Friday, October 9, 2009

Sea Chicken Sushi to Go, Please

When I was at the gym the other night I caught a snippet of a TV show talking about the perpetually increasing price of maguro (the kind of tuna used for sushi) and how the catches areso slim these days they might need to put a moratorium on maguro fishing in hopes that a break in fishing MIGHT help bring the populations back up.

This is shocking news to Japanese because to them maguro is just as plentiful as seawater and it is a resource that "cant run out" (they consume it like North Americans consume petrol).

Unfortunately we cannot blame Japan entirely for this. How many of you out there have never had sushi? Yes... it is a food that has become popular around the world. Very popular because frankly it is frikkin' delicious!

And now countries like China are moving up the economic ladder as well and getting a taste for the "good life". When you take a country as populous as China and India... well one might say that rather than "nibble" away at our resources they devour them "wole hog"! We in the west cannot stop them as we did the exact same thing during our massive growth phases in decades gone by. Oil, water, wheat, steel, it's all going to feed a ginormously starving country whose peoples can finally sit down at the table and order a piece or seven of the global resource pie. We have no right to say no. It would be akin to spanking your child for smoking while your sucking on a fag yourself.

The Japanese are, needless to say, alarmed by this sudden understanding. They feel it in their dwindling wallets, where we humans often are forced to go before we finally act on something. This alarm is a good thing actually because it may force at least one country in the world to rethink how the finite resource we all love and take for granted actually do have limits.

But you know... people of any race creed or colour never grow from good times; we grow from our hardships. It is through loss, pain and suffering that we have our greatest life lessons. And if we listen, think and learn this is how we grow to advance our understanding of life, to advance our cultures and our spiritualism.

All this just to say that I FINALLY opened my 2kg (4.5lb) can of Taiji dolphin --- oops! I mean foreign imported tuna that I have had sitting in my pantry since this past June or so and am enjoying it immensely with a huge salad for breakfast!

Now get out there and do something that scares the fuck outta ya then come back and tell me what you know!

Time to hang the laundry then get ready to go to work. Im on a team that is working on an important project and the deadline looms menacingely like a baby seal waiting to get clubbed to death by a Canadian sealing industry man. Those baby seals are dangerous!!
I love you!


  1. Maybe. But I can still turn out blogs with only two thumbs and a teeny cell phone that are longer than many people will write in their lifetime! And they have a full qwerty keyboard and eight digits more than me to boot!

  2. WooHoo!!!

    THAT in itself makes you weird.

  3. Weird is in. Just ask your son. And thank you for sending me two new pairs of Skecher work-related shoes in black. I can hardly wait! If they are as comfy as the brown leather Skecher runners you sent me a few years ago Im going to be in heaven at work (and on the dancefloor the next time Matt invites me out on a nightclub date!)

    I love you!

  4. It was my pleasure, Mou.
    Did you try them on yet?

    You know, you can wear them inside now as they've never been worn outside.
    They're not dirty yet.

    So... tell me how they fee, ya weirdo!

    Love you too!

  5. I'm glad this is happening in Japan. Now that it's on their front doorstep, they can stop jumping through that legal loop hole that allows them to trawl for whales in Australian waters.

    I'm trying REALLY hard to feel sorry for the Japanese, but it's just not happening.
