Friday, February 15, 2008

Up To Speed, Part 4: My First Baby

During these years I owned a black lab I named Cabal, after King Arthur's Dog. I was an Arthurian aficionado and even belonged to the Society for Creative Anachronism for several years. I joined obedience school (the same one my girlfriend was an instructor at) and we trained diligently. Cabal was a fantastic dog. Cabal was a fantastic dog and even to this day, even though I have owned another absolutely amazing dog, Tug, with my wife, Mayu for 16 years, I still think of Cabal as "my baby".
Cabal died while I was in Japan. My dad called me crying saying he had to put him down. We think that someone poisoned him because he vomited up all of his blood on two occasions and had very little left when my Dad took him to the vet. A year later the big dog next door to us died the same way and that is why we feel it was poison and not a stomach cancer.
I love you!
Stay tuned for Part 5: Lost in Space


  1. The first is always the one who makes you the parent you are.

    I didn't know Cabal, but i fell in love with Tug instantly. He's what drew me to your page.

    Thanks, Tug.

  2. Its a cruel thing to poison an animal. Sneaky people who would not have the balls to just walk right over to a neighbor and voice a complaint *if they had one* in my opinion should be put before a firing squad of assault rifles. (No, I'm only spouting off, I really don't think that)

    But I have seen the suffering these animals go through that have been poisoned and its not pretty. I'm sorry your Cabal suffered like that.

    I get really bonded with my pets. So when they are no longer with me I miss them bunches. I bet Cabal and Tug are still with you somehow. Energy doesn't just disappear, it only changes form.

    I love you.

  3. I love you. I love black Labs some day when my kids are older and can handle a crazy big dog I am going to get me another lab.

  4. What a awful person it takes to poison a helpless animal. When I was a kid, we had someone that kept poisoning all the animals in our neighborhood.

    My youngest daughter watches those animal rescue television shows. I'm shocked at some of the things people do..


    I love you.

  5. *joing on the Cam love fest bandwagon*
    I love you!

  6. I have read and wept over some of the Tug stories you told, I felt like i knew Tug, But this was the first i heard about Cabal, and it was so sad! I remember when my gran passed away and 56 of her dogs all died the same week of distemper, It was heartbreaking watching my grandfather digging the holes to bury them all!

    That week had to be what i would call a living Hell!

    Thanks for sharing your baby story Cam

    Oh and We luv you too! (not to be left out LOL)

  7. Mark - That is a LOT of dogs! Was she known as "the dog lady"? That would have been heart wrenching for sure. Thank you.

  8. Four of my dogs were poisoned, the first Sweetie was the smallest, she and the puppy died, the larger dogs lived. Imagine, she scratched the door I let her out, that was the last time I saw her alive.
    They are shits these dog poisoners.

  9. PPC - Do you live in a third world country?

    Karina - And yet, life does move on. I love you! Heal your chronic illness. Start from the love within.
