Saturday, February 16, 2008

A fireside breakfast

It's been a while since I had a little "fire" in my life!


  1. god you're adorable....

    I love your ending..little finger wave...

  2. Five minutes of looking at your ugly mug!!!...PLEASE!!!

  3. I wish that we could shrink these things down because the size that Multiply puts them up at is the larger than 100% which means they pixelize and look crappy.

    Hey, Jose. Loved your videos. Very very good. Thanks for putting them up. Not everybody gets to go out to the opera house with a beautiful woman, you know. Some of us live a ... "slightly less opulent life". Good night.

  4. Cam... Jose's was lonnnnnger than yours.

    I think you need t call him on that.
    Jose... over 7minutes????
    i started to doze... though it is late ..
    i need sleep.
    and Cam the fire was nice.

    Actually you can just keep a running feed of fire and i'l just stare at it til i fall asleep

  5. sure mine was longer, but it covered a whole day...this guys posts a 5 minute video on a campfire?...with nothing for us to look at other than his ugly face?...Gimmie a break..

  6. Thgis guy obviously likes to hear himself least Paula is nice to look at...who wants to look at the Geico cave man for 5 minutes....

  7. Well I have never seen an egg peeled like this before either! LOL Learn something new every day I suppose....

    I got cold watching it...warm fluffy snow, or wet cold snow....its all still snow... and burrrrrrr!!! I guess we won't see any snow swimming from you this year......LOL

    I love fire also, and can just sit and stare at the flames and how they change shape and shift and how the coals burn red hot its like watching art, live..... and it smells good, and crackles and is warm and I am all about the warm... and don't worry I am not a pyro either....LOL I don't think??

  8. Jose - See? Somebody learned something from it! Although, I must admit I did enjoy watching Paula... Hey Paula, want to come back to Japan for a holiday?

  9. I want to learn that egg peeling trick! And I wish we had thought to build a fire in the living room fireplace for you while you were here. That would have been way groovy.

    I love you.

  10. I love the sunlight reflecting off of your bracelet just before you waved there at the end. Perfect touch! A little goodbye twinkle....


  11. learning how to peel an egg from this video?. well, trim it down to just that sequence and you'll have a good video...otherwise, too long.....waaaay too long.

  12. I enjoyed watching Cam eat, talk, read, drink coffee...

    BTW Cam, how is that book??

  13. I'm glad someone enjoyed it....I certainly did not....

  14. Jose - I won't tell anybody. I promise. You watched it four times, didn't you? Shhh... it's our secret.

    Linda - Just got into the second chapter. It's OK. A little... "metaphysical", but interesting.


  15. That looks very pretty with the snow, and a yummy breakfast!

  16. My fire cauldron is under a lot of snow right now! Ugh. It's snowing sideways as I type - I am watching the neighbor try to clear his patio. I think he's losing...

  17. I tried to get through it...that's why I kept going back...I still did not finish the whole thing and I'm not going to it's too looooooong!!

  18. Oh Cam, I do love and nice fire and the smell it gives off. My very first apartment had a fireplace in it and I loved it. I especially like camping and building fires.
    I tell you what though, I want to have breakfast with you! My gosh, I have never seen a breakfast like that.
    I liked your little ending to your video...very nice and so Cam! Jose-he is just jealous! *throws back head laughing*
    Love you.......M

  19. *sniffing Cam's clothing*

    AAAhhhhhh, love that campfire smell.

  20. He always smells funny....he needs a shower and a haircut!

  21. HA! I had to watch again and again, specially after I got home from work. Just to sit back and chill out with you as you sit by your fire Cammy. It was sooooo great!

    And you are just adorable!

    Now Jose, Cammy smells good and he needs to grow MORE hair not cut off what he has. tee hee.

    I love that hat!

    I love the finger wave!

    And I love you.

  22. Cammy needs a haircut

    Cammy needs to make shorter videos

    I hate the hat...

    what finger wave?....the video is too long and I guess I haven't seen that part yet....

    Adorable?....gimmie a break!!

  23. Psssst. Cammy did you do something to piss Jose off? Better say you're sorry darlin. Hahahahahaha

  24. Cam, we just watched a movie yesterday where the main character looked a LOT like you... I noticed it, but more so Amanda said something first. The movie was called Sunshine.... not a really smash at the theater but a science fiction flick that was OK, he played the role of Cappy but his really name is Cillian Murphy. Know who I am talking about?

  25. No I don't. But now you have me all curious George, like...

  26. Well I googled him and yes I do see some resemblance. Cam do you have a twin brother with those same amazing blue eyes?

  27. I went to look for his pic too but definatley not our Cam. He does have those gorgeous eyes though!

  28. I posted the imposters pic on my page. What do you think?

  29. I saw that movie last week, He is an english actor, he was also in that movie red eye playing the nut job on the plane. Sunshine was good

  30. I forgot he played that role on Red Eye, that's where I remember that face....but in that movie he didn't look as much like Cam as he does in Sunshine. LOL

  31. The other guy he has been in a few movies au naturel

  32. He was also in those 28 days movies, he looks alot like that guy who is on that show smallville who is superman also smaller in stature, cam looks more masculine then Cillian

  33. Well thank you, Kristen!

    And I think I might consider downloading the series. It was something I have always wanted to watch. I know we can rent the series, but with downloading now... Then again, Mayu won't watch the download because it doesn't have subtitles and she misses the finer points...

  34. I'm impressed by the egg thing- no worries of me trying this at home (and potentially poking out an eye or something) cuz for some reason my eggs always come out hard boiled- hmm what does that say about me I wonder...? haha!

    I likey you hat! Very chic.

    Thanks for the fire Cam! I could stare at it for hours! The only thing missing when virtual fire watching is the ability to poke it- I loves to stir the fire- ummm perhaps I AM a pyro? I've been called worse LOL!

    Whatcha reading you n that Linda lady... curious minds love to know about books!! Anything you'd recommend for me to check out?? *besitos*

  35. Lisa - This is "The Secret of the Ages" by Robert Collier who shows up a lot in The Secret (even though he died 60 years ago - pretty cool trick! I guess he is pulling an "E.F. Hutton" if that makes any sense to you). Would I recommend it? Possibly. I've only read the first couple of chapters, but I think I need to be in a different mindset to truly appreciate it.

    I WOULD, however recommend PLUM WINE. It is a story of an American woman in 1965 who spent a couple of years living and teaching at a woman's college in Tokyo. The cool thing is that where the story takes place, where she visits, the train lines she rides, the places she goes to all are about 10 minutes away from Mayu's parents' place! That is the biggest mindblow for me! It was amazing to read a book and say, "I've been there. I walk that path all the time. I've eaten there. I've seen that temple. I know that place. I've ridden that train line. I know that custom." It was cool.

    If you want to know what my life was like when I came here (modernized of course by 24 years), that book will tell you. I experienced everything she did (except making love to a Japanese potter). Very cool book. Very good.

    Jenny sent it to me. She loved it. Linda loved it too.

  36. Cool-Cam, Thanks for the recommendation!

    I've had that experience reading a book that takes place somewhere you know well; unfortunately for me the book wasn't awesome or recommendable lol.

    Sorry about the Japanese potter- maybe next life? teehee -sorry I just couldn't help myself! I might have to get on the boat with you and Jenny and Linda *runs off to* *tosses kisses over shoulder*

  37. It was a great read, Lisa (or anyone else).

    I loved the historical perspective on two fronts... that of late 60's Japan/American cultural clash and...AND the underlying historical and personal story of the bombing of Hiroshima and the people who survived.

    I didn't know there was a term for them and a whole subculture of guilt and shame among what were essentially "victims".

    Damn... i should have done a review like Matt does (he must read a book a day).

    Maybe i still will.

    Later, my peeps!
    My 7 o'clock massage is here...


  38. Jen - and don't forget the steamy love potter scenes that would have made Jacky Collins blush!

    Stefnee - Sorry, darling that is NOT steamy love scenes with Harry potter. In fact, I don't think he was hairy at all! *wink*

  39. salad and cucumbers fro breakfeast...ok..
