Tuesday, February 12, 2008

J-News: A Dog's Life

It amazes me how just a few years ago, dogs were considered ... something to pat on the head when "daddy" came home from work and to leave tied up on a 3ft chain outside under all the elements...
When Japan does things... they REALLY do things!
Even this one goes above and beyond my sensibilities, but I guess when you are hungry for making money, anything that will bring in the bones is worth the efforts... And everybody, after all, is looking for a little lovin'.
(That's "I love you!" in Doggonese)
Dogs exchange wedding bowwows for better or worse
The Nikkei Weekly
Feb 11, 2008
People are becoming more and more eager to spend lavishly on finding the right partner and having a fairytale wedding - for their dogs. Companies in the bridal and pet industries are trying to attract generous "parents" of eligible pooches with services like matchmaking parties, in hopes that they lead to wedding ceremonies for canine couples.
In Tokyo, Osaka and other large cities, dogs can have their very own wedding ceremony for anywhere from JPY 100,000 (about $1,000 USD) to JPY 300,000 ($3,000USD) or so. Antwerp Bridal, a Tokyo-based wedding services firm, charges slightly more than JPY 100,000 (about $1,000 USD) for its basic package, which includes ceremony fees and marriage certification.
Usually, total costs add up to about JPY 150,000 to JPY 200,000 (about $1,500 - $2,000 USD), as customers may also pay for wedding attire rental, venue decoration and other services. The average bill per couple is on the rise, according to Antwerp Bridal, because of growing use of extra services.
"Recently, we receive an increasing number of inquiries about our dog wedding service20-30% more than a year ago," said an employee of the firm, At Dog Amusement geihinkan, an entertainment, retail and dining complex for dogs and their owners in Osaka, a wedding ceremony and party, including an exchange of collars, costs about JPY 200,000 ($2,000 USD) in total.
A pet store operated by Joker Corp. at the LaLaport Yokohama commercial complex started holding matchmaking parties for dogs a few times a month in March of last year. Each party is intended for a specific kind of dog - poodles or Chihuahuas, for example.
Each guest accompanied by a dog is required to pay JPY 2,100 (about $21.00) to attend the party, where people and pets get to know each other.
Man's best man
Dogs are also taking a more prominent part in human weddings. Next month, Dog Amusement geihinkan will start accommodating wedding parties that canine companions can also attend. The pets can also stay at a pet hotel in the facilities while their owners are away on honeymoon.
WeddingPark Ltd., which operates a Web site for soon-tobe brides and grooms, sees the pet-friendly trend as an innovative attempt by wedding halls to attract engaged couples at a time when the number of wedding ceremonies is on a decline due to the rapidly aging population.


  1. oxygen tanks... bridal showers and marriages....

    what's next?

  2. Honey, here in so cal we have many "Dog Friendly Hotels" there are quite a few of them here in the US and especially here in California, Doris Day and her late son operated a rather high end hotel in Carmel Ca. which was very dog friendly inculding a special chef for dog meals....how times have changed lol

  3. Kristen - But... but... look at the cross! It's a Christian wedding! For dogs!

    And when Tug was very old we needed to take him with us on holidays so we always looked for dog-friendly places. Unfortunately, the smaller ones did kind of smell doggy, which isn't all that wonderful... We aren't a Doris Day & Co. kind of income family, you see...

  4. I know, I know, Im not suprised, wait till you see a $ 5000 birthday party with dog gifts from high end retailers its, well nevermind.

  5. Tell you what.. let's let them have their $5K birthday parties. You and I can go sit on the beach and have a beer.

  6. Actually here in So Cal, it would be best to have the beer on the beach rental porch which faces the water. the last thing we need is some San Diego beach partrol cop busting us, its a nice view from the porch actually, I like the wind chimes making their music as I watch the surf.

  7. Would they bust us if it was alcohol-free beer? That might be kinda fun...

  8. Wait a minute! It's 3.40am there!!! Are you working the night shift or something?


  9. Uh no, if you want to know why im up now, turn on your messenger LOL!!!

  10. You dont want to mess with SDPD, they are so used to dealing with hoods they dont mess around

  11. I see. Well, I must go and cook dinner now so I'll have to catch you another day. I hope you get some sleep. Yes, I know that insomnia can be a terribly debilitating syndrome! Have a great .... morning? I love you!

  12. what got erased?
    dayum i always miss the good stuff

  13. I'm with Kayak! Dayum and shucks! LOL!

  14. So do the doggie couple live together or are they seperated by the people. So many questions and so little time.
