Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Camosophy: SHIFT - the paradigm

Miniature replica  Naga Spears

The Naga from Nagaland in North-East India used these spears for headhunting.
Although banned since 1991, the practice continues in the bordering forests of Burma.
The Naga believe that in order to attain manhood, heads must be hunted.
The invading Japanese lost many heads, as well as the British who went in to repel the Japanese.

Learn more about the Naga tribes here.

There is a superb discussion going on over at Jen's blog on the recent mudslinging over Sen. Barack Obama's wearing of traditional Kenyan garb by his "worthy opponent". You can see it here, @ www dot Obama under attack by the idiot brigade.

I started writing a brief reply, and well... I had an attack of the "three brain verbal diarrhea" which splashed all over her page and turned into this...

Let me add this brief thought if I may...

I agree with David that Sen. Obama will not likely be able to straighten everything out. More often than not, and I know that people don't like to look at this, but history has shown politicians to get into power based on their reform platforms, only to have to do serious modification of them once they "get to see ALL of the books". There are many things that these candidates will never know until they sit in the seat of Commander & Chief. That's just the way it is.


The important thing to remember is this:

A truly enlightened LEADER, with excellent leadership qualities and the desire to correct the "wrongs" in society and policy has a far better chance of employing, and putting into power all of the managers with similar goals who can then go out into the wilds and do their best to strive to REACH those goals. These people will be united to DO THEIR VERY BEST when they are looking for SOLUTIONS to the problems at hand. This means that many more of their goals will be reached, or nearly reached than if they are not united.

An excellent leader draws excellent managers, and this makes all the difference in the world. Be it in business, or in government, having the right leader will make, or break what happens next.

Although I am absolutely non-political, what I see with these elections and the electorates is that most of the people on both democrat and republican sides are thinking with the same mindset as the people had when the problems were created.

And as Einstein said (yes, Robin, your hero! - [paraphrased]) you cannot solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that was in place when the problem arose. You MUST have NEW THINKING, and often it must be radically DIFFERENT from the "old school" way that created the problem.

It seems that Sen. Obama is the only candidate who is willing (able?) to look at these age-old problems from a new perspective, one that is different and with a different paradigm. With this new paradigm, it is most likely that he, above all the other candidates may just have a greater chance of successfully improving the terrible events and conditions that have been very rapidly eating away the foundations of the World's Greatest Superpower, the World's Greatest Consumer, and the place where the desire for the freedom to succeed or fail at at one's own hand is held in the mind and heart of each and every American on or off American soil.

I love what is going on in Jen's discussion, and it is a very healthy discussion. I hope that she (and others) keep it up. Everyone is learning, everyone is sharing. This means that everyone who is willing to keep an open mind has the chance to expand their understanding, and thus improve their own personal competitive advantage in life. It is education or the lack thereof that raises the public to a higher level, or keeps them ignorant, and "opressable" by the ruling powers.

Don't lose your head to the "naga spears". Learn about the current American political waves that are rocking the nation, like a tsunami.

Get Eddicated!

I would just like to end my little soapbox tirade by sharing with you the current advertising / marketing philosophy of Nissan in their TV commercials.

Every commercial ends with a black screen and the Nissan logo. Underneath that logo is the word 'SHIFT' followed by a phrase that relates the consumers they are targeting with their product.


SHIFT - the paradigm


  1. Cam ok I am intrigue, what paradigm shift is Obama bringing to this election?. From all the polls the majority of the republicans and democrats wants compromise.. it seems to me that should the central theme of this election who can best bring all the factions of goverment together to reach the middle ground. Obama in the senate voted 96.4% with his own party that doesn't bode well. McCain on the other hand has crossed the aisle a number of times with the democrats at the displeasure of his own party and doesn't vote 96.4% of the time with his own party..

  2. I believe that my man's greatest asset is his ability to unite US...as in we the people of the United States of America. The paradigm is US...or us, depending on how you want to type it.

  3. WOW, Cammy!

    Well... it seems that this non political perspective is the most well thought out answer to those that are complaining about the call for CHANGE.

    To many they aren't sure and are frightened of what change might mean.

    All i know is i don't think it could get any worse than what we have been subjected to for the past eight years so i have little fear.

    Everything you say is true... maybe Obama can't bring abput a utopia, and YES his efforts will most certainly be fought and questioned, but to do nothing differently or to continue along the same politics as usual track will DEFINITELY not lead us where we need to g.

    Awesome, Sweety!

  4. Shadow - Look to the people. There are probably more people in the USA interested in the outcome of this erection, and who are doing more research on the policies of the candidates than ever before.

    That is a HUGE paradigm shift.

  5. Compromise!!!

    I never heard of people wanting compromise.

    We want change!

    I am not willing to compromise my right not to be warrentlessly wiretapped.

    I am not willing to compromise my rights to my body.

    I am not willing to compromise my desire to end this debacle in Iraq and talk of bombing Iran.

    I am not willing to compromise on the demand for universal health care ... the way most of the rest of the civilized world has it.

    Obama is running on change, not compromise.

    It is those who fear change who want compromise.

    Those who feared a free black people wanted to compromise... wait we were told... not so fast... these things will come over time....
    excuse my french, but...Bullshit.

    Rights are not compromised , they are fought for and won.

    I don't want to sit in the middle of the bus. or in front on alternate Tuesdays... that's compromise.

    The kind of changes Obama represents is a willingness to LISTEN to the people.

    That's what is meant by a Bottom Up process, rather than being told by big Daddy that e better do as we're told or the big bad terrorists will come get us

    The politics of fear and power and intimidation is what the people want an END to not a compromise on.

  6. Well said, Jen. My days of compromise are OVER. I've given my tax dollars/blood/sweat/tears to this country for 42 yr. and I want something back, dammit.

  7. Cam that may have to do more with being Anti-Bush then any shift in paradigm don't you think?

    Jen, then you have the same gridlock in goverment if the other side says the same thing "I am not willing to compromise" there are three branches of goverment you simply can not enact changes in one branch and expect it to percolates to the other two without compromises..

    as for listening to the people since when did Obama listen to republican voters, he voted 96.4% with his own party

  8. I disagree with the the statement that it's more Anti Bush than a shift in the paradigm...

    I dislike Bush... and while I will be glad to see ANYONE in the white house besides him... that's NOT why I like Obama.

    For years.... when I vote... I vote half assed... disliking most candidates.. but voting for the "lesser of two evils" .... it feels like.... a duty.. I have to choose one.. even though they both suck.

    this time... this time.... I am hopeful. I am realisitc that not everything can be 'fixed' with one president...but ... LOOK at the people who are interested in this campaign... the under 30 generation... who are coming out in droves to the debates, finally... *finally* taking an interest in politics... and it's not because he's black, or she's white.. it's because... they want change. They feel hope... they long for the shift... from the bottom up. Finally... the people are interested.

  9. I'm applauding you Jen for your very passionate statements on not compromising your idea that it is time the people of this country got up off the sofa and started standing up for our rights. I don't really care that Obama voted 96% with his own party. Maybe 96 % of his party were voting with common sense. But how would I know I wasn't there and I did not read anything having anything to do with our government until I began to listen to Barack Obama. Only then did I begin to see that it is our responsibility as citizens to fix the problems that the heavy hand of government has created this far. We have had a president for the past 7 years that has committed one impeachable offense after another and we HAVE LET HIM! We have not had the courage as far as I can see to call him to account for the criminal acts he has committed. We had lost hope. We had come to believe we had to accept whatever our government decided was best for its own deep pockets. We had given up. And the world has been watching. For the first time in my life I can see that I have a responsibility not only to follow the rules of our government but to help MAKE those rules. We have become a government from the top down and we were supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Barack Obama is helping us to get that pride back. He is inspiring hope and vision in our hearts again.

  10. I think I created a monster by letting Jen's most excellent blog and debate spill over here. Now everyone has to "double dip" to get the whole story! I'm sowwy!

  11. awesome Camster
    you are simply awesome

    I like to watch your lips when you talk


    wrong blog??



    Shadow wouldnt take the presidential test cause he knew I would beat him!!!

    I am still challenging you Shadow!!

  12. It's fine, Cam. I can toggle between blogs and I am confident the others can, too. But - they do not have a shallow dish of green M&Ms in front of them, do they???

  13. GREEN M&M's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Tellit, Mavis!

    And Stef's right. The young people are energized now and like my son, they do not suffer fools gladly.

    They don't buy into the fear tactics. They demand results and straight talk.

    It was noted that Obama, in this campaign has finally done what other Democrats have run scared from for hte past eight years.

    He's stood up to criticism. He corrects the record and is unapologetic.

    The Clintons and Kerrys and the business as usual politicians have back pedaled every time they were challenged by the right... not so Obama.

    He's a man of conviction and does not compromise his core beliefs.

    Robin... just green ones?

    i want red.

  15. green ones make ya horny
    red ones make you hyper
    blue ones

    who came up with that crap??

  16. Sorry I took so long...had to run out and get Jen some RED ones...

    Help yourself!

  17. I want red too. Red is my favorite color and I must have red. *crossing arms and pouting for red, I will not compromise*

  18. that is what color you get when you suck all the candy coating off

  19. I have green ones 'cuz they were a Valentine's Day promo...and since I didn't buy them for Valentine's day I got them 1/2 price.

  20. they are all the same color on the inside
    just like peoples

  21. some more nutty than others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. OMG....

    we're derailing..
    And my dog's sitting cross legged waiting for me to take her out.

    Be back soon.

    Don't have too much fun without me.

    Carrie, you're so cute.

    I love you.

  23. I updated the blog a little bit if you all would care to refresh...

  24. Mmmm...

    love the nutty ones!

    ok... last call... i'm outtie.


  25. I gave up head hunting a long time ago.

  26. Green for Valentine's day?? They coulda kept them for St. Patty's....

    ok.. I'm off to bed.

    Long day..... ugh. and tomorrow.... *sigh*...

    I don't wanna talk about it.

    Night kids!

  27. bummer
    I have a rich ex who wont pay child support
    I was gonna hire out

  28. Carrie - Maybe you could give him a "gift certificate" to a North-East India, all expenses paid (in full) Luxury Resort Spa in Nadaland.

  29. Well I got here a bit late, busy with puppies and fluffy stuff... LOL

    Not sure I can add more here other than to say, its good to excite the people and give them hope.. that is one thing I DO like about Obama, but I still have to look over the politics see what the plans are for reform. No one can fix things with one, or even two administrations...just as no one can totally screw things up within one or two.... even if we like to play the blame game...some stuff is also hitting the fan from previous administrations NAFTA for example..... but, over all its getting us United again behind our President... we are a divided nation at the moment, and that makes us a weak nation as well.

  30. For anyone interested in learning more about the Naga tribes, please visit this very detailed (and very long) blog from a Singaporean who made a trip to Nagaland... and lived to tell about it!

  31. So if I understand you, in order to effect real change we're going to have to cut off some heads?

    I think that's a great plan, and I'm totally ready to help. Just let me find my khukuri.....

  32. Rob - We studied and discussed so much in detail during our MBA that you got EXACTLY what I was writing between the lines! You clever Canuck you! I love you!

    Now get your infected arse over to Jen's page and comment!

  33. Just because Obama has "different" ideas, doesnt necessarily make them better. Communism and socialism are different ideas. So is Islamic fundamentalism, fascism etc. The whole "change" and "hope" can bamboozle clueless idealists who are swayed by romanticism without substance. Sorry, I need to see the meat.

  34. Yeah, Tony, cuz what we've had for the last eight years has been so wonderful any change would take us away from the good times we've been having...

    Cons know just what kind of change Obama represents (an if you don't go to his website and R_E_A_D), and that's exactly what they are afraid of.

    Afraid they can no longer keep the people divided and quibbling while they continue to shred the constitution and enrich the Halliburtons, the Exxons, and the rest of their rich cohorts.

    Change isn't always for the better, but after this long nightmare we've endured, unless Obama announces he is the Anti-christ, then i'm up for a little change.

  35. In case you havent paid attention Jen, a booming economy, low unemployment, continually growing GDP etc. etc. etc. to me indicates that the last 8 years have been pretty good. The ills of the economy right now are actually the result of government meddling with the economy. They dont worry me as the economy, when left alone, has its ebbs and flows. But if you want someone taking more of your money and giving it to others less industrious than yourself, fly the white flag to lunatics who want to kill you and destroy your way of life then Obama is clearly your guy, which I can see he clearly is. I've been following him since his name appeared on the radar 3 years ago. Believe me, I've READ and READ. His website is clearly NOT the place to go to find out what the man's about. I've focused on two things in your reply. The "shredding of the Constitution". I won't insult you by asking if you've actually read that magnificent document but I would like to know where it is that you consider this Administration has shredded it?

  36. Since you have clearly drunk the koolade as witnessed in your site and writings on other blogs i think it is pointless for me to go into the many many wrongs of this administration.

    and since i harbour no fear and loathing of Muslim people i don't fall for the right wing fear mongering that is Im sure, the "unbiased" material you have read regarding Barack Obama...you know the ones where they endlessly point out his middle name and "accidentally" mispronounce his last name.

    We shall agree to disagree but the polls show where a great majority of America is headed and what they want.

    If it comes to pass, hope you can handle it.

  37. I see. Pointless right. Right. Who's the kool ade drinker? Sheep nestled in the center of the flock protected by the ones on the fringes and the sheepdogs feel no fear of the wolf either. Particularly when they've never seen a wolf. That doesnt deny the existence of the wolf. It's okay, we'll protect you too.

  38. What booming economy? Have you seen any of this booming economy Jen? I haven't. I see millions out of work while their jobs are shipped overseas, I see people who have worked for years building pensions that disappear when their big corporations go bankrupt, is this the booming economy every conservative that is afraid of Obama's changes are talking about? Geee, I've been clueless for years now.

  39. Indeed you have. What are the measuring tools of the economy? Certainly not anecdotal information. How about unemployment figures, GDP, salary indexes, etc. etc. You know, those nasty things called facts? They have a way of interfering with clueless liberal braying. I'm not too worried about Obama getting elected. He can do only so much damage in four years which can quickly be undone as he puts the final nail in the DNC's coffin. That's IF he gets elected. I dont think he will but even so, that magnificent document we discussed earlier, the US Constitution (you know, the one Bush shredded), will keep him in check. Not to mention a nice dose of reality once he has his ass in the seat. I dont know what you've been doing Mavis but I've been enjoying this magnificent economy. Particularly since I've been giving less of my money away to the money pit that is the US Government.

  40. Typical, "iv'e got mine, the hell with anyone else "con mentality.

    This is the fear of the cons. It's all about money and scrounging as much for yourself as possible.

    All the military spending we can waste is fine, because it makes more money for the defense industry and suppliers, but fuck em when they come home because hospitals and social programs for vets... well that' s so expensive.

    Military wives have to use food stamps as their husbands are off in the battle fields.

    Yeah... some ecomomy!

    And anyway, there's more to healthy America than the economy.
    Seeing people divided is what these people live for so Obama is a threat...
    like the big bad terrorists.

    Oh and by the way, Mavis...

    I made $4, 000 LESS last year.

  41. Jen you called me a kool-aid drinker. What would you call the follower of a man based on nothing but his charismatic delivery, his skin color and his intangible messages of "hope" and "change". Jim Jones had the same effect on his Kool-aid drinkers right? Regardless, how much of our GDP is spent on the military? What percentage of the budget? Give me numbers Jen. Trust me, I know them. Do you? What we've spent on the military has no effect on the sub-prime mortgage problem and the cost of oil. Try to make a logical correlation. Yes I'm a conservative. I take care of getting mine for me and mine. I also tithe to the church and support my own charitable organizations. I dont expect the government to do that with my money. What is clear that has NEVER worked is taking someone elses money and spreading it around to those less industrious. You made $4000 less last year? Then either work harder or smarter.

  42. I think the anarchists believe in survival of the fittest. Don't they think that only the fittest and only those that can work hard should get the goodies and to hell with the weak, the maimed (like the vets who have had their legs shot off) and the old and the sick, should just be left to fall by the wayside? Don't they believe that its every man for themselves? Well how clueless of me to have friends and family that due to disabilities, can't work, can't earn a salary and have to depend on the money allotted to programs that provide the barest essentials, and put food on their tables. How audacious of me to have hope that things might get better for them.

    And how sad it is to me to see all the elaborate church buildings that are built and maintained on the tithe offerings of its members while the people that live in the shadow of those monolithic steeples are starving and can't send their children to college.

  43. Dont hit me with your emotional angst mavis. Suggesting I'm an anarchist does not add to the polemic. How about some data? Never mind. I'm clear you dont have any. If you did you'd know what's available to disabled Vets. I'm a twenty year Navy vet so I do know. Painting all churches with your liberal secular brush is judgmental and also a general statement. You know, like all Christians are right wing nuts and all Muslims are murderous lunatics.

  44. It's clear you have your conservative views, Tony,so we'll agree to disagree.... in a respectful way. That way Cam can learn about the American electoral system.
    And, the term "emotional angst" is redundant, as angst is an emotion.

    Have a good discussion.

  45. Cam's a pretty smart cookie and I'm sure he's got our electoral system figured out. Thank you for your pedantic correction. Figures, you give me hard data when I dont ask for it. The difference jen is that I've addressed the issues while both you and Ms. Mavis have decided to go after me personally. I'm pretty much done with this discussion.

  46. Tony - All three of you got pretty heated up here. But that's what happens during religion and politics, right? You know that, I know that. We all know that. That's why so many people avoid it.

    I don't know much at all about politics, but I must admit that I DID learn a LOT during my brief stint at studying business from 2006 for a year and a quarter. It was an eye opener to see how bad the US economy really is, and the precipice that it is hanging precariously from.

    Regarding "not asking for data", I seem to recall in your writings in this blog that you asked several times for numbers to back up Jen and Mavis' claims: "How about some data? Never mind. I'm clear you dont have any."

    I thought that it would be prudent to provide just a smattering on their behalf as I had some time this morning while enjoying my coffee and waiting to take Mayu to the train so she could go off to enjoy a concert in Kyushu.

    I don't think ANYBODY has your electoral system figured out (for example, how Bush won the election on a recount of Florida Votes after Gore had taken victory ... that still remains a mystery to many unless I am mistaken). Certainly not me, a Canadian living in Japan, and not any of us here on the blogs. All we can provide is what we THINK would benefit the people and the economy. Of course your beliefs are based on your experiences, just as Jen's are on hers, Mavis' on hers, and everyone else.

    Here is a good example... would you say that the US healthcare system is excellent? It seems that a very LARGE number of people are mired in a nightmare of private healthcare over there. And yet, at the same time, our friend Stefnee over in Kansas has had nothing but good experiences when she has had to go to hospitals, or make medical claims. So it does vary.

    Unfortunately, this time, there is a most definite growing concern among your own countryfolk that the U.S. real economy (and by that I mean what really affects the people on the street, not Wall Street numbers, and Economists dreams) is in trouble. Serious trouble.

    And when something this hard is hitting such a major global power something drastic needs to be done. Change IS essential. Change from what has been done in the past.

    Thanks for coming and spending time here. I hope you don't think it was a waste, because it wasn't. The more we learn from differing camps, the better informed we can become. And with this, we are able to make a difference.

    Really, I appreciate you coming here.

  47. Tony,
    You mention that "fascism" is a different idea. From where I'm sitting it doesn't look much different than what the Bush Regime has been practicing these last seven years.

  48. Hey Rob.. Cam.... so how's the weather there??

    *whistles absentmindedly*

  49. oh.. and I'd like to state for the record.. that I only like Obama because he's black, and he's tall, and he can dance. and I think he's cute.

    :D Cause I'm bratty like that.

  50. Stefnee - You rock! Nice day over here.

  51. Good.. good.. same here... it was in the 50's.. I wore shorts.

  52. I'm still wearing my polartec blanket sitting here...

  53. Anything on underneath that Polartec blankie? (You big stud, you!)

  54. Indian jeans too thick for anything but winter, polar fleece gotch, smartwool expedition weight socks under wicked warm llbean shearling and leather slippers.

  55. Thanks for your input Cam. You missed my point. I was being facetious. I had asked Jen for hard data earlier but not on the grammar or syntax of my input. Second, you must be reading the Dems version of the Florida fiasco. Point blank, Kathleen Bianco was doing her job as Secretary of State per the Florida Constitution when she called the election. She was following the letter of the law. Second, the Florida vote was recounted more than once after the election and the count went to Bush each and every time. The whole "stole the election" was Gore's squealling and the myth has been kept alive the media by BDS sufferers. Gore never had the numbers. Regarding health care, whether or not there are problems with the healthcare system is a debatable point, but I'm clear that getting the government to run it is NEVER the answer. I'm all about "change" but my original point about "change" was to ask out what exactly does Obama mean by that?

  56. Dunnster if you think this administration has been practicing fascism for the last 7 years you clearly dont understand the concept. Got that heavy BDS clouding logic and reason do you?

  57. Tony - Good morning. Your first comment was well written, although if you look at the Canadian, the British, the French, the Danish healthcare systems which are run by the government you will see that they operate much more smoothly and affordably than the privatized version in the USA.

    Your second comment borders on aggression and personal insult. You can go ahead and insult people all you want on your own blog; don't do it on mine.

  58. I suppose calling me an anarchist and a koolaid drinker is not aggression or personal insult. Gotcha. Just so you know, I don't insult people on my page or anywhere until I reach my own limit, which I've clearly reached here. Your "friends" like to throw rocks and hide their hands. I don't play that subtle cowardly crap. Point taken. I appologize and will steer clear of your page since your moderation is clearly slanted.

  59. Tony - They know they went overboard. There is great value in debate, but not when it degenerates. We're all human, and we all have flashpoints. Take it easy and feel free to pop in another time if you feel you have something valuable to add to the discussion. I appreciate it.

  60. Everyone - Thanks for all of your excellent thoughts, discussion and comments here. This was an excellent debate. I have learned a lot from your differing opinions, and perceptions of the situation in the USA and I really appreciate that.

    Let's move on.

  61. Me too.

    I'll be good... pwomise ;-)

  62. Cam,
    I don't "know that [I] went overboard." I used fascism because it's le mot juste to describe what's going on. We could go into a linguistic/semiotic debate about what constitutes fascism, but it looks like you've invoked closure, so I'll refrain from hijacking your blog.

    One thing though; For what is the BDS in "Got that heavy BDS clouding logic and reason do you?" an abbreviation?

  63. Rob - I wasn't saying that you went overboard with fascism because I know you were describing the USA as you see it. You did not call anyone a fascist, either. Your comment was quite apt, and perfectly acceptable.

    I don't know what BDS is, to be honest.

    .... wait! Could it perhaps be a fabricated abbreviation for ... "Brain Drain Syndrome"? Or how about ... "Bold, Direct, Sincere"? Hmmm... no no, couldn't be the latter. That would be a compliment.

  64. I found it, Guys:

    Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) - The term BDS refers to an utterly foolish or unreasonable state-of-mind, that affects some liberals. They blame President George W. Bush for virtually every ill in the world. They also oppose any position advocated by the President just because he supports it, regardless of the position's merits.

    I wonder what term they have for those who, even in the face of all Bush has fucked up (not perception, real live fuck-ups of his administration,like the Walter Reed Army Hospital scandal,and Abu Gharaib, and even 911 itself it can and has been argued), continue to see him as a competent able leader who has done nothing wrong.

    Hmmm... how about the 29Percenters or 29%ers.

    That's Bush's approval rating last time i checked. It might be even lower now. So with numbers that low it can't be just "liberals" and Democrats. Nope, there are even Republicans who've seen the light, had the fog lift, the wool pulled away from their eyes.

    The 29%ers are the remaining few tha think he's a "good christian man" and those who stand to gain from the high crimes and misdemeanors and general corruption of the Bush administration.

    Mercifully, however it shakes out, it will at least be OVER in 326 days, 3 hours, and 58 minutes.

  65. Jen - Thanks for digging this up. I really had NO idea what it stood for.

    I think that whoever coined that term, might have been dyslexic. Doesn't it make more sense as DBS which can mean "Deranged Bush Syndrome", or "Deranged Bull Shit"?

  66. Jen,
    You spoiled my day. I was sure it was "Big Dick Syndrome" and because of said prodigious member I simply wasn't get enough blood to my brain.

  67. Rob - Don't worry. After seeing you in the various sentos here and there, I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jen did NOT spoil your day. Nope.

  68. Ohhh.... sorry Rob.

    Well it could actually apply. You know liberals have more fun.
    Maybe it's because we're all being amply satisfied by our liberal brethren of the ample endowments.

    It's as good as their definition... better even.

  69. I thought BDS stood for Beautiful, Delicious, and Sexy. Hey that must be me. I'm doing the BDS dance right now. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  70. Wait, Mavis...

    I want to jump on that bandwagon too.

    I'll customize mine just enough for variety.

    Make me Beautiful, Desirable, and Sexy....WOOT WOOT!

    Indeed liberals do have more fun!

  71. Yes I think you're right you BDS goddess you!

  72. Y'all are havin' too much fun...and here I sit at work. It snowed again...

  73. Hey Robin...

    Snow days are slow days aren't they? If not chill out and make it one.

    Tell us your BDS moniker.

  74. Bodacious DELICIOUS Siren...

    Yeah, baby!

  75. Robin! I KNEW you were going to choose "bodacious" even before I read this comment. My mind was screaming... "when Robin sees this, she will pick bodacious" and so you did!

    I love the way you have turned this all into something fun and "feel good". That's the way it SHOULD be!

    I love you!


    BDS (bright, different, supporting)
