Sunday, October 11, 2009

Loving My Sexy New Ironing Board

It is a great ironing board. I would like it to be about 25% longer to handle my long shirts but with a bit of practice (i.e. five dress shirts a week for xxx amount of time) I am confident I will be able to overcome that minor annoyance.

The width is good and the edges are rounded allowing you to iron over the edge.

Opening the midget legs that fold into the body when not in use, and putting it on the table was the perfect height.

Those of you who do a lor of ironing will know the importance of "glide". The material on this board provides the perfect amount of glide with very little stick that is experienced when you iron direcrtly on a towel (which I have been doing since moving to Tokyo as my ironingboard no longer has the original cover and so I was forced to iron on a towel).

The metal mesh backing allows for the escape of steam bot it is essential to be careful with the steam as it could damage your countertop unless you put a towelunder your workstation.

I love that it has a hangar boilt into it so that I can hang it on my clothing rack for a very low-profile storage option.

I must say that this ironingboard would be espoecially beneficial to women who own s lot of curve-hugging or form fitting shirts because of the way the central part of the board has a curve, just like women.

For the price and novelty, and in spite of the limiting size, I would definitely recommend this to anyone living in close confines who would like a bit more space.

Have a great afternoon.



  1. So... technically, you're still ironing on a towel

    heh heh heh

    I've never seen a mini ironing board, but know I'm looking for one in our department stores.

  2. Let me get a link for you to see how this baby looks, Deb. And yes, technically I am ironing about 60cm above a towel.

  3. That looks major neato (and just a little bit creepy because it's in the shape of a human torso and hangs in your closet. It'd scare me if I was half asleep and opened my wardrobe door)

    I WANT ONE!!!!!

  4. You're so weird....

    Good thing i love weird.

  5. Well i have a laundry room and the ironing board sits next to the washer/drier... all set up and ever at the ready..
    I just plug the iron in and go!


    Maybe in my next place i'll try your lil doohickey...maybe!

  6. YOU could make an ironing board sexy
    only you!

  7. I'll/we'll be da judge o dat, yo!

  8. hee-he
    do we get a photo shoot of u n the board?
    like a surfer boy??

  9. shirt off, iron in hand?

    could be a great photo session.

  10. Deb - I like that you like the thought of scaring yourself in the middle of the night. It turns me on.. Wanna play with my board?

  11. I threw out my little styrofoam jury-rigger holder and the batteries on both vidcam and digicam are dead since I haven't had a connection for so long.

    It's too bad that Multiply doesn't offer live webcamming... I'd set up cameras around my apartment and let them run. That way you could all watch the empty apartment while I'm gone from 8am - 8 or 9pm... And when you couldn't see anything... well, you could just imagine red curtains fluttering in the breeze....

  12. Yeah... you know... like in the old days when everyone was too inhibited to admit that that hot couple on the TV screen, or in the movies were about to get it on..... They'd switch to "fluttering red drapes". It's kind of like how these days they show white doves flying off into a beautiful sky to depict feminine hygiene products... "Hey honey the doves are flying again... the neighbour must be having her period!!!

  13. LMAO!!!

    You're so freakin weird.... hehehehehehe...

  14. I know you're grinnin that shit eatin grin....

    Love it!

  15. I'm drawin a bath with epsom salts... tryin to stave off the dull ache that will set in soon from my five massage day...OY!!!

    Wanna join me? Jacuzzi for two? Bring more rum!

  16. I'd love to. Don't you have any more Japanese bath salts?

    (sorry I'm cumming and going between here and breakfast).

  17. Didn't think they'd have the muscle relief that good ole epsom salts have.

    Maybe i'll dump some of those in too... BIAB!

  18. Oy!

    I made it through...

    Was fiine til the last one...

    Never be the last client for massage.. not on a busy-as day like mine.
    Definitely not my all was given.

  19. Going for a clove before i soak... wish you could join me for dat too, yo!

    phooey on no cloves!


  20. oh my freeeking gawd!
    u r too phuquing funny

  21. I prefer Downey wrinkle release... and try by best to avoid ironing all together like the plague! LOL But glad your enjoying your new curvy roommate! LOL

  22. Hi Paula - With this sexy ironing board, and PhoEeebe my Hot Asian Lover mini notebook, I can now enjoy the menage a trois that I have always dreamed off! What could be better than an internet connection and a freshly pressed shirt??

  23. omghessoweird!


    What'r we gonna do with him Paula... or should i say "to him"?

  24. Well, if you and Paula come for a visit next year at the same time, I promise I'll keep my ironing board in the closet, PhoEeebe in her briefcase, and keep you two busy!

  25. sure... big talk... typical man...

    Actions, Baby... we'll see when that time comes.

  26. I gotta get you AND Paula here in the same space at the same time to prove that one... gonna be tough... gonna be tough.

  27. "keep you two busy" could also be busy with cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and other domestic things, yanno.

  28. US???

    Do chores???

    Some host!


  29. OYE .... MEN... how is it that a conversation about an ironing board can become convoluted to sex... and women doing all the housework?? LOL Go figure, Cam sweetie, I think you need to get out side for a walk.... perhaps the fresh air will clear up your head a bit... and help you come to your senses.... as I am pretty sure that neither Jen nor I will be any ones housemaid again.... not in this lifetime! LMAO... Perhaps you better read the booklet that came with your new ironing board, there might be a warning on there somewhere about the fumes from the "gliding" fabric.. that can cause a delusional state... make sure when you iron you have plenty of fresh ventilation... :-P

  30. Well... I might consider being a kept woman, by my sugar daddy. But NOT a housekeeper or Nanny...cause I don't speak Spanish, and that is a requirement to work for him as his son is bilingual and he wants to keep it that way. LOL

  31. Paula...i want to be a kept woman!

    Can you find me a sugar daddy?

    I'm done with the "for love" thing... i think...

    Maybe the sugar daddy will let me have a boo on the side.

  32. Jen - I guess in that case you can have your cake and eat it too! I love you!

    Paula - It doesn't matter; I still love you. Especially for your big feet and small head. Come see me again in Tokyo, will you? I'm sure Reed will give you a couple days off from the optimizing work you do for him?
