Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Breast Cancer Support

Robin left a message on one of my blogs about clicking a link in her "blast". When I followed the link, it led to a site related to breast cancer. Thank you for sharing this, Robin. I would like to share this as well as I think it is a worthwhile effort.

I would like to add this breast cancer support link to my blog so that those of you who think this is valuable, will have the opportunity to do something:

We can click on this link daily and with every click donations will go to the right places. I just did.

(The fine print at the bottom of this site says that royalties are paid to the appropriate funds. I imagine that this means that every click of the link pays the owners of the site, LLC money and the sponsor money will go to the fund that is collected to allow women who cannot afford to pay for mammograms, to have them).

My mother was a chemotherapy nurse for decades and I lived with daily updates and obituaries about patients that did and did not make it through their ordeals. It was sad when I was young, but prepared me for my later years and has helped me to be able to deal with death and dying in a calm, understanding way without breaking down and being of no use to the people who are really grieving.

I also worked in cancer research for a period of time as well, so have some exposure to this important subject from the "other side of the bench".

Brian Peskin has written a landmark book entitled, "The Hidden Story of Cancer" which brings together all of the research in the world that shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that cancer is NOT genetic, meaning just because a family member died from it, you are going to get it. This is not correct (please buy and read the book to understand why the pundits, and health "officials" are incorrect but afraid to admit the truth). The research over the past hundred years, and specifically that done meticulously over and over and over by a Dr. Otto Warburg shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is ONE PRIMARY CAUSE and that primary cause is ALWAYS a lack of oxygen to the cells. There is nothing else.

You can read about (and order) "The Hidden Story of Cancer" at his website, In fact, I strongly suggest you look over this site in detail as there is a LOT of information on cancer, carbohydrates, and PEOs (formerly called EFAs until the nutrition industry got on the bandwagon and screwed it all up - again) because it WILL change your life for the better.

In his book, Brian explains how all of the myriad of other causes are secondary, and tertiary which helps to understand why even though billions of dollars have been spent since Nixon's time on the "War Against Cancer", it has NEVER been eradicated (unlike polio and other "wars against..."). Everyone is looking for a cure in the wrong place and unlike physics researchers, everyone wants to be "the first and only discoverer" therefore they do not share their results, nor do they collaborate (like they do in physics). And this results in HUGE wastes of time and money as people go off "chasing the tail of the comet", as the late Nobel Prize winner and physicist Dr. Richard Feynman has said.

I believe it is important to help our brothers and sisters around the world. This is what Globalized Love is all about.
And while you are there, look at this store item (it's the travel mug in the page above that you may have clicked on already). THIS is cool! I'd buy it.
Happy Valentine's Day from the future!
I love you!
P.S.   * Just to be fair to both sides of the story you need to understand that there are schools that have apparently disproved the "amazing benefits and value" of mammograms as well. It is important to understand this because every X-ray you take increases your chances of damaging your cells oxygen-uptake mechanism, thus increasing your chances of getting cancer. And squashing cancerous cells has been known to cause more potential damage as well as speed up the metastasis process. Rather than only follow what you hear from one side and blindly believe it, isn't it better to know the whole story? Yes, it is. So please read this and make an EDUCATED choice. xo
For years cancer specialists repeated their hypothesis as if it were a mantra: virtually all breast cancer has spread by the time it is detected. But now, seemingly overnight, that prevailing view has changed.
... It helps explain a puzzling fact abut mammograms for women in their 40s: although X-ray screening tests can find cancers in these women's breasts, regular mammograms have little or no effect in decreasing their death rate from cancer.
According to Dr. Hellman in his 1993 paper on breast cancer:  'This truly is dogma, rather than hypothesis generation and testing ... Current practices seem more consistent with religious excesses than with the conditional nature of scientific hypotheses and learning.'
... But in fact, mammography has not slashed breast cancer death rates. For women in their 40s, there's a tiny benefit, if any. For women over 50, only a tiny proportion of those who have regular mammograms live longer as a result."
"Breast Cancer Is Now Being Viewed as Three Separate Diseases," New York Times, April 1, 1997, pages B9-10


  1. ok i am on my way there
    and mammograms suck
    and Brian is one cool dude
    takes the fear out of life and puts the control back in our own hands
    dontcha think?
    ok maybe I am a freak
    but I still think so

  2. Freak - You ARE a freak. But I still think you are right. And I still love you. And yes, Brian DOES allow us to choose whether we wish to control, or be controlled.

  3. awesome stuff
    click it if you wanna find a gift for ANYBODY!

  4. especially if you wanna buy ME a gift

  5. I wish my friend, with Cancer, would trust this oxygen need.. she takes all these supplements.. and yet knows I can't possibly be "right" at all.. *sigh* Its just so sad to me..

  6. Thanks for posting this. Mammograms are NOT that bad. Yeah, they are uncomfortable, but it's not like you're trapped in the machine for hours...

  7. CD - It is almost impossible for people to accept this because the doctors know best all the time. And even though no cure has been found, it is always "covered up and explained away" with "well, it's complicated, we're almost there". Fucking right. "Almost there" for what? 40 fucking years? HA!

    Keep pushing her. Maybe you should order the book, read it yourself, understand it, and then gift it to her. Then keep following up. Relentlessly. Because you love her and don't want to see her go miserably like most cancer victims do.

    I hate to say it but the survival rate of cancer patients, even if having gone into remission for 10 years is sickeningly low.

    Robin - I wasn't commenting on the pain factor, as I have no experience whatsoever nor will I even dare to assume what it might feel like until I test it out by placing my testicles under the plates (which I will not do, thankyouverymuch). But rather, I meant that the compression of the cells, if cancerous already and usually if detection has occured, the cancer has been there developing for many years already and it is pretty much too late to do too much about it, as Brian explains in his book with references, the pressure to these cells can increase spreading.

  8. Cam there is cool shit on that page
    I am still shopping
    I found a whole bunch of CULTIVATE PEACE stuff
    this is awesome!

  9. She's on the almost right track, Cam. She see's a natural doctor. But that's because she's so allergic to pharmaceuticals.. almost a blessing, in disguise, if you ask me..

    I know she takes EFA's. I wrote to her about the book.. the PEO's because she learned about the EFA's from me, too.

    I think she means well.. she's just caught up in the everyday of it all..

  10. Re-education is hell. Look at people who get taken out of cults. Look at expats who have to repatriate. It's not easy. Keep at it, with love. Hopefully it will trickle through.

  11. Having a mammogram due soon is a little scarey this time for me.

    Like Robin i never had a big problem with them, but now with the implants, i worry about the pain, the possibility of damage (though i'm told there is no way the compression could... they even told me to stand on one of the models to prove they can withstand compression), or the loss of detection ability.

    What i'm thinking about is a thermal imaging diagnostic tool that i read about in an alternative health magazine. Have to check into it some more but i'm thinking it's the way to go.

    Thanks, Mou and to Robin too.

    I'm just home from a wonderful evening with Paula and Jose so i'll check out the link after a hot shower and cupp of tea.

    I love you.

  12. I never thought about mammography with respect to implants. Isn't the implant behind the muscle wall? Educate me, please.

  13. Yeah, Robin, mine are under the muscle, so i guess it should be fine as far as detection.
    And, again, i guess if i and my surgeon could stand on the model, with shoes, there is no real risk of rupture.

    I guess it's the imagery that gets the mind going.

    Will let you know next month.
    Though i still want to know more about the Thermal Imaging option.

  14. My acupuncturist does thermography.
