Saturday, October 3, 2009


I went to the gym tonight. It is the first time for me to go on a Saturday. My membership only allows me to go from 7pm to closing but not on Sundays or national holidays. That's OK by me as I don't get home from work until 7pm anyway and I'd rather be doing something else on holidays than shutting myself in with a bunch of sweating Japanese people (though the hardcore exercizing women are kind of sexy in their gym gear that is two tone colours from their sweat). I digress...

Tonight was a lower body and lower back night so the weights I use are quite heavy (big muscle groups) and I make them heavier every set. By the end of the workout when I am doing my final floor stretches and deep meditational breathing, I often doze off.

Tonight's doze was for about 30-45 minutes and when I opened my eyes I saw I was the only one left. I looked at the clock and wondered why everyone left so early as there was still about 1.5 hrs remaining before they closed at 11:30. "Oh well, more Zen and the art of showering for me", I thought.

So I went and had a shower, washed, shaved and took my time. I didn't think much of the guy rushing through his shower beside me other than that he was rather noisy in his actions.

As I was in the middle of shaving my chest, one of the staff members came up to me and said, "Excuse me but it's 10pm and we are closed now."

I was out of their building with wet hair in five minutes!

As I was rushing to get my clothes on my semi-wet body, then going out to get my member's card, then down the stairs to the reception to get my shoes and finally seeing all the staff with big bags of trash holding it in the elevator until I left standing, smiling, saying, "Otsukare sama deshitaaaa" I really think my cheeks were their bright pink from the embarrassment moreso than the lack of cool off time!

Talk about being "hazukashii"!

Have a wonderful day totally free of stress on this third day of the month!

I love you!


  1. Ha! I can totally picture the scene. I've come this close to doing the same thing several times.

  2. Hazukashi.... hazukashi....

    I'm not getting this one from context as easy as others...



  3. Hazukashi.... hazukashi....

    I'm not getting this one from context as easy as others...



  4. YOU!!!! Embarrassed? Shy????

    Yee-gads, what is city life DOING to you?

  5. Matt- Every time I go I take some time like that. Sometimes I drift sometimes not at all but I figure what the hell, yanno? Nobody really knows if Ive dozed off or just doing deeeep meditative practice. Its not like my breathing stops. (I hope I don't snore). Who says that the monthly payments require only sweat and exertion with no opportunity for deep regenerative time? How is the tattoo feeling today? Nice day! Care to come for a visit?

  6. maybe they should have left u till morning :-)

  7. Or have some gorgeous, athletic, sweaty, J-woman take it upon herself to kiss Prince Snoring awake (while dripping sweat into his eyes)...

  8. Or the fat guy could put his hairy orishi in your face again.

    That'd wake you!

  9. Jen - oshiri. Rishi in "interest". And I have no "interest" in his oshiri, so no thankyouverymuch.

    P.S. actually "rishi" is interest, as in financial banking monetary interest. The "interest" I was playing upon is "kyoumi". Not to be confused. so you can actually have "Rishi ni kyoumi ga aru", or "I have an interest in interest."

    Nuff said. At the library. Can you tell? Off to the bike ride now. Have a great night.
