Friday, February 15, 2008

Natural Nature-all

Our garden, as we let it grow naturally. 2008/03/02

This might be a nice place to put my photos of nature.


  1. Makes it look like a very old tin photograph. Its lovely.

  2. nice look at the snow! Wish we had gotten some this year.

  3. awww...

    I miss snow.

    It snowed on Tuesday then turned into a huge slushy mess that drenched Paula and Jose in NYC.

    Can't wait to hear from them.

  4. I don't' miss the snow or the cold. I'm so glad that I live in Texas.

  5. Jen - I will send you some, ok? It looks lovely out right now - blue sky, blah blah blah AND it's supposed to be in the 20s, but God hates WI and is sending yet another storm our way for tomorrow. The weather service has already put the warning out and are saying it's big...not sure how big because it's still a ways off, but they're saying a good 8 -10 inches.

  6. Robin - Does your Suzuki eat up all that snow and run well through it all? My little Samurai did but because the wheelbase was so narrow it had trouble on the highways where the big trucks left snow ruts, or during the other three seasons, when they pressed down grooves in the highway. It was unnerving to be constantly shimmying back and forth between those ruts (it wasn't a steering colum or alignment problem, either - it was just that the wheelbase was narrow and the tires couldn't decide if they wanted to be in the left rut, or the right one!)

  7. My SideKick does amazingly well in all the snow, but it's getting to the point where I don't know if it will. The phuckin' city hasn't plowed the road my garage/driveway is on for over a month. I imagine they think we can handle the deep ruts and piling snow between them, but we just got slammed with several inches a couple days ago then bitter cold, so none of it had a chance to melt.

    The truck really starts shimmying after I force it through snow deep enough to pack in the wheels and then if I get up over 35 mph it feels like I'm ready to take off!
