Friday, October 16, 2009

PEOs ― The Ultimate Natural H1N1 (Flu) Eliminator

Hi there! Long time no see. How are you doing lately out there in the Blogosphere, my friends?

I am busy at work. I am busy at life. I don't even have time to get to the post office these days where in Fukui I would just hop on my bike whenever, enjoy a leisurely ride down to the post office/bank, chat with everyone, do my thang, and head back up the hill to the beautiful home in which I resided for five years. Gah I miss that!

Tokyo seems to have a slightly higher "pace" than Fukui, and since I am a Fukui-jin @ heart (I miss my boar babies!) it's taking some time to adjust to this. More time is needed, but I know that in the end I will not be dying in a megalopolis unless it is from trauma.

I hope that your kids aren't struggling with flu problems running through the schools like they are here. And of course when the kids pass it around, the parents get it, and they pass it around too.

The "hiney" (H1N1) flu virus seems to have mutated to the H5N1 which is a much more virulent strain that is getting passed around like crazy. There are several people at work who have children that are sick with it. Everyone around that person has to wear masks (corporate orders) to prevent catching and spreading it further. I doubt if it will make a PERFECT guard, but it will help. However... because it is so damn hot in the office wearing a mask on the face and a necktie around the neck is NOT pleasant.

I'm lucky I am not sitting around that person! I think if it works its way around to my island, and they tell me I have to "mask up", I may just "tie off" and tell them to "take off" regarding their mandates. White people have higher body temperatures than asians so the office really bothers me.

Here is the latest special edition of the Newsletter that Brian Peskin puts out for us all to stay healthy. Think about this... it may be worth giving his PEOs a try considering how many other amazing benefits there are to them!

I love you!!



PEOs - The Ultimate Natural H1N1 (Flu) Eliminator

Special Edition - Oct/Nov Edition
The Science Not Opinion E-Newsletter

The following comes directly from EFA expert Paul Beatty of Canada who studied with the late Dr. David Horrobin ― world renowned EFA scientist who pioneered and advanced our understanding of EFAs and their metabolic pathways.
I edited his material with respect to derivatives and fish oil because those of you familiar with my work already know that derivatives are made "as needed" by your body. Please view the startling video, "What's Wrong with Fish Oil;" at
Science has much more to offer people in protecting us from the "impending Swine Flu Pandemic crisis," than washing our hands and coughing in our sleeves.
The reason for this lack of shared knowledge and non-communication is simple---there is no money to be made in telling people what to eat to protect themselves and what not to eat to keep their immune systems functioning correctly. Furthermore, changes in lifestyle meet with poor compliance by consumers.
Enveloped viruses (most viruses we know of) are coated by lipids (fats) and enter our cells by tricking themselves into the lipid structure of our cell membranes. It is the composition of our complex cell membranes as a barrier that determines resistance to the viruses gaining access to our cells. Long Chained Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Medium Chained Saturated Fatty Acids prevent viruses from entering our cells by disassembling them. LCPUFA (Long Chained Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) metabolites like GLA, Arachidonic Acid, EPA and DHA are the most powerful at inactivating viruses because they have been desaturated by the Delta 6, 5, or 4 enzymes.
A deficiency of both PEOs ― parent Omega 6 (Cis-linoleic) and parent Omega 3 (Alpha Linolenic) in their BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FORMS has made the general population more and more susceptible to viral infections.
The reason for this has been the large amounts of processed oils and transfats (biologically inactive) consumed in today's processed food. Most of these processed oils have been Parent Omega 6 (Linoleic Acid) but these oils are biologically dead for the most part and will not desaturate and give rise to critical eicosanoids that regulate cellular activity including the immune response (i.e. PGE1). Since over 90% of the North American food consumed is now processed--it is easy to see why almost everyone is deficient not only in biologically active Omega 3's but more so deficient in biologically active Omega 6's.
Furthermore, the ability to convert parent EFAs to metabolites has been impaired by diet and lifestyle factors such as--too much sugar, too much stress, deficiencies of key co-factors like zinc, magnesium, B12 etc. and disease states like diabetes and cancer that all impair Delta 6 desaturization. (Contact the author for a list of further impairment factors.) Deficiencies of EFA parent biologically active lipids (PEOs) and the subsequent deficiency of metabolites along with lack of sunshine (vit. D3) has made us more vulnerable to viral infections than ever before.
To protect yourself against contracting enveloped viruses like the H1N1 the following recommendations should be followed:
1) Eliminate as much processed sugar from your diet as possible (impairs Delta 6 desaturase).
2) Reduce stress (cortisol and other stress hormones impair Delta 6).
3) Avoid toxic chemicals (smoking, alcohol, household cleaners and detergents, toxic drugs etc) toxins that impair Delta 6 desaturase.
4) Eliminate transfats and processed oils in processed food (block incorporation of biologically active PEOs into our cell membranes.
There is a long spotted history relating the effect of viral infections and essential fatty acid metabolism. In 1935, soon after the discovery of EFAs, it was published that viral infections were associated with an abrupt fall in the iodine value of the blood, which indicated a fall in the plasma concentration of EFAs.
It wasn't until some 40 years later that Stoesser and his group found that infection of human cell lines with certain viruses could interfere with the ability of those cells to desaturate linoleic acid. More recently, it was found that Epstein-Barr virus infection in young adults (mono) is associated with prolonged falls in the plasma levels of both Linoleic Acid and its metabolites (GLA, DGLA, AA).
Finally, the now deceased eminent scientist Dr. David Horrobin (my mentor) brought these research results to clinical practice with Dr. Peter Behan in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study of "Essential Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Postviral Fatigue Syndrome" published in 1990. What does this have to do with the H1N1 Flu---well just about everything if you understand EFA metabolism, flu symptoms, and the actions of viral replication at the cellular level. Observations by Dr. Horrobin raised 2 important effects of EFA's on viruses.
1) EFAs themselves can disrupt and inactivate those viruses that have a lipid envelope---the effect is greater the greater the degree of desaturation. (references available upon request)

2) The action of interferon against viruses requires the presence of the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme, which suggests that prostaglandin metabolites of EFAs might be required for the full expression of interferon action against viruses. (references available upon request)
If the above is true (research supports these facts) then this science would also explain why atopic people are abnormally susceptible to many viral infections and patients with certain viral infections like EB and AIDS viruses develop full-blown atopic syndromes. Viruses attempt upon entering the cell due to an EFA deficiency in the membrane, to inhibit Delta 6 desaturase so the cell cannot make enough EFA metabolites to deactivate the virus. In this way our cell becomes the host of the virus.

Current research (U.S. Patent # 4,841,023) applies to the inactivation of viruses in blood plasma. According to the patent--unsaturated fatty acids with at least one double bond in the cis configuration (biologically active) and containing 16-20 carbon atoms are effective in deactivating viruses that are enveloped. (i.e. FLU viruses). The patent includes a list of fatty acids, but the most important for the purpose of this paper are: linoleic, linolenic gamma-linolenic, arachidonic and palmetic fatty acids. Small concentrations of these fatty acids will deactivate enveloped viruses like Herpes, influenza etc. within minutes. (see patent for details)
Research has shown that long chain saturated fatty acids and short chain saturated fatty acids have NO anti-viral effect. But, Medium chain saturated and long chain unsaturated fatty acids deactivate enveloped viruses. The loss of the ability of the virus to spread and infect is attributed to the disruption of the lipoprotein envelope of the virus and has been observed many times under electron microscopes. (references available upon request)
With this information in mind, it is the individual's choice as to whether they wish to be vaccinated with the new H1N1 vaccine or not. In my opinion, it is one big experiment that my family will not participate in especially knowing that mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum derivatives are in most vaccines. In my family; the proof is in the pudding and it has now been 16-19 years since anyone had a full-blown cold or flu in our household.
In closing; if you really want to avoid catching the H1N1 flu and don't want to experiment with your families health with the "safe" vaccine, then do this; eat like your great grandfather; get rid of the BAD fats and processed food and get some Evening Primrose oil, Coconut oil, vit D3 and a good multi-min/vit into you. This is even more critical for people with compromised immune systems (impaired Delta 6); my advice to "sick" people is to avoid being vaccinated.
Paul, thanks so very much for your understanding and recommendations!
Brian Peskin


  1. Good info, Cam

    I'm still deciding on the vaccine.
    After hearing of a guy who got it and was miserable and because i work in such close proximity to so many different people (i don't know where that body's been! ;-), i'm leaning towards taking all precautions, including the vaccine.
    I can NOT afford to miss work... at all!!!

    I also know i (nor few others i know of) can't follow those four recommendations for avoiding it.

    Decisions decisions....

  2. Jen - I love you! Sure you can. Everyone can. "Can't follow"... no. "Choose not to do" maybe. But you CAN reduce each and every one of the 4 recommendations. You are just looking at it from the wrong angle, Sweetheart. In fact, I know you already are following these recommendations. So am I, so is Stefnee, so is Paula, so is Matt now, and everyone who has gotten onto the PEOs is naturally doing this. Our body just won't let us live that way anymore. Watch:

    1) Processed sugar - You already have reduced it to an extremely low level compared to the populace. You don't suck back coca cola like there is no tomorrow, nor do you guzzle orange juice. You aren't an ice cream fiend having to have it every day. You don't wolf down white bread with transfat margarine (see #4), or go out to the store and by bags and bags of candies, cookies, potatoe chips, right? Right. I know you don't.

    2) Reduce Stress - Yoga you have done and can do again. Stretching. Breathing. Relaxation. Massage. You DO that stuff already.

    3) Toxic Chemicals - Aside from smoking (which you are cutting back already) you pretty much do this one already.

    4) Eliminate Transfats - The way you eat has already eliminatED most of the transfats from your diet.

    So there you go. You are already doing what they recommend so you have your immune system way up there compared to most others.

  3. Toxic chemicals... cutting down i feel is not enough... or... how much is enough.
    I also clean with chemicals. I don't really like the "natural " cleansers. I like bleach! Nothing cleans better in the bathroom especially.

    Yes i can and do many of these and it IS a matter of choice..

    So if i can add insurance to that, as i don't know if it's enough, i don't know if there's a definite harm to the vaccine... just an added protection in a toxic world.

  4. Jen - Rather than "just an added protection in a toxic world" (which is how the drug companies are working on our minds to get us to take their drugs), being more informed about it before you "add insurance" is always the best way to go.

    People are STILL considering the HPV injection to "prevent cervical cancer linked to the HPV virus" in spite of the fact that it has been unequivocally shown that the HPV and cancer are absolutely NOT linked at all.

    In fact, there are more health problems caused BY the injection!

    Here is a link for you to look into the injection "for added protection" just in case you want to make a more informed choice that is not based upon the endless indoctrination we receive from the government, the health industry, and the drug advocates.

    Also, connecting to Elder (from the old blogging days) who is sharing all of this science on Facebook is a good way to be informed. And I KNOW you challenge ideas. You "but" me all the time (which I love). So how about "but" ting the "just in case" indoctrination we have received and make a truly informed choice?

  5. I rarely , if ever listen to indoctrination, Sweety.
    What i do is listen to actual people and having seen how the flu is really bad ( maybe not deadly) but BAD, i don't want to get it.

    I guess i'm just a big weenie... and i'm tired and run down so that's why i figure i'll take anything out there.

    It's getting to flu season so there's not a lot of time left for researching.
    I'll give it til next week and keep asking everyone i know ... which is my way.

  6. Well, I gave you the links, and the information, so by all means use it how you see fit and then make your educated choices that work best for you.

  7. Checking out that squiddo thing.. cool place!

    I guess i' can do some reading before i fall asleep... however much that'll be in the 37 seconds it takes after i climb into bed... sigh..

    Come read to me, Mou. Grownups need bedtime stories too.


    I love you!

  8. I'll give you a bedtime "story" to remember, girlie....
