Friday, October 30, 2009

"Socialize Me!" The adventure continues...


That actually hurt more than the piercing even though the dr used a local anaesthetic. The pain lasted longer and was so sharp I couldn't get to my "safe space" this time like I did when I had my nipples pierced back in March.

Unfortunately the heat and huidity and sweat of Fukui led to infectons I could not shake. I went to a skin dr twice then to a breast specialist and got to experience an echo and a mammogram (the lump growing was neither mastitis nor cancer I was informed). He told me that if I didnt remove them (the nipple rings not the nipples) likely they would not heal.

I tried a while longer. In Winnipeg where it is dry they did fine but as soon as I got back to the high humidity and constant dripping-with-sweat Fukui in August both nipple pierces AND my belly pierce (done in January) got infected pussy and goopy/custardy again.

The final straw was when blood came out of the one "good" piercing. I took them all out at the end of August and all the holes closed up. Enough was enough. I gave it the old college try as best I could and have great and sexy and erotic memories of this great adventure.

The only problem is that the infected left nipple had nowhere to drain the pus so for two months it has been building in a sac under my skin. The swelling finally got too uncomfortable to ignore so I came to the Tokyo version of the Saiseikai Hospital (read: big, modern, safe) to have it taken care of. Little did I realize...

The doctor looked, proclaimed that the area was swollen with bacterial pus accumulation and it would have to be cut. He had me lay down on the examination table, swabbed, injected with anaesthetic to the point where the area was extremely distended like a golf ball (read: intense high-pitched long-lasting pain), cut with a scalpel, squeezed out all the accumulated pus, stuffed the hole with gauze, covered it with copious quantities of yet more gauze, and told me to come back on Sunday, Monday, and next Saturday to have it cleaned and inspected.

I look like I've had a mastectomy as I have a definite B-cup sized left breast with this gauze (now I know how women feel with one breast larger than the other - talk about another great learning experience!).

I will get a prescription now and then have to come back Sunday, Monday, and Saturday again for follow ups. That will probably cost less than $5 a pop.

My gotch is soaked from the sweat absorbing the pain. Good thing I always carry wet wipes in my "Doraemon Pocket of Infinity"!

Man that hurt...

Time to go pay... JPY 2730 or about USD $25 only.

Now Im waiting in a pharmacy for my prescription... a little sign says, "wait time is about 20 minutes"... but I have a sneaky suspicion it won't take that long. The medicine will be for five days...

I got my medicine in less than 20 minutes and it only cost JPY800 or USD $7.

So the entire process today took me a grand total of about two hours and cost less than $33.
How's that for "socialized medicine", eh?

It's a gorgeous day. I think I'll go eat some food so I can take the medicine (pain killer included... and my nipple stings!) and then go get myself fitted properly for a bra!

Thanks for coming along on this adventure and I hope you didn't lose your dinner in the process.

I love you!



  1. Good news, Mou!

    Glad this discomfort has been taken care of... finalee!!!

    You should get some rest now.... after you EAT of course
    Maybe lounge out on the balcony... though it's prolly a lot cooler up there and no sun, huh?

    Oh well so much for my bright ideas.
    But you should rest. Build up your immunity to fight off infection.

    Besides, you've had quite the week. you could use some rest.

    Later, sweety.

    Oh, P.S. Maybe when you're on a non thumb communicator you could write a bit more about your health care experience and why it cost so little.
    How much you actually pay for insurance and such.
    I think you did some before, but our fight here still rages on.
    Could use some reinforcement.

    IF you're up to it.

  2. OMG-I think I am going to be sick from the description.
    *handing you some guaze*
    Glad it is all good now though.

  3. oh u poor baby!!!
    ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!
    need a kiss?

  4. I'm thinking your glad you didn't get your foreskin pierced.

  5. Ok.. sitting here at the bar reading this.. and.. clutching my breasts. Sympathy pains. Owowowowoww ouch.


    and totally agreeing with locarb.

  6. Me too... me too... Thanks for reading this. I hope it didn't make you gag too much...

    May I clutch your breasts in sympathy?

  7. I can't believe I write these blogs on my keitai! When I come back and look at them they are HUGE! But then again, so is my life and the adventures I live. It is only fitting. Wait until you see the next one... thumbing up soon.

  8. My boobs ached in sympathy. It sounds like a freaken nightmare, but I'm glad you're on the mend.

  9. He did, indeed, Deb! In fact it got him ootnaboot for a great adventure! For some strange reason though his most exciting adventures always seem to take him to hospitals...

    Life, Oh Life!

  10. Yes.. you may. *sticks out chest in sympathy*

  11. Actually the breast massage feels awesome...

    Therapeutically speaking that is....

    I could teach you how, Mou.... maybe... hehehe....

  12. Thank you, Dr. Steinert.
    Thank you, Jen.
    No wonder I have to go back today; lots of blood drainage, I guess. The gauze is a nice dark red.

  13. Ewww... sounds like bleeding if it's dark red.

  14. It is! It is! That's what makes it so wonderful!!!
    I can hardly wait to see what the scar looks like after it granulates shut.
    What an awesome tale I'll be able to weave...

    It's Skecher time!
    Love you!
    Have a nice Macy Time.

  15. Ummm... modern medicine can make scarring minimal, Cameron.

    I know you love being .... different, but why eschew modernity in this case when you LOVE it in so many other ways... TechnoToyBoy!

    ... sigh... what a dork!

  16. I've been around for a lot longer than you realize. I'm Max the Mouse. I'm 2000 years old.

  17. It still seems pricey to me. I would have cut, lanced, and drained you for free!

  18. Rob - Yeah, but would you have given me sass the way the nurse did, and the way only a woman can do?

  19. LOL@ Duckie calling Rob DevilChild!
