Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Amazing Dr Price

Im on the train to Mayu's. I just downloaded to my Kindle last night "The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane" but Im too deeply engrossed in Weston Price to care. My kindle would be so much easier to commute with but I cant put Price down. Im almost 4/5 of the way done and it is truly fascinating.

I spend all my time looking at the faces and jaws of everyone now and I can SEE the deformities he talks about... in everyone! Even what we consider supermodel beauty or the perfect face is based on exactly the same deformity as the standard! It is truly mind blowing to see how far we have fallen from "The Garden of Eden" in terms of what we eat and how it has warped us.

Absolutely amazing... I remember my best friend Khanada saying, slightly stunned when she finally finished this book, that she "will never look at the human race the same ever again... "

It is shocking to see that the tribal patterns of heredity have all but been wiped out of "modern" society and we are left with but a shell of our former selves... pretty much entirely due to our extremely poor understanding and activation of essential nutrition.

"Nutrition and Physical (and mental) Degeneration" couldn't be more bang on.

Dr Weston Price stands up there side by side with Dr Otto Warburg, in my opinion. It is such a shame that both of these men were not taken seriously in their time, in the 50-70 years hence their time and even now time!



P.S. My face too, of course, The jaw, pinced nose, narrow air passage, mouth breathing, dental arch that is too narrow for all the teeth (removing wisdom teeth is not natural as we were designed to have them not pull them), crooked teeth, cavities and more. We all fit this pattern and it has nothing to do with heredity as I have learned and everything to do with diet. Price proves that as any scientist worth his weight in beakers would try to do. *shakes head in utterly stunned amazement*


  1. I, of course, am perfect.

    No, really.

    I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam


  2. Actually Price said that the white Australians had the worst teeth and the most deformed facial structure of all the white races he saw around the world. New Zealand was #2 worst.

  3. Sounds racist if you ask me. I would have thought rednecks living in the mountains of the US would have the worst teeth =P

    One thing that is perfect on my face are my teeth. No fillings, nada. I do, however, have a lazy eye and this whole thing with my chin that makes me look like I've got a double chin, even at my thinnest, which is fucken annoying.

  4. You should see the data in this 550p book. It's amazing.
    Actually, we all are so far off from how our faces are supposed to look that we don't even realize it any more.

    You have worldly eyes!

  5. P.S. Not just the teeth... the entire jaw structure.

    The "primitives", i.e. the cultures that were isolated and did not have access to our white food (dead breads, jams, sweets, canned food, etc.) all had nearly perfect teeth, jaws, and facial structures. Also they reproduced the tribal lineage from children to children without any changes. Those on the white man diet all had kids that no longer reproduced the tribal patterns. One generation. One. Amazing.

    But maybe you guys have improved dramatically from the 1930s. Who can tell?

  6. Well from what you've said so far, we couldn't get much worse...

  7. Does that mean we should still look like Neanderthal Man or worse yet, Cromagnon, Man???

    If so i'm glad our faces are "deformed".

    Vive la difference!!!

  8. Jen- Primitive only refers to those people living at the time of his research who were not subject to the modern man's diet and subsisted on a diet passed down from their ancestors through the wisdom of time.

    Never mind; unless you see this evidence for yourselves you aren't going to likely accept it because the current "norm" is actually terrible degeneration of the body. It is like people who adamantly believe that weight gain with age is a natural process. It's not. Or to blindly believe that carbohydrates are good for you and we need them for energy and for the brain. Wrong. love you

  9. I'm sure he's right, but even IF there was a way to reverse it it would probably take more than a few generations, right?

    It's progress... not good progress, but progress nonetheless.

    If we can't get people to change the simple habits such as smoking, drinking, What can you expect to come from this admittedly valuable writing?

    So few see it as valuable info and even those who do, are not willing to change. You know this, Mou.

    Now what?

  10. Maybe it's evolution and we're all changing into zombies?

  11. Shhhh Deb. The Hiney Flu virus Ruse is supposed to divert everyone's attention away from that reality!
