Thursday, February 14, 2008

Up To Speed, Part 3: Breaking Up is Hard to Do

It was also at this time that I had just broken up with my fiancée whom I met in University. She was a dog trainer, ski patroller, bilingual Ukrainian Canadian gal that I liked a lot. She also cycled and liked to travel. We dated for three years and finally got engaged.
At one point she told me that once we got married I wouldn't need to see my best friend Lorne or Darrell anymore. She also told me that I wouldn't need to play that "childish game" called Advanced Dungeons and Dragons anymore either (which I accredit my amazing imagination to, by the way).
She proceeded to tell me that since she had done a lot of traveling in Europe, we would not be doing any traveling until our kids had fully grown up. Oh, and by the way, she was going to have her two children born by the time she was 30 years old, "thank you very much".
I called things off pretty quickly after all that. Something inside me just died.
From there I moved back into the biotech field, thinking that I really did belong there (wrong!). I got a job at ABI Technologies doing more cancer-related research. I think I stuck with that job for about 6 months to a year.
I love you!
Stay tuned for Part 4: My First Baby


  1. I'm so glad you ran so very fast from this.. *hugz*

  2. "my first baby"...

    What a tease.

    It's good the princess said all that BEFORE the wedding.
    I 've learned the hard way to ask and learn all you can , even if it hurts or you think it will kill the relationship.
    Better it die before you're married with kids.

    Trust me on this!
    You dodged a bullet.

  3. "HER two children?" Did she plan on having a sperm donor? I agree with Jen, you really did dodge the bullet that time Cammyloooh

  4. I would've been out the door at the first mention of not being allowed to play AD&D! She is clearly Chaotic Evil! :)

  5. Luckily you escaped, and hope you had your +3 Halberd with you!

  6. Actually, Matt, it was a vorpal short sword, and it was fused to my wristbone after opening a cursed treasure chest. You can imagine all the trouble I got into going into taverns for food and always looking like I had my hand on the hilt of my weapon ready to lash out at any act! And I was a good character! I was a bard!

  7. Damned cursed treasure chests! Grrrr!

  8. I was no longer able to play my lyre for the wenches serving me at the taverns!

    (I also had to re-learn very quickly how to take a pee....)

  9. I was about to say - Didn't you remember the cursed treasure chest! C'mon now, we discussed this before!!!!! sheesh. *winks*

    And you had a wicked DM, Cam. What did he or she say? "Make a dex check for using the jakes..."

    I mean... seriously! *grins*

    And I agree - she definitely sounds Chaotic Evil. Or maybe just True Neutral. I always thought True Neutral characters were just plain freaky.

  10. Only a Lawful Good such as yourself would think that! Neutral rocks! Just ask the Swiss!

  11. The Swiss aren't True Neutral...c'mon... True Neutral does what's best for them, including switching sides mid battle in order to be on the winning team ;o)

    Besides, I am most assuredly Chaotic Good. Ask Jase. *wicked grin*

  12. I always loved playing Lawful Evil. It's fun, with rules! Like hockey!

  13. I always liked playing chaotic good characters.

  14. that freaking Jose is not around
    we want the full monty
    quit cutting us short!

  15. As usual, Cam, your page is always entertaining...

  16. glad that you got out of that relationship. It reminds me of a bad relationship that I was in once upon a time. I'm glad that you saw the reality before you were married.

  17. When they tell you who you are, its time to get a dog.

  18. PPC - And then you and the dog become one.

    Miss Lovegood - Thanks for your comments.

    Lav - Hey you! Glad you came by.

  19. You are welcome. Some times knowing that you are not the only one can be very comforting.

  20. did she have her kids at age 30? She has balls, man! (excuse my french) LOL
