , cuz i know it was perfect for you as you didn't have internet access.
    But i see people ( this young girl at work for instance) who pay ridiculous sums per month just so they can HANG on that little gadget all day long (including when they're supposed to be working... or in class), chatting, surfing the net, downloading youtube videos, checking and sending emails...It's crazy... America is crazy!

    These same people will complain about taxes, or the high cost of gasoline, or food, or a postage stamp (that one kills's 43CENTS!!!), yet they think nothing of a $400/month phone bill!!!!



  4. Gotta ask: 'Mout wash.'

    Were you planning to wash your 'mouth' or your 'moat'?
    Or maybe you were going for a little combat and need 'bout wash.'

    Enquiring Minds want to know....
    Of course they're both important....

  5. Hi, Rob...

    This is the new Cammy blog style, complete with typos.

    It's what happens when you try to type out something like a blog using only your big fat thumbs on a teeny tiny cell phone keyboard.

    What a doofus! hehehehe....

    How are YOU?

  6. I'll remind you young lady that I have beautiful hands. And to have hands of beauty it is necessary to have beautiful thumbs as well.

    Now if we were typing these blogs with our toes you would be well within your jurisdiction to talk about my toes with snorts and disdain.

    Rob - It's a new mentholated enema wash. Cleans you all the way up to your sinus. That is why it is called Moat Wash. Your second guess was indeed correct.

  7. He's worn his thumbs down to the first knuckle ;)

  8. see? now I am happy I didn't send you the flat stanley from my might've sent you straight over the edge!

    glad you had the smarts to get the good plan!

  9. *giggles* I was thinking the same thing.

  10. ps>Holy bat man mother of pearl! Just sayin'.

  11. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth??? LOL

    I have an unlimited plan with an "in" network. There was a time, when I was in a long distance relationship that I was using about 9800 min plus a month, once it peaked over 11000..... we talked a lot! But thankfully my bill was still only about 80 dollars...whew!

  12. Michelle - Good to see you! I love you and your pearls.

    Paula - I bet when you got your first "full price" bill and saw the sticker shock your mom wasn't all that excited to kiss you, either! It really ramps up when all you have is a cell phone. This is my first time in my life not to have a landline so I'm glad. Actually I don't use it as much now as before because I don't like to answer personal calls at work. I feel uncomfortable.

    Amy - Hi there! how's the weather over in your part of the world? I love you!

  13. currently it has been nice (cool, low humidity) for 4 straight days...the humidity snuck back in today and I think it'll be hot again tomorrow for a few days. We are in cool front season. In it comes, enjoy for a few days (sometimes one), then hot, humid and then rain like crazy and the cycle starts over. How's the weather in your new home town/city? I Love YOU!
