Thursday, February 21, 2008

Up To Speed, Part 10: Moving on Up

We moved May 1st, 2005 from our 50 year old big house in Sanno, about 1km away to a 4 room two bathroom living-dining kitchen house that was only 12 years old at the time. It is in a newer area that is much quieter, and has even a better view than before. We are a little bit closer to the mountains and it is glorious. It sits on a hill, a little bit above the village, right under the nose of the mountains.
The only problem is that everyone here uses this as a bedroom community and commutes to work so it is extremely quiet. There used to be a lot of older retired people in the neighborhood we lived in for 12 years, but now, nobody during regular hours. And in Japan, at night, nobody uses the outside. They all stay in. I still find that very strange. Mayu and I go out at night on the 3m x 3m deck we built and enjoy the stars.  
I am a mountain biker. I own 3 mountain bikes (for different purposes) and recently bought a folding bike to leave in my minivan which I used to transport myself around. I like big vehicles because I grew up riding in full size trucks that my dad always drove. I like that kind of space. Recently I sold it because Tug passed away and I no longer need the space. I traded it in and got a used Suzuki Vitara which suits my needs at this point in my life.
I also enjoy the space of the country. I realize I could get more business if we lived in Tokyo, but we simply cannot. Even though Mayu is from Tokyo we have found that it drives us nuts with the traffic, the noise, the pollution, the lack of greenery, the food and water that is not as fresh as here and more. She likes it; me, I can take about a weekend and then I start to get antsy. I decided that the cost of business trips to Tokyo will be an expense that is in exchange for the beautiful Shangri-La in which we live. For now. Things can always change, and I am never against change; in fact I embrace it.
I'm off to Tokyo until Monday. Enjoy the last day of the week, then the weekend, and see how many people you can tell in the next four days that you love them, appreciate them, and are grateful they are in your lives.


  1. Awwwe Tug.... look how sweet he is...with those ears. He kind of looks a little like the dog that we met while I was there, the one tied out next to the road who would try to get a little frisky....what did you name that dog?? I can't remember... I wonder if he is still there even in this winter weather?

  2. You'd like it here too but in the summer you have to put up with the occasional noise of the redneck, four wheel riders. Whew. They do like to alter those machines to make as much noise as a jet airplane. I feel so bad for the wee woods animals when those monsters shatter the peace and quiet of the countryside. But as I said it is only occasionally.

    Love that dog!

    Love you too.

    I appreciate you, and I am very grateful to have you in my life Camasan.

  3. Ohhhh.... my lil Tugaboo! I LOVE that dog.

    He brought me to you, yanno?
    Imagine if you hadn't put his photo in your profile pics back on 360. *shudder*

    Safe travels, Sweety. Enjoy your weekend away.


  4. Apply named because it tugs at my heart that he is no longer with you. I think he looks a lot like Snowy from the Tin Tin comics. Here is a link so you can see if you agree:

    I love and appreciate you, Cam!

  5. Don't think that I could handle City life very well either. Glad that you are happy where you live.

  6. Be safe in your travels.. Hurry back! I already miss you.. *hug*

  7. What is antsy?

    Listen, why don't you move to the US??? : )

  8. Antsy = nervous.

    Canadian For Hire. Friendly. Good Natured. Will take out trash.

  9. I need someone who will take out the trash. LOL

  10. You find that to be a problem? Sheesh.........what some people would kill for. Me, I like it quiet. I think there is too much noise that goes on in our world that we do not get a chance to commune with nature.
    I love you, apprecaite you and glad you are in my life too.

  11. Michelle - I said the very same thing. But after doing this for four years in isolation.... well, it isn't all it's cracked up to be, let me tell you!

    I love you! Time to enjoy a shower....
