Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Up To Speed, Part Lucky 13: Globalized Love is Born at Last

Through 2007 everyone in the 360 Globalized Love Community got together and we collected enough money to get me a ticket to Kayak's wedding in PR. That was when I met Jenny, Jose, Inesta, Kayak, Cynthia and more wonderful people for the first time. It was an awesome memory! I love these people because they are sosososooso real and genuine.
Any other details of my life between the beginning of my blog life (September 2005) and now, can most likely be found on either my 360 page, or on my Multiply page). Googling my name and some keyword in Google, Yahoo, or my favourite brings up a lot of surprising things. My flickr page has a few thousand photos of life as I see it, and I now have at the time of writing (2008/02/09), 270 videos on YouTube! And the list goes on!
On February 24th, I met Shivdeep from India, when he came to Tokyo to visit his friend. I'm looking forward to this as Shiv will be the 19th Internet Axe Murderer that I have met since I started blogging. Here are the names of those I have met to date:
Steve, Chaos, Allison, Dunnster, Robin, Adrian, Steph, Matt, Paula, Jose, Jenny, Inesta, Carrie, Cynthia, Jaime, Mavis, Rebecca, Linda, Shivdeep.
That's not too shabby, if I do say so myself! I intend to make that list go higher as I spread my Globalized Love to anyone who is willing to meet me.
I'm sure that if I never get found by some talent agency, should I ever decide to try my life in the corporate rat race, whenever the Human Resource does a background check on me they will pull up a huge amount of damning (but extremely interesting) video, blogs, and writings with my name on them! But am I worried? Heck no! If they can't take my creativity, then they aren't good enough for me and I would never be able to utilize my potential with them anyway! (The same goes for my hair length).
This is life in Japan, and I hope that it brings you "up to speed" on me.
I love you!
Up To Speed Links:


  1. I love you, CammyMou!

    Twas a great series indeed....

    of course after a year and a half, i think i was familiar with most of your story...

    and i still love you anyway..hehehehe

  2. I for one am glad you blog, and that I blog... I have met some wonderful people through this forum, including you... not to mention someone very VERY dear to me, who changed my life who happens to live in Florida, and without the introduction via 360 we never would have met......

  3. What an enlightening series.. thank you so much for putting yourself in words that speak to my heart..


  4. Lucky 13.... what a great little series on the Life of Cam.

    I love you!!

  5. hmm, I have to think about this, and might forget some people
    I met JQ on line after he read my blog, but we actually me via yahoo personals, so I dont know If I can count him BUT
    JQ, Camster, JenJen, Cynthia, Flavia, Pichin, Luz, Andy, Myra,
    People I met then dragged in to blogging...
    Noel, Taino, Luis, William, Carrie Jr,
    People I have a plan to meet in the next few months (still crossing Jen's fingers for the flight to happen to NY)
    Stef, Linda, Linda, David, Sheila,
    and then there are the 20 plus others I want ot meet, Shadow, Ig, Amy, Sherry...
    oh my!

  6. Its great meeting people I have talked with, blogged with, chatted with, laughed and cried with here in cyber space. It fills me to overflowing with love for every one that I have met and I hope to meet more as well.

    I have met:

    Amber and her family, David, Haley, Aly and his friends and family, another David, Andy, and you Cammy. Not to mention my longtime friend Janice and my daughters who blog, Becca and Oshun.

    Let the love spread and the circle grow.

    I love you.

  7. And, I keep hoping Paula is talking about me, since my Mom wants me to marry her, but alas...

  8. LOL yes Matt I met you too via 360.... this lucky small world we live in! LOL

  9. That does look yummy, I shouldnt look at that on an empty tummy

  10. yay for the net! Luv u 2, peace out, xo
